He didn't dare to tell his father about the live broadcast and the whole story.

He knew how much He Jianhua hated the act of betraying Hua.

He also knew how much hope his father placed on Wang Bo!

He Yaohan had no doubt at all, if he knew that the Zhang family had defected, Wang Bo would face such a dangerous situation.

My father could faint directly!

Therefore, before the dust settled, he absolutely did not dare to tell his father these things.

But now Wang Bo's various confusing operations make him unable to see the hope that this matter can be resolved smoothly.

But he also knew that that kid was not the kind to give up easily.

"Wang Bo, what exactly do you want to do?"

Chapter 62 Conversation with the Minister of Defense! Conditions

Just as He Yaohan was thinking, Mr. He came back from his morning exercise and opened the door of his house.

This scared him to quickly put away his phone.

"Yaohan, it's not my old man talking about you."

"If you have time, you should also go down and exercise more. It's not good for your health to hold back all the time."

"Look at the way you're struggling to climb the stairs. I'm doing better than you at this age!"

If He Yaohan listened to his father's ridicule in the past, he would have to say a few words.

But now, he has completely lost his mind.

Seeing that He Yaohan didn't answer, He Jianhua continued:

"By the way, is Wang Bo still messing around in that biochemical laboratory recently?"

He Yaohan was shocked when he heard his father ask about Wang Bo:

"Uh, yes... yes! He's still in the lab."

Seeing his son's nervous look, Mr. He was surprised, but he didn't think much about it.

Immediately he said angrily:

"This kid, I just praised him a few days ago, but I can't find Bei!"

"If I can get him, I will go to study the field of biology!"

"Doesn't he know the saying that every line is like a mountain?"

"Just waste time here!"

"It's the same with the one above, it's fine if you don't stop him, but he even borrowed the laboratory for this brat!"

Listening to He Jianhua's 'dangerous' speech, He Yaohan smiled wryly.

"Boy, you must come back, or the old man will catch me and scold me alone in the future..."

At this moment, Wang Bo came to Andrew's office under the escort of a group of secret agents.

Before entering the gate, the enthusiastic Minister of Defense greeted him.

"Welcome, welcome!"

"Mr. Wang Bo, although we haven't met before, your name is really impressive."

"Those two almost miraculous inventions really opened my eyes!"

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person with your hand, although Wang Bo knows that this old boy has no good intentions.

But under the watchful eyes of everyone, he would not turn against him directly.

"Mr. Andrew, you are too much."

But before Wang Bo continued to speak, the secret agents on the side were about to take down the letter bee floating in mid-air.

After all, in their view, the following conversation is really not suitable for public.

This agent shot so fast that ordinary people would not be able to react at all.

But is Wang Bo an ordinary person?

He who has been injected with super serum has broken the limits of human beings both in terms of reaction and action.

Therefore, one second before the agent's gun butt hit Xinfeng, Wang Bo stopped him.

Looking at the stopped agent, Andrew also showed a strange expression.

You must know that these agents are strictly selected soldiers from the army, and then undergo years of devilish training.

Any one of them can fight ten against one.

But Wang Bo, who was only eighteen years old, could keep up with their speed of attack, which made him a little surprised.

And the stopped agent's face was flushed red.

Being stopped by such a brat, it was still in front of his colleagues and immediate superiors.

This undoubtedly slapped him hard in the face!

Just when he pulled his hand back, about to launch a second attack.

Andrew on the side stopped him and said:

"Well, how can you be so unreasonable to our distinguished guest!"

Seeing his immediate boss speak, although the agent felt angry, he had no choice but to retreat angrily.

And Wang Bo also said in a timely manner:

"Mr. Andrew, do you care about this little thing?"

"Or, we can't see people in the next content?"

Andrew, who heard the words, was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"Of course not. Since Mr. Wang Bo likes it, let's keep this little thing."

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