If this kind of thing or this kind of person is not dealt with immediately, wouldn't it encourage the arrogance of the criminal.

So soon, the guards and the people in charge of the six gates were summoned to the Xuanzheng Hall to face the emperor's censure.

Speaking of which, these two people in charge are unlucky enough. Shen Qianqiu hasn't had any good things since he took office. Whenever he is announced, he is basically scolded.

He couldn't help but secretly groaning, how could it be that after being promoted to a higher rank and becoming a commander, he was even more uncomfortable and more difficult than the original Tongzhi.

And Kuang Zhong of the Six Doors is even more wronged. Strictly speaking, the organization of the Six Doors itself is a coordination organization between the imperial court and the rivers and lakes.In the system of the three law divisions, what they usually deal with is basically related to the world.

However, the recent cases that happened in Jianghu are no longer within the scope of their jurisdiction strictly speaking.You see, this Bai Li joined forces with Huang Tianjiao to attack the Imperial City Division, and also bombed the Sifang Pavilion and Jietian Prison. Which character in the world would dare to do such a thing.

For example, in the case of the murder of a foreign envoy, according to common sense, the six sects should not be responsible at all.It should be the Jingzhao government, or the Ministry of punishment, or the Daxing department.

In the end, I don't know what happened to the soldiers patrolling the streets, and they reported the incident to him six doors. Wasn't this dragging him into the water forcibly?And the person who took the case is also a mallet, you dare to take whatever they send you?Do you have a brain?

Not to mention the small grievances in the hearts of the two suffering brothers and sisters, in the Xuanzheng Hall, it was exactly as the two responsible persons had imagined. The emperor saw the two of them arriving, and directly held them accountable as soon as they came up. What's going on? I remember that you seemed to have promised me that before the Queen Mother's birthday, there will be no more chaos in Beijing.

How long has it been?The envoys of the ten countries all died, at the feet of the emperor, on the way to invite them to the banquet!Do you think I can continue to trust you? "

"Your Majesty has disappointed me because I'm guilty. I hope His Majesty will punish you." Don't take any chances at this time, pleading guilty is the best choice.

"Of course you are guilty! And the crime is serious!" The emperor's temper exploded in an instant, and he said angrily: "How dare you let the thieves be so lawless! How do you treat me like this! How do you plan to let Tai Shiling write this history? !"

From the battle of Zhenbeihou, the emperor's side didn't go well.I have been accumulating a lot of fire, and now it is finally starting to explode.An aura that could suffocate ordinary people to death poured out towards Shen Qianqiu and Kuang Zhong like a tide, as if they were going to bury them directly!

For this reason, the two persons in charge hurriedly said again: "The minister is dead!"


As for the way the courtiers deal with him, if it is normal, it may really work.But what the current emperor wants to hear is obviously not these, he wants to hear the people in front of him come up with substantial things and guarantees.

Therefore, he directly said angrily: "If it would be useful for you to die, I would have ordered you to be chopped down! What I want to hear is not these, what I want is for you to arrest the criminal for me in the shortest possible time! Yes! It's your guarantee! Guarantee that similar incidents will never happen again! Do you understand?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will do my best to protect the peace of the capital."

He was dragged to be beheaded by the angry emperor on the spot, and the two responsible persons chose the latter wisely.Finally, the emperor's face looked better, and after a few more reprimands, he finally got to the point: "Kuang Zhong, you sent someone to check the scene, tell me, did you find anything useful."

"Return to Your Majesty..." Not to mention, people from the six sects really discovered something.For example, a magic circle that can block a certain area from the outside world, such as some traces left when fighting.

"In this way, it is very likely that Tianwu and the Tianmendihu organization made the move again, isn't it?" After listening to Kuang Zhong's report, the emperor felt his blood pressure start to rise again.

While he was still stepping up his investigation of the other party, this person and this organization dared to come out to commit crimes again, and he was still at the feet of the emperor, and still affected such a bad case!

To regard the court's laws as infallible, to be so unscrupulous and bold, it is simply not to take him, the emperor, seriously!

In an instant, today's mood became extremely bad, and there were repeated angry voices, roars, and even half of the imperial city could clearly hear: "It's really pissing me off to treat me so accurately! I'm so pissed! "

The man was furious, and blood spattered five steps!

When the emperor was angry, his corpse floated for thousands of miles!

As the most powerful person in the world today, the emperor's anger naturally cannot be easily dissipated.The humiliation he suffered, the anger in his heart, needs the lives of countless people to calm down!

Soon, imperial decrees began to be issued from the Xuanzheng Hall, and the huge machine of the imperial court finally started to move officially because of the killing of envoys from various countries!

Gongwei Division, Six Gates, Zongzhengyuan, Twelve Guards, Baiqi... all the predators hiding under the calm water of the capital were awakened one after another and started to move!Even if you want to dig three feet into the ground and turn the capital upside down, you must dig out the Tianwu and Tianmen Dihu organizations!

How terrifying is the potential strength in the capital?That is a terrifying force that can easily wipe out all the forces in Beijing!Under this kind of power, people who were hidden in Beijing by a big force were dug out one after another.

That is to say, the people of the major forces knew that the envoys of various countries were killed, and realized that the situation might not be good, so they transferred most of Jingdong's power.Otherwise, just this sudden blow would be enough to make them hurt their muscles and bones in Yongzhou where the capital is located, and their vitality will be greatly damaged!

On the side of the imperial court, following the emperor's wrath, many people were arrested, and many old cases that were pending and long-standing in the capital's yamen were even resolved.

But the most critical people and forces are nowhere to be seen.Whether it's Tianwu, or the organization called Tianmendihu, it seems that they don't exist, no matter how hard they try, they can't find it.

For a while, the emperor's blood pressure rose again, and the people in Xiamen were scolded bloody again.

In this way, under the turbulent situation in Beijing, soon, it will be the day of the Empress Dowager's birthday.Naturally, Bai Li and the others were invited back into the palace again to celebrate the Queen Mother's birthday with others.

Chapter 102 The last blow

Maybe it was also because of the series of things that happened before, I was afraid that someone would make trouble on the day of the queen mother's birthday banquet, so that the queen mother, the emperor, and even the court would not be able to step down.

Therefore, Bai Li's journey can almost be regarded as three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry.Not only the patrolling soldiers and yamen servants who used to roam around the capital in the past have canceled their rest, but all of them are on duty in the streets.Even Shenwuwei, Qianniuwei, Zongzhengfu, Baiqi, etc. among the twelve guards also appeared in every corner of the capital.He secretly observed everything around him.

In the face of such strict security, no matter who dares to make trouble at this time, they will be suppressed immediately!

It was still the familiar Hanquan Hall, but the number of people attending the banquet this time was different from the time when Bai Li and others attended the appointment in the past.When Bai Li arrived at the scene, no matter whether it was inside or outside the hall, there were already seven or eight people sitting there, and it seemed very lively.

It took about three sticks of incense to sit down, taste wine, and chat. Empress Dowager Bo, the birthday star of this birthday banquet, came to sit at the main seat accompanied by the emperor.Together with the emperor, laughingly listened to the birthday speeches prepared by the courtiers, and appreciated the birthday gifts they brought.

Maybe he also knew that there were so many people today, so even the emperor's favorite ministers didn't dare to waste more time.Therefore, the people behind were not made to wait for too long. After the courtiers had completed the process, it was the turn of Bai Li and other foreign courtiers.

It may be that it is rare for the emperor to issue a decree in person, and the princes of the three towns have no intention of tearing their faces with the court for the time being.Therefore, even if the Zhenbeihou Mansion, which was calculated by the court before, was Bai Li, the value of the birthday gift brought was also high, which was enough to give the emperor and the court enough face.

Therefore, the gloom on the emperor's face due to many carelessness during this period of time also dissipated a little at this time.

But he seemed to be too happy too early. From the moment he arrived in the capital and planned to do something, Bai Li had no intention of letting his business end in such an anticlimactic manner.

A good beginning also needs a perfect ending.It's so boring to stop playing chess halfway through.

Of course, with today's state of martial law in the capital, it is obviously impossible to cause such a big riot or kill so many people like the previous two times.

Therefore, Bai Li's preparations were not in the outer city of the capital, nor in any yamen.But in this imperial city, in this Ganquan Palace!

The three princes and sons representing the princes of the three towns had presented gifts one after another, and then it was the turn of the envoys from various countries.However, because all the envoys were dead before, this time they will all be replaced by deputy envoys. For the court, their official positions may not match, but at least they are individuals, and they can make do with it.

Because since the strong man, the countries in the Central Plains and border areas have practiced reciprocity.To put it simply, when countries on the frontiers come to Beijing to offer gifts, the imperial courts in the Central Plains often return multiples, or even multiples, of their value.

Therefore, countries are quite generous when giving gifts, and there are even people who specialize in doing this to make a fortune.Therefore, the courtesy of the envoys of various countries is naturally not light, and this also makes the princes of the imperial court and the current emperor quite honorable.

If the imperial court is proud, then the princes of the three towns, who are actually almost in the opposite direction from the imperial court, must be unhappy.However, the other two sons of the Marquis Mansion are obviously powerless to do this, after all, this is the benefit of occupying righteousness.

No matter how well the princes of your three towns are developing, as long as the flag of Da Zhou is there, all countries will only recognize this.

Not to mention that the strength of the current imperial court has far surpassed that at the beginning of the founding of the country, so Duanmu Xiu and Le Zhong could only let the courtiers sitting around them deliberately praise them loudly, with countless insinuations and sarcasms in their words, as if they were afraid that the two princes would listen Less than the same.

Of course, there is no shortage of such goods around Bai Li, like Mr. Chao Jingchao, it seems that in order to avenge the one arrow in the court at that time, he deliberately asked the servant to arrange to sit next to Bai Li.When envoys from various countries met and worshiped, they kept talking, and they could write several articles after citing scriptures.

To this, Bai Li just sat and watched their ups and downs with a smile like this, until the envoy of the East Island Kingdom celebrated his birthday, Bai Li echoed: "What Chao Jing said is true, the coming of all nations to court is indeed a grand occasion in ancient and modern times. Let the envoys of all countries be so respectful and humble, and don't hesitate to present so many treasures to celebrate the Queen Mother's birthday. My great week is really magnificent, and your majesty's majesty is really unparalleled!"

"Second Young Master is indeed sensible and wise," Chao Jing praised, and then pointedly said, "It's not like some people who don't know the number of days, don't understand ethics! Do rebellious acts, do evil and rebellious acts! Such people... The old man thought that they would not end well!"

"What Chao Jing said is very true. It goes against the way of heaven and violates the rules of ethics, but it is the greatest evil of human beings." Bai Li ordered his men to carry out the birthday gifts of the East Island Kingdom when he saw the East Island Kingdom, and then replied calmly: "But the so-called king Treat ministers like siblings, ministers treat you like your parents. You treat your ministers like grass... Then don't blame your ministers for treating you like enemies! There must be a cause and effect in everything, and reason... Let's talk about first come, first served, right? Master Chao?"

"...Second Young Master has some truths in what he said, but..." Chao Jing, as a son of a famous family, could not be so easily suppressed by Bai Li's words.

However, just as he was about to continue to use his eloquence and continue to talk to Bai Li, something happened in Ganquan Palace.The giant Buddha statue presented by the envoy of the East Island Country, which was as tall as a person and whose whole body seemed to be made of colored glaze, was suddenly smashed to pieces by the envoy of the East Island Country with a golden striker in his hand!

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