One after another, masters on the most wanted list of the imperial court appeared one after another. Taking advantage of the chaos in the capital, all government departments had no time to take care of him.With the cooperation of several masters, they directly penetrated the prison including the sky prison where many serious prisoners were held!

Among their major forces, those important members who have been imprisoned in these cells and have not been executed are directly rescued.

And Ma Yuanyi's son, Yin Hongzhi, who followed his mother's surname, was naturally also on the list of rescued people.

And saw that his son was rescued from the cage as Bai Li promised before.With his hands free, Ma Yuanyi, who was quietly observing what was going on in his heart in the dark, began to arrange for the people of Huang Tianjiao to withdraw from this chaotic situation.

After all, he had already taken advantage of all the advantages, if he didn't leave at this time, then the people from the first party of the Huangtian Sect he led might really be trapped in the capital.

As for Bai Li, he had already left with his subordinates after he arranged for people to set off the grand fireworks.After all, he knows better than anyone else what kind of terrifying power is hidden in this capital!

So when the people in the court came to their senses and started to deal with the chaos, they found that none of the people who should be arrested had been caught.What they got in their hands was either the abandoned children thrown by the major forces, or they were trying to fish in troubled waters. As a result, they didn't catch the fish, but they were stained with bad luck.

And this also made the emperor, who was already in a rage, write something that threw the table in front of him away!

Chapter 88

"Trash! People are trash!"

In the Xuanzheng Hall, today's son continued to roar angrily.And with one of his roars, the phantom of the giant dragon shrouded in the sky above the Xuanzheng Hall also kept roaring, making everyone around shudder and frightened!

It's no wonder that the Son of Heaven is so angry, if it is said that most of the anger last night was directed at the sky filled with flames and the sound of continuous explosions.So at this time, the anger in his heart was directed at the few points in front of him.

The losses mentioned above are simply appalling!Today, today's son has not lost his face, he has almost lost his face!

Sifang Pavilion, Jingzhao Mansion, Shiqu Pavilion, Ditan, these seemingly unimportant places, but in fact the face of a country, were all the targets of those lightning bombs last night!

Not to mention the Imperial City Division, even their Imperial City envoys died at the hands of the attackers, and the Huangcheng Division's yamen was caused by the terrifying high temperature caused by the huge fire cloud that erupted in the sky. , Directly give the point!

Although the main body was still intact after being rescued by those masters who arrived, some flammable and explosive things inside had already been burned up!

At the foot of the dignified son of heaven, the most important place in the capital, was turned into this by a group of people.Don't say that Tianzi himself is not a tolerant person, even if he is, I'm afraid he can't stand this kind of provocation!

Facing the emperor who was furious to an unprecedented degree, the people kneeling below did not dare to say a word.

After all, Man said he was the Son of Heaven, even they were also on fire.

Look at what happened last night.

Although the yamen of Jingzhao Mansion is not big, it is the yamen of the capital and 22 surrounding counties. It can be said that the yamen in the entire capital city has the most contact with the people is this Jingzhao Mansion.

Shiqu Pavilion, the place where the Zhou court stored rare books.It's just that unlike other bookstores, the bookstore here is open to the public.

That is to say, as long as folks meet certain qualifications and are guaranteed by someone, they are eligible to borrow the rare books collected here.And it is precisely because of this that the Emperor Wen who advocated the construction of this pavilion at the beginning, that is, the father of the current emperor, can have such a high reputation among the people.

Ditan, let alone.The great affairs of the country lie in sacrifice and Rong.As a place for worshiping the gods of the emperor, although it is not used much every year, it represents a great significance.

As for the Sifang Pavilion, the attack on this place is even more irritating.

Where is Sifang Pavilion?

It was a place specially used to receive envoys from various countries.

In normal times, it's fine, but now, because of the queen mother's birthday, all the envoys from the four directions are in Beijing!

Maybe it's because the thunderbolts used by the opponent are not powerful enough to threaten the lives of warriors who are half-step heavenly or higher in the middle and late stage of Tongmai.

It was like dozens of people were bombed in the Imperial City Division, at most they were disgraced, but envoys from other countries were attacked on the territory of Da Zhou.Kneeling these people don't even need to ask, they know that the envoys of those countries will definitely make a big fuss about it.

Don't let Da Zhou bleed, then their envoys are really in vain!

Not to mention the Imperial City Division, as a yamen of the same level as them, and may even have a higher degree of importance.

Almost all the upper echelons are controlled by servants, who represent the emperor in every word and deed.

Now at the feet of the dignified emperor, the headquarters has been taken away.The envoy of the imperial city died on the spot. This is simply a shame and a shame that has never happened since the founding of the country!

Perhaps because of their usual need to fight for grace, they often stumbled with each other.But at this time, they can't wait to arrest the attacker as soon as possible, and use the other party's blood to warn the world!

It seems to understand that anger is useless, and roaring at this time will only become the laughing stock of those who have disobedience.So after a while, the ferocious look on the emperor's face finally began to slowly dissipate, and he returned to the masked face that was calm and the sky was falling.

"Let's talk about it," the emperor sat back on his seat, took a sip of tea, and then continued: "It's been so long, don't tell me, you still haven't found anything useful!"

The six doors are backed by the Sanfa Division, so they are naturally inferior to the Nei Sansi, and it is not their turn to take the lead in such matters.And the head of the Daxingsi is not in the country, so it's okay to let them beat the drums on the sidelines, and it would be a deliberate embarrassment to let them go straight away.As for the Secretary of the Imperial City, it doesn't matter if we don't talk about it now, after this injury, they won't be able to recover in two or three years.

Therefore, Shen Qianqiu of the Arch Guard Division can only bite the bullet and stand up. Fortunately, he did find something before that, otherwise he would be sad today: "Return to Your Majesty, after a night of investigation by Weichen and others, it has been confirmed , Those who attacked the Heavenly Prison and the Dark Prison were the Youquan Sect and Xuanzong among the Six Paths of the former rebellious party, the White Lotus Sect, the Manichaeism, and the Demon Gate.

And it was Huang Tianjiao who attacked all places in central Beijing and the Imperial City Division with fire and thunder, and what the ministers had reported before, Tianwu of Dutian, and Tianmendihu under his command! "

"Tianwu? Tianmendihu! What a Tianwu, what a Tianmendihu!"

These two names are familiar.

Needless to say Tian Wu, that was the name that was reported the night Wang Can was still alive.His small treasury, the Xiaoxiang Tower, was destroyed in his hands.

And what about Tianmendihu?

It made him gnash his teeth with hatred, the result of nearly ten years of planning and ten years of waiting.As a result, under the intervention of Tianmendihu, he was wiped out, and maybe even his best knife, the command of the guards, who made Fusheng to death, was related to this organization.

Now he unexpectedly appeared again, and the imperial court has another imperial envoy!

This broken organization is poisonous, isn't it!

As soon as he makes a move, he will be destroyed as a general!

In total, he entered his line of sight twice, and his two commanders were gone.

If he continues to attack like this, won't his subordinates have no one to use!

Thinking to the extreme, the anger that the emperor himself had just suppressed broke out again.The phantom of the giant dragon that had finally begun to blur over the Xuanzheng Hall became clear again, and let out bursts of roaring sounds in the sky!

"Shen Qianqiu, Wang Xuance, Kuang Zhong!" After a long time, the Son of Heaven, who drank several cups of Jianghuo tea, finally suppressed the anger in his heart again reluctantly.Without talking nonsense, she stood up directly, and said coldly to those kneeling below: "The majesty of the Tian family cannot be provoked! The dignity of the imperial court cannot be trampled on by anyone!

Three months, I will give you three months, no matter what method or method you use!In three months, I want to see the head of that man named Tian Wu placed on my Longshu case!The organization called Tianmendihu has officially become history! "


Chapter 89

In fact, Shen Qianqiu and others were not sure about the order of the emperor.After all, judging from the behavior of the organization called Tianwu and Tianmendihu, this is definitely not a good one to catch the tail.

But in the face of the furious emperor, if they had the guts, they didn't dare to say no, so they could only bite the bullet and respond.

However, what they didn't expect was that just letting them get rid of Tianwu and the organization called Tianmendihu within three months was not enough.

It may be due to the influence of people from the White Lotus Sect, Manichaeism, and the Six Paths of the Demon Sect who took advantage of the chaos to attack the Heavenly Prison and robbed the imperial court of repeat offenders.Today, today's son suddenly became concerned about those figures and forces who were active in the arena and were not under the control of the court's laws and regulations, and became jealous.

It is believed that many forces in the rivers and lakes cannot be allowed to continue to drift outside the law.

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