But it's right to think about it carefully. Nowadays, people are tired of exercising, mainly because exercising is a very long process, and it takes a long time to see some effect.

And the pamphlet that the school distributed last time is considered a quick exercise method, with quick results. These people probably feel the benefits of it so they are so diligent.

"1.. not bad, not bad."

Qin Yang was walking among the crowd, while walking around in large numbers.

I really found a lot of talented people in martial arts.

And most of these people are nerds from the past, and the proportion of them is much higher than that of sports students.

This made Qin Yang doubt whether talent really has something to do with the brain, or how could it be so.

"Strong man."

At this time, Fatty's voice came from behind Qin Yang.

Looking back, I saw the fat man walking like flying, snoring with all his fat flung, rushing over with joy on his face.


As soon as Qin Yang stretched out his hand, the fat man stepped on the brakes and almost bumped into Qin Yang.

"Why are you running in such a hurry?"

Qin Yang asked.

Just halfway through the question, he froze, stepped forward and subconsciously touched the fat man's shoulders, arms, back and legs.

I haven't seen him for a week, and this fat man has become a warrior.

"Did you see something?"

The fat man winked at Qin Yang for a while, and his tone was a little arrogant, very inflated.

"Well, there are still some talents."

Seeing that the fat man was about to praise me, Qin Yang said something lukewarm.

Instantly extinguished Fatty's original enthusiasm.

"That's not right! You shouldn't have boasted about my hype, and then patted my shoulder and said:"

"This son will become a great weapon in the future!"

After finishing speaking, I still learned a sentence in a decent way.

"Yes, yes, one day you will achieve great feats, and you will rule the rivers and lakes forever, and you will be the only one in heaven and earth.

Qin Yang rolled his eyes and didn't want to pay attention to the fat man.

"Jinfu, don't you want to know why I am so powerful?"

The fat man touched Qin Yang with his shoulder, and said in a low voice with a smile on his face.

"Why? Could it be that the master was blind and took you as his apprentice? Your family is quite rich, so let's take your master to see his eyes first."

Qin Yang looked Fatty up and down for a while, and couldn't help laughing.

But despite saying this, he could still see that the fat man had a certain talent, but when it came to talent, he couldn't help but look at the fat man's stomach.

Others practice martial arts, the more they practice, the better their figure, but the more they practice, the fatter their belly will grow, which is a bit unreasonable.

"Fuck you, why is my master blind? What's more, I haven't started yet, and I don't have a master."

After the fat man complained, he looked around, leaned on Qin Yang's ear and whispered, "I sue you, my father found an elder from a martial arts sect through his relationship. What about sects?"

"What sect?"

Qin Yang was curious for a moment.

Although I have come into contact with many strange people, monsters and ghosts, I don't know much about the authentic sect organization.

I only know that Huiqing, who was involved in the incident of the female ghost in red, belongs to Jinguang Temple, and that Huangshan's daughter entered a gate in Tianguang Mountain, but the rest is not clear.

"Diamond Sect!"

After the fat man finished speaking, he looked excited and began to explain in detail.

"The Vajra Sect, it is rumored that it is a great sect in Zhongzhou, and there are so many strong people in it. All sects and sects have to show some face to the Vajra Sect. It is extremely powerful."

Diamond Sect?

I haven't heard of it, but the fat man continues to tell him non-stop.

"The Vajra Sect has extensive and profound martial arts knowledge. It is rumored that it belongs to a sect that is half externally trained and half internally trained. It has boundless strength and overbearing martial arts. It is very suitable for people like me."

The fat man had a smug look on his face, as if he was that kind of person.Seeing this scene, Qin Yang shook his head. If Fatty is such a coward, if he is expected to be domineering, the sun will probably come out from the west.

But on the other hand, he was also much happier for Fatty.

In this increasingly dangerous world, it is always good to have a backer. If the fat man is right, then the Vajra Sect is really a good place to go.

"Then you should practice hard, don't be cannon fodder then."

"of course."

The two chatted while walking towards the school.

When I came to the classroom, there was no quiet morning reading in the past, and everyone was talking about how many moves I had practiced in No. 19 radio gymnastics.

Occasionally, someone said that he practiced much faster than ordinary people, and immediately attracted many people to watch, constantly asking the other party how to practice and what tricks they had.

In short, the wind of martial arts is gradually rising.

"Hey, isn't this our Qin University bully? I heard that you're going out this week on leave. I don't know how your gymnastics are doing."

A disgusting voice sounded, and one didn't need to look deliberately to know who it was.

Gao Xiaofei walked up to Qin Yang with a few younger brothers, with a rebellious expression on his face, and he had to pull and pull his walking posture, wishing to raise his head to the sky.

"Qin Xueba, why don't we compete."

Gao Xiaofei stood in front of Qin Yang and said excitedly with a condescending expression.

After being suppressed for so long, he has made amazing progress with the help of his family during this time. He has been waiting for this opportunity to slap him in the face, and now he can finally avenge his shame.

Before Qin Yang could speak, the fat man on the side jumped out first.

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