When Lai Ai turned her head, she saw Zhao Ji was lazily lying on the bed, beautiful as a flower, her skin was even more rosy, and the lingering spring spirit between her brows was full of lingering beauty and coquettishness.

"Queen, do you want to get up and have something to eat?"

"Woo, bang~"

Zhao Ji babbled, then lazily turned over, her phoenix eyes were still closed, and she asked vaguely, "What do you eat?"

Lao Ai smiled lightly: "Same as last night, let them stew a big pheasant to make up for it?"

When Zhao Ji heard this, she opened her sleepy eyes a little, and said coquettishly, "Little guy, you are indeed dead."

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Cohabitation

When Lao Ai heard the words, she smiled and shook her head, and said lightly: "The queen mother will rest for half an hour, and then she will change her clothes and make up later. By the way, let them tidy up the palace. The morning is over, and I am afraid that the king will come to see you."

Zhao Ji hummed vaguely, then fell asleep again.

The whole night of obsession and madness had already exhausted her. She felt like a small boat that was bumped by the violent waves in the violent wind and tsunami. It's average.

Seeing the stunning beauty in the world, Lao Ai was still intoxicated by it, the corners of her lips raised slightly, and then she walked out of the side hall.

A big fire destroyed a lot of the main hall, and now there are skilled craftsmen rushing to repair it.

Although with the help of Lai Ai, Wei Wei was not punished by Zhao Ji, but he was worried in his heart and made up his mind to take the crime and make meritorious service, so he went off to direct and supervise himself, and the speed was much faster.

Lai Ai glanced at it from a distance, then turned around and came to the back garden.

The garden is not big.There are hundreds of flowers blooming in it, and the fragrance of flowers is tangy.

The bright sunshine falls on the colorful flowers, making them more colorful and delicate.

Suddenly there is a faint flute sound, curling up, the flute sound is quiet and desolate, as if weeping and complaining, and the ear can not help but calm down, as if washing away the dust, completely immersed in the sad and beautiful tune, the ethereal and beautiful rhythm, endlessly Like wisps, floating in the garden.

The sound of the flute seemed to have a magical power, which attracted people to immerse themselves in the artistic conception created by the sound of the flute, and aroused a burst of melancholy in his heart.

Following the sound of the flute, unconsciously, she has come to the small lake in the back garden, but there is a charming woman in purple sitting on the railing in the waterside pavilion, playing the flute to express her love.

Looking from a distance, I can see that the woman's skin is like snow, her eyebrows are picturesque, especially the purple butterfly pattern between her eyebrows, which is particularly provocative, adding a bit of mystery and evil to her.

When the breeze blows, the blue hair is flying, and the beautiful woman's figure is reflected on the lake, graceful and graceful.

In the past, he only cared about running and killing, and only thought about how to complete the task.

It's rare to be quiet now, so Lai Ai didn't say a word to disturb her, she just walked slowly on the bluestone path by the lake.

Hearing the faint sound of the flute, he walked alone along the lake, and not long after, he came to the waterside pavilion.

Seeing Lai Ai approaching, the sound of the flute stopped abruptly, Li Wu paused for a moment, then gave a slight salute to Lai Ai, and said softly: "I have seen you, sir."

Lai Ai looked at the familiar figure in front of her, smiled slightly, and said casually: "It's a very beautiful song, but it's a pity that it's a little more desolate and lonely."

Li Wu was slightly taken aback, Mei Mou took a deep look at Lai Ai, and said softly: "Unexpectedly, my lord has a good opinion in music and temperament."

The corners of Lao Ai's lips raised a nice curve, and she asked back, "Hehe, it's just dabbling, what? In your eyes, am I just a vulgar warrior who can only kill people?"

Li Wu lowered her head and lowered her eyes, shook her head lightly, and said softly, "This subordinate dare not."

Lai Ai laughed a little and said, "Don't you dare? Just acquiesce, don't you deny it?"

As he said that, he said with a smile on his face: "Li Wu, your courage has grown."

Hearing this, Li Wu was startled, quickly bowed, cupped his hands and said, "My lord, forgive me, Li Wu did not intend to offend."

Luo Wang has a strict hierarchy, and as a first-class killer in Tianzi, Lai Ai has the right to life and death against Li Wu, who is a first-class killer.

Li Wu knew very well that even if the other party was no longer hiding the sun, she could still kill her easily.

No one knows how high the status of the former Zhe Ri was in the net, and no one knows what status the current Lao Ai holds in the hearts of the leaders.

Lai Ai was a little helpless, she didn't expect that a joke made by herself with a smile on her face could make her so nervous.

He sighed softly, then leaned against the railing, and said casually and boringly:

"The former Yanri is dead, and now you are just Lao Ai. No matter who the successor is, it has nothing to do with me anymore."

"You and I are old acquaintances. Now that we have left the rivers and lakes together, there is no need to do this again."

Li Wu's beautiful eyes blinked, and a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes, and then she asked: "Can I really escape from the Jianghu?"

Hearing this, Lao Ai smiled lightly and shook her head, not knowing if she was laughing at herself or if she really thought it was funny.

On the side of the long table in front of him, there was a pot of clear tea boiling, and on the long table, in a white jade teacup, was half a cup of clear green tea.

Lai Ai stretched out her hand to pick up the teacup, drank the remaining half cup of tea, and then said calmly: "The killer of the net is born for the task, and it has been like this since birth, and it will not end until death."

As he spoke, he sighed again, and laughed at himself: "The so-called escape from the rivers and lakes is only temporary."

"Or, we have always been in the rivers and lakes."

"Now it's just a short vacation. One day, I still have to go back. But..."

Lai Ai looked at the lake calmly, seemed to be talking to Li Wu, and seemed to be muttering to himself, he paused for a moment, then continued: "However, when you and I go back, you and I should Be strong and have to be strong."

Li Wu looked at the cup of tea she had drunk in Lai Ai's hands, a strange light flashed in her eyes, recalling Lai Ai's words, she was also thoughtful.

Her bright and clear eyes like black gemstones looked at the handsome and refined man in front of her with some curiosity, and she couldn't believe it for a while.

She really didn't expect that the ruthless, the most mysterious and the most eccentric first-class killer in Tianzi in the net - Biri, was actually this handsome and outrageous man in front of her.

She has carried out many missions with Zheri, and has had contact with many missions, but she has never seen his real face. At first, she heard the voice and thought that the other party was a bad old man in his 50s, but she didn't expect... ..

Seeing the other party's beautiful eyes staring at her curiously, the corners of Lao Ai's lips slightly raised, and her body moved slightly, but a black shadow flashed past, and the other party had already appeared in front of Li Wu.

Li Wu was startled, and instinctively leaned back.

Lai Ai has already stretched out her hand, lifted her chin lightly, with a faint smile in her long and narrow Danfeng eyes, she asked with a half-smile, "Why? Am I beautiful?"

Li Wu, who was only twenty-eight years old, was stunned for a moment by the teasing words, and was even more surprised.

In her impression, Yan Ri was an extremely ruthless person, she had never seen him so close to a woman, even eight or nine beauties died at his hands.

How could such a cold-blooded person treat her like this?


Looking at the handsome face so close at hand, her breathing stagnated slightly, and she felt her heart beating faster for a moment.

But she is also very human, she adjusted her mood almost instantly, turned to a charming smile, moved closer to Lai Ai, and exhaled softly and said:

"Hehe, the beauty of my lord is the only one I have seen in Li Wu's life, and I am almost fascinated by Li Wu."

Her coquettish voice, soft and charming, makes people smell it, like a jade hand, stirring up waves in the bottom of my heart.

Seeing Li Wu whose demeanor suddenly changed, Lao Ai felt bored, shrugged helplessly, and then went back to the long table and sat down again.

He is not interested in a seductive woman in disguise, what he wants to molest is their truest self, not a poisonous snake that puts itself in dazzling colors.

But as the killer of the net, Li Wu has never shown her truest side in front of others.

At that time, there were no stools and chairs, and most people sat on their knees, while Lao Ai seemed more casual. She sat down on the cushion, leaned back, leaned on the railing, and half-lyed lazily by the table.

Looking at his sloppy and lazy appearance, Lao Ai didn't think much about it.

Before coming here, she knew that Zhe Ri was Lao Ai.

As for Lao Ai's temperament, after all, he is a member of the Prime Minister's family, and he is a particularly famous one, and Li Wu has heard of it for a long time.

The surprise just now stems from the inherent cognition of the cold-blooded and ruthless concealment of the sun, as well as the huge sense of contrast.

The Ganquan Palace is huge in scale, magnificent in gold and jade, majestic and majestic, with many side halls.

Lai Ai considered herself to be a special person, and originally Zhao Ji wanted her to live with her, but at Lai Ai's insistence, she gave him the Qingqiu Garden in the northwest corner of Ganquan Palace to live in.

Qingqiu Garden is very remote in Ganquan Palace, and it also has an independent courtyard wall. There are six houses in it, which are two-storey small buildings. There are three houses on the upper and lower floors for living. There is a living room, and a terrace in the middle of the second floor.

This attic is not big, but it is beautiful and luxurious, and it is only for his daily rest and living.

At Zhao Ji's request, he sleeps in Zhao Ji's bedroom at night as a "servant" on weekdays, and rests here during the day when he has nothing to do. Some of his furniture and clothes are stored in it.

Lai Ai stretched out her hand and pointed to the small lacquered red attic in the northwest corner, and asked, "Did you see that second-floor attic?"

Li Wu heard the words, looked in the direction he pointed, but saw a small red attic looming among the trees, she nodded slightly, and said in a clear voice: "I see."

Lao Ai nodded slightly, and then said: "From now on, you will live there."

Li Wu blinked her beautiful eyes, then smiled seductively, and asked with a smile: "Then, what about you, my lord?"

The corners of Lao Ai's lips raised slightly, and she said with a smirk: "Of course I also live there. This Qingqiu Garden will be the place where you and I will live together in the future."

Chapter 23: Chapter 23: The Stunning Stunner

"A place to live together?"

Li Wu walked slowly to the edge of the railing and sat down, with her chest up and her waist in. The tight purple clothes wrapped her perfect figure, and her graceful curves instantly made the flowers, plants, mountains and lakes lose their color.

She is playing a flute with her right hand, and she is holding her chest with her left hand, and her chest is bulging.

She sat casually on the railing, and naturally raised her legs, causing the skirt with extremely high slits to slide down quietly.

The charming long legs were exposed, and the black silk obtained from nowhere, wrapped those slender and straight long legs, making people look at them, and they couldn't bear to look away.

Seeing that although Lai Ai was staring at her thigh intently, her eyes were clear and bright, without any blasphemy.

There was something strange in Li Wu's heart, she smiled coquettishly, her graceful body curves were fully displayed in Lai Ai, her beautiful eyes were misty and she said: "It is an honor for Li Wu to live under the same roof as your lord."


Lao Ai admired the graceful scenery in front of her, raised her eyebrows when she heard this, and asked, "Really?"

"Being close to the water, the moon is the first to get the moon, but I don't know, if I am under the same roof, can it be easier for me to win the favor of the girl Li Wu?"


Li Wu laughed coquettishly, flirting with a smile: "How can Li Wu not favor such a handsome and charming top swordsman like your lord?"

This seductive and stunning woman, with every frown and smile, reveals her own amorous feelings, which can be described as charming.

She, like the contemporary Scarlet Salamander, is a stunning killer specially cultivated by Luo Wang.

Not only are they extremely skilled in martial arts, but they also have the most beautiful appearance in the world. There is no need to mention their figures. They are all slim and graceful, sexy and charming, and all of them are proficient in rhythm.

They are secret weapons specially made by Luo Wang, and they are specially used to deal with the princes and nobles of those countries.

As a beautiful concubine, she hides beside those noble princes and children, and uses her beauty as a temptation to achieve her goals without bloodshed.

These purposes may be to monitor and listen to useful information, or to steal vital treasures, such as a token related to the secret of "Canglong Qisu", or to kill people, such as the son Chengjiao.

In the original anime, as a concubine, Contemporary Shock Salamander won the trust and favor of Lord Xinling Wei Wuji, and finally easily killed Wei Wuji in the Wei Mansion, where there are many masters and three thousand followers, and took away the coin of the previous King Wei. The jade pendant passed down.

A jade pendant as a token of Canglong Qisu.

Li Wu is also the dancer of the young master Cheng Jiao. Although she did not kill Cheng Jiao, Cheng Jiao's death cannot be separated from her.

But what's interesting is that among the beautiful killers cultivated by Luo Wang, two of the most outstanding ones fell in love with their targets in the end.

Jing Xi fell in love with Wei Wuji unknowingly, so after completing the task, he would always show a confused and melancholy expression inadvertently.

In the stormy sky, she held a red umbrella in one hand and a salamander sword in the other, standing quietly on the bridge, letting the passers-by behind her, staring blankly at the attic in front, falling into deep memories.

The confused, melancholy and sad eyes, the lonely back, even if it's just an animation, Lai Ai can still see the exhaustion deep in her heart, that kind of pain, without words, without narration, but overflowing in her eyes.

Because Li Wu developed feelings for Cheng Jiao, he turned against the enemy during the assassination process and betrayed the net. Although he killed General Bi, it was a pity that he was killed by Xun Feng in the end.

As the killer of Luo Wang, Li Wu should be very clear about the fate of betraying Luo Wang, but for the sake of her sweetheart, she did it without hesitation, which is indeed intriguing.

From this point of view, although Li Wu seems to be seductive and evil, she is also ruthless and ruthless when killing people, but once she is in love, she is willing to do everything for the other party and dare to face death.

From this point of view, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is an infatuated legendary woman.

This is also the real reason why he secretly asked her to come.

No matter how beautiful a woman is, what's the use if it's just a weapon that can only kill?

For him now, if he wants to recruit people, he must first look at character and loyalty. Only infatuated women dare to reuse them.

What's more, Li Wu herself is still a stunner~!

This stunning beauty said with a coquettish expression that she favored her, Lai Ai naturally couldn't believe it.

Lai Ai didn't believe in the story of the tiger's body shaking, the domineering side leaking, the civil and military submission, and the beautiful woman committing a nympho.

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