"Thank you teacher for your great virtue!!! If a disciple can achieve the Dao of Immortals, it is all thanks to the teacher's great grace!!!"

For these compliments, Yan Feihong still had a flat expression on his face, and after all the top gods and gods had finished expressing, he continued to speak: "This sermon is mainly to teach us the truth of the heavenly gods. Let me tell you about some experience, so that when you are ready to attack the Heavenly Immortal Avenue, you can also be prepared in your heart."

"I told you earlier that there are three steps to achieve the Dao of Immortals."

"You have almost completed the first and second steps. The next step is to flow against the Tianxian River and ask Da Luotian!"

"The Tianxian River, also known as the River of Concepts, traces back to the time and space of the innate Wutai Era that has been disconnected, and descends to the distant and unseen future." I can find it."

"As for the river of celestial beings, because there are almost vast and immeasurable concepts of celestial beings at the same time, all living beings and spirits will feel a tremendous force of repulsion when they enter it." "The longer you stay in the river of celestial beings, The repelling power accumulated by the river of celestial beings will be greater."

"It's so big that in the end it's even enough to exclude all the existences under the Supreme Sacred Golden Immortal of the Great Principle!"

"So in order to shorten the time I stay in the River of Immortals as much as possible, and avoid being rejected by the River of Immortals." "Then before entering the River of Immortals, you'd better think about whether you want to integrate and prove yourself." Just the concept of immortals." "And it's best to think about several more, even seven, eight, nine, or ten alternative concepts of immortals that you think are acceptable!"

"Because before you enter the river of celestial beings, you will not know whether the concept of celestial beings you want to prove has been proved by other beings and spirits." "So, in order to avoid this situation, you can Think of other concepts that you can accept in advance, and use them as your alternative concept of immortality." Hearing this, under the Taoist platform, all the top gods and gods who listened carefully were thoughtful, as if they had gained something. , as if enlightened!

"Generally speaking, the first time you enter the River of Immortals is the time when you are in the best condition, the most powerful, and the best opportunity; it is also the time when you are most likely to find the concept of immortals that suits you and you are satisfied with." So the first time you enter the River of Immortals, you must pay more attention to it, cherish it and cherish it!"

"Although the River of Immortals does not limit the number of times you can enter and exit the River of Immortals, every time you enter and exit the River of Immortals, you will consume your own Taoism, heritage, blessings, etc." "The more times you enter and exit the River of Immortals, it means The more you consume, the more you will consume, the more you will have, and the more blessings you will have."

"Then in the later stage, the chances of finding a suitable concept are smaller, and you may even completely lose the chance of proving the Dao of Immortals!" "Such things were not uncommon in the former Xiantian Wutai Era! "Speaking of this, Yan Feihong's face was very serious.

Under the Taoist platform, a group of top gods who listened carefully to the lecture also nodded repeatedly, expressing that they deeply remembered it in their hearts!

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Chapter 89: Cultivation is high or low, but concepts are not high or low [Please subscribe, please order in full]

Seeing under the Dao platform, all the top gods and gods nodded like a good student, Yan Feihong also nodded slightly, expressing his satisfaction with their serious listening.So he continued to say: "In the river of immortals, there are countless concepts."

"During the period of the Xiantian Wutai Era, there was a saying that was widely circulated in the time and space of the Xiantian Wutai Era, and was recognized by many congenital Wutai Era~yuan beings." "That is: "There is no concept of waste, only Waste of practitioners! '"

"The meaning of this sentence is that the concepts in the River of Immortals have no distinction between high and low, and the only thing that can distinguish these concepts is the strength of the immortal practitioners who have proved these concepts."

"Because in the time and space of the Xiantian Wutai era in the past, the same concept of immortals once appeared. After the former fell to the street and fell, the latecomers relied on him to control the time and space of the Xiantian Wutai." Hearing this sentence, a group of top All the gods couldn't help but nodded.

Indeed, it makes sense.

Just like them today, even holding a copy of the weakest book of Dao supernatural powers can also explode unimaginable power in their hands.

Is this a problem with the classics of Dao Dao's supernatural powers?

No, it's a human problem! ! !

Looking at the group of top gods nodding silently, Yan Feihong looked at them with a smile on his lips and said, "That sentence just now is farting!"

Hongjun Daozu, Luohu Demon Ancestor, Yangmei Daozu, Hongmeng, Lin Meng, Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord, Ghost Lord and other top gods were all stunned.Yan Feihong looked at them, and said with a serious expression: "You have to remember, that sentence just now is that those old and immortal creatures in the time and space of the Xiantian Wutai Era are specially used to suddenly you young people who are on the verge of proving the Tao." "Although it is said that there is no distinction between high and low concepts, but there are high and low cultivation bases, all things have high and low, you and I have high and low, how can the concept of heavenly immortals have no distinction between high and low?!"

"Generally speaking, the shorter the description, the more advanced the concept, the wider the scope of authority of the concept covered, and the stronger the strength in the realm of heaven!" "Give me a chestnut!"

As he said that, a chestnut appeared in Yan Feihong's hand. While removing the shell, he looked at the God of the River as an example and said, "The core concept of the immortals like the God of the River, as you all know before, is a word for the river!"

"Tracing back to the innate Wutai era, down to the time and space of the heavens and myriad realms, whether it is a real river, or a river in the so-called long river of time, long river of destiny, etc., these are all under the control of the river god!" Something has nothing to do with the river, but as long as its name contains the word river, the river god can control it!!!"

"Even if some celestial beings also prove the concept of celestial beings related to the river, for example, the concept of the river celestial being of the deceased Styx, as long as the river god is willing, then the river god can also be in charge of his concept of the deceased Stygian river celestial!" Because the dead Styx is also a river!!!”

"But the river is not equal to the Styx of the dead!!!"

"It can be said that the concept of the river celestial being proved by the river god is inherently based on the top of all other related river system celestial concepts!"

"The God of the River is naturally restrained, or in other words, suppresses all other gods related to the concept of the river!"

"A celestial being like the River God, also known as a one-character conceptual celestial being, is basically the most noble and tyrannical type of celestial being of the same rank!"

Hearing Yan Feihong's praise, He Shen squinted his eyes with a smile, waved his hands and said, "Oh, he is not as powerful as Feihong said."

"Like the River of Immortals, although theoretically it is under my control, but in fact I can't control it yet."

"At most, when you are free, you can swim in it, touch fish, catch shrimp and so on."

Hongjun Daozu, Luohu Mozu, Yangmei Daozu, Hongmeng, Lin Meng, Daozu Taishang Laojun, Buddha, World Honored One, etc. The top gods, sitting next to Yan Feihong, wearing a ball head, look like human beings and animals. Harm, the river god who smiled and squinted his eyes.

Once again, I deeply understand what is meant by "a person should not be judged by his appearance"! ! !

If it wasn't for Yan Feihong's explanation, how would they know that such a cute-looking river god with ink-stained words would be the most honorable and powerful kind of celestial being among the celestial beings? ! !

Yan Feihong put the chestnuts that had been peeled off into his mouth, then pointed to Li Jing on the other side, and continued to give an example: "Li Jing also proved the existence of the Tao of Immortals."

"However, the concept of celestial beings he proved is completely opposite to that of the river god."

"Li Jingzheng's concept of immortality is called——100% being caught empty-handed!!!"

All the top gods were taken aback for a moment, and 100% were caught empty-handed? ! !

What kind of fairy concept is this? ! !

A little bit, I don't quite understand it! ! !

Seeing this, Li Jing sighed lightly, and then put his hands on the hilt of his waist.

The next moment, a bright streamer flashed!

"call out!"


Daoist Hongjun, who was originally sitting under the Taoist platform, had left his seat at some point, and was kneeling in front of Li Jing on one knee, catching the long sword in Li Jing's hand with clasped hands! . …ask for flowers.

【who I am? ! ! 】

【where am I? ! ! 】

【What am I doing? ! ! 】

Even though Hongjun Daozu used to be the three thousand innate gods and demons of chaos in the past, and later became the Taoist ancestor of the prehistoric world. During this period, he has experienced countless catastrophes and seen countless big scenes, which is definitely enough to be called a well-informed existence!

But, at this moment, this scene, he really has never seen it before! ! !

When Daozu Hongjun was in a daze, Luohu Mozu, Yangmei Daozu, Hongmeng, Lin Meng, Daozu Taishang Laojun, Buddha, World Honored Tathagata, etc., who were still in their positions, were also confused.

Just now they just saw a flash of cold light on the blade, and then Daozu Hongjun knelt down on one knee in front of Li Jing in this seemingly shameful posture, and caught Li Jing's long sword with clasped hands.

... 0 Could it be that ...

A strange guess gradually appeared in the minds of all the top gods.

And Li Jing didn't give them more time to imagine. The three-foot long sword in his hand was unsheathed and then sheathed, sheathed and unsheathed, unsheathed and then sheathed...

Going back and forth a hundred times, let all the top gods present have experienced 100% of being caught empty-handed before stopping.

And at this moment, more than 100 top gods who were still sitting under the Taoist platform were all kneeling in front of Li Jing row after row.

Although the concept effect of Li Jing's "100% being caught empty-handed" has disappeared, they still maintain a stiff and stupefied state.

Because it is too shameful, so shameful that they don't know how to react now.

However, he took a distracted look around and found that everyone was the same as him, so he was relieved.

[Fortunately, I'm not the only one who loses face.In this way, no one will laugh at anyone if the eldest brother doesn't talk about the second brother. 】

The same thoughts flashed through the minds of all the top gods at this moment.

As for the meaning of Li Jing's "100% empty-handed and empty-handed swordsman" concept, they fully realized and understood it as early as the third and fourth times.

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Chapter 90: The heavens are sacred: the longed-for fairy dream is broken, and the choice of the concept of the fairy 【Please subscribe, please order in full】

On the platform, Yan Feihong flicked his sleeve robe lightly.

The group of top heavenly saints who were kneeling on the ground at first felt a powerful but unstoppable, but gentle and indiscriminate terrifying force, sending them all back to their respective futons was considered a solution. The embarrassment of them kneeling on the ground before.

Looking at the crowd of top gods who had returned to their normal expressions, Yan Feihong continued to speak: "As I said just now, and as you all imagined, the concept of celestial beings proved by Li Jing is called 100-[-]% being caught empty-handed !!!”

"So as the name suggests, the actual ability of his celestial concept is that as long as he draws his sword, he can let any one, or all living beings and spirits who seem to have hands, take his big sword empty-handed in the same posture just now. !"

"This conceptual ability is actively compulsive. Even if it is an existence who has achieved the Dao of Immortals, when he meets Li Jing, as long as he meets the concept of having hands, he will be shrouded in this concept and will be forced to take it empty-handed." Li Jing's great sword!"




When all the top gods and gods below heard this, they couldn't help but sucked in a big mouthful of Liangpi, their faces shocked.

Awesome, such a terrifying conceptual ability! ! !

Unexpectedly, even the existence that has achieved the "Eight One Zero" Dao of the Celestial Immortal can be forcibly controlled! ! !

Such a concept of celestial beings also seems to be an invincible concept type! ! !

Thinking of even the mighty existence who has achieved the Dao of Immortals, when encountering Li Jing's concept of "100% being empty-handed and empty-handed", he would have to kneel.

The faces of all the top gods are relieved, and the mood is much more comfortable. It's not that we are not strong enough, and our will is not firm enough.

It's that even the great master who has achieved the Dao of Immortals can't avoid this trick, so it's understandable for me to be tricked.

After finding an excuse for comfort in their hearts, all the top gods immediately thought about what they knew, the ability of the second immortal concept.

[Senior Li Jing's immortal concept ability is indeed very powerful, but it doesn't seem so incomprehensible! 】

[If 100% of us are empty-handed and white-handed, then if I wait without hands, will this fairy concept still work for us? ! ! 】

[Or, if we have many hands, such as supernatural powers with three heads and six arms, then both hands are influenced by Senior Li Jing's concept of "100% being empty-handed and empty-handed" or all six hands are influenced by Senior Li Jing's concept of "100% being received by empty hands". What about the impact of the concept of empty-handed and empty-handed? ! ! 】

Looking at the thoughtful expressions of the top gods and gods below, Yan Feihong knew that they had already understood Li Jing's concept of "100% being empty-handed and empty-handed" heavenly immortals, and had even begun to speculate.

Immediately, Yan Feihong didn't hide his intentions from them, and planned to explain Li Jing's "100% empty-handed to empty-handed" fairy concept to them.

Anyway, Li Jing's concept and ability of "100% being empty-handed into white blades" is almost well-known in the time and space of the Xiantian Wutai Era.

Even if you don't say it now, it doesn't make much sense.

A group of top gods, they can also guess the weakness of this concept ability as long as they analyze and speculate a little.

Basically, under normal circumstances, Li Jing would not be able to use his concept of "100% being caught empty-handed" when encountering a slightly guarded angel.

It's just that Li Jing often feels more excited and excited when he can't use his fairy concept of "100% being caught empty-handed".

And the other party will be relieved instead, and Li Jing, who is 100% empty-handed and catches the sword, will beat him even worse! "You may have already speculated that Li Jing's concept of immortality is very powerful."

"Even if it is the existence of the Dao of Immortals, once it meets the premise of having hands in Li Jing's concept of '100% being empty-handed into white blades', it will be compelled by Li Jing's concept of '100% empty-handed into white blades'." control!"

"But if you want to get rid of, or in other words, be immune to the control of Li Jing's fairy concept of '100% being emptied into the sword', as long as you don't have hands!!!"

"You don't even have to cut off your arms. As long as you don't have hands all over your body, then you can be immune to the control of Li Jing's fairy concept of '100% being emptied into white blades'!!!" Yan Feihong said lightly. Li Jing blatantly stated the biggest drawback of the concept of "100% being empty-handed into the sword".

The Hongjun Daozu, Luohu Demon Ancestor, Raising Eyebrow Demon Ancestor, Hongmeng, Lin Meng, Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord, Ghost Lord, Taoist Taishang Laojun, Buddha, World Honored Tathagata, etc. are all holy at this moment. He opened his mouth wide in surprise.

Such a terrifying and unbelievable conceptual ability of celestial beings, even beings in the realm of celestial beings must be controlled forcibly "100% empty-handed into white blades"!

It was cracked just like that? ! !

How could it be cracked so easily? ! !

It was actually cracked in such a joking way? ! !

Fuck, it's really true that as long as you don't have hands, or even look like you don't have hands, you can break the fairy concept of "100% being empty-handed into white blades"? ! !

At this moment, all the top gods felt that there were countless vomits in their sea of ​​consciousness, but they couldn't vomit!

That's a fairy! ! !

That's a fairy concept! ! !

That's the aloof heavenly concept avenue! ! !

At this moment, these top gods all felt as if something was broken in their hearts.

Oh, it turned out to be the longing for the Dao of Immortals! ! !

However, not only did Yan Feihong not reach out to make up for it, but even kicked it hard after realizing that all the gods had broken their longing and hopes for the concept of immortals! ! !

"Yes, beings who are also in the realm of celestial beings, if you face Li Jing, you only need to make yourself look like you have no hands, then you can be directly immune to the control of Li Jing's celestial concept of '100% being empty-handed into white blade'." "This This is the shortcoming of Li Jing's concept of celestial beings."

"However, what are the disadvantages of Li Jing's concept of immortality? This is not important, and it is not something you need to care about." Yan Feihong waved his hand, and after attracting the attention of the top gods and gods back, he continued to speak Explained: "The one-character concept of the god of the river, such as the god of the river, is the most noble and powerful."

"That's because the one-word concept Tianxian covers the widest scope of conceptual authority, and at the same time, it is subject to less pre-constraints."

"Like the river of the river god, it can be combined with the rivers and lakes of the heavens and myriad worlds, and it can also be combined with the galaxy of the universe, the long river of time, the long river of destiny, and even the river of immortals!" "As long as it is related to the word "he", the river The concept of the River of God can be related to it, and you can control it freely, you can do whatever you want!!!”

"Whether the River God wants to use the Universe Galaxy, the Long River of Time, and the Long River of Destiny to pull noodles, or he wants to use the Universe Galaxy, the Long River of Destiny, and the Long River of Time to throw hula hoops!" "As long as the River God is happy, you can Say no taboos!!!”

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