"I can, Fu Xiaohua, Ye Mo, how many of you?"

Zhou Yong looked towards Ye Mo.


Fu Siwei frowned slightly.

She doesn't like to go to that kind of noisy place, it's too chaotic.

"are you going?"

She turned her head, looked at Ye Mo, and asked in a low voice.

"It's okay to sit down."

Ye Mo said.

He doesn't go to the bar much, just a few times, the last time he went was a year ago.

"Then I'll go too!"

Fu Siwei nodded.

Seeing this scene, Sun Haoyang frowned, feeling a little upset again.

The relationship between Fu Xiaohua and Ye Mo is obviously closer than him.

"Then let's go! All go, all go!"

He greeted everyone, walked out of the mall, and walked to the bar next to him.

He skillfully opened a booth, ordered a few dozen beers, and a few bottles of foreign wine.

"Ye Mo, come, let's have a few more drinks!"

He stood up, raised his wine glass, and said to Ye Mo.

Ye Mo smiled, raised his glass, gestured, and drank it down.

"Come again!"

Sun Haoyang filled himself up and raised his glass again.

After Ye Mo filled it up, he drank another cup with him.

After a few drinks, he was fine, but Sun Haoyang's cheeks were a little red, showing a bit drunk.

"Almost, you're almost drunk!"

Ye Mo persuaded.

"No, I'm not drunk! Today, I must drink you down!" Sun Haoyang muttered, raising his glass again.

"Haoyang, it's almost there!"

Zhou Yong and the others all tried to persuade him.

"Then take a break, I'll go to the bathroom!"

Ye Mo looked at him and said helplessly.

After speaking, he got up and left the booth.

"Zhou Yong, he won't drink, let's drink!"

Sun Haoyang relied on Zhou Yong again and asked for a toast.

"Tell me, what's so good about the person surnamed Ye? Isn't he more handsome! Others, what is he better than me? I'm richer and more talented than him. Why should I think about her? Just treat him better than me?"

"He, he was a poor dick before, and now he's married and has children. What's so good about this kind of person...?"

After a few more drinks, he sat down and muttered and complained.

"Haoyang, you're drunk!"

Zhou Yong and the men smiled wryly.

In fact, they also couldn't figure it out. They didn't understand what Fu Xiaohua was thinking.

Coming out of the toilet, Ye Mo turned around.

The whole bar was very noisy, the sound of music, mixed with screams and shouts, was deafening.

The air smells of alcohol.

He frowned, a little disliked the atmosphere.

He turned around and was going back to the deck.

At this time, he saw a figure approaching from the side. After a closer look, he was stunned for a moment. He remembered this person, Secretary Xu of the board of directors.

"Secretary Xu?"

He called out tentatively.

"You are……?"

The man stopped and looked in surprise.

"I am Ye Mo!"

"Ye Mo? Oh! It's Mr. Ye!" Secretary Xu was stunned for a while, and then showed a warm smile, "What a coincidence! I didn't expect to meet Mr. Ye here!"

"Are you coming to play too?"

Ye Mo laughed.

"Hey! How is that possible!" Secretary Xu immediately shook his head, "I'm Mr. Ding's secretary, of course I'm here to accompany him. Mr. Ding likes to come to bars to hang out. I'm not buying cigarettes for him."

As he spoke, he showed the bag in his hand, which contained several high-end cigarettes.

"That's it!"

Ye Mo smiled, "Then hurry up!"


Secretary Xu responded, and seeing him go, turned around and left.

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