"If it is not used well, the people of Pingyang Mansion will really have no way out. Where should I put it?"

"Water tank, put it in the water tank."

Lin Xiang threw the source of the red plague into the water tank, turned around and walked outside while telling Zuo Hui:

"The plague cures the plague. You discovered it by chance. You saved the people of Pingyang Mansion."

Zuo Hui knocked his head heavily on the ground, he knew what kind of benefits he had obtained; the credit for curing the plague was credited to him, and his achievements and reputation would be higher than that of his master.

Just thinking about it made him shudder.

After knelt down to confirm that Lin Xiang had left, Zuo Hui couldn't wait to run to patient zero, and saw that the patient was dead, but he let out a maniacal laugh.

Because although a person dies, the plague on the body is gone.

It shows that it is feasible to fight poison with fire.

The people of Pingyang Mansion were saved, how could he be unhappy?

Call someone to set up a pot in the yard.

Then boil water.

Finally he poured the red plague-stained water from the tank into it.

"Eldest brother. What are we doing here?"

"The people are saved, the people are saved."

"what happened?"

"Fight fire with fire. Go get the sick."


When the plague-infected patients were brought in, someone scooped water from the pot without taking protective measures. Zuo Hui hurriedly stopped him:

"This water is another kind of plague, don't think about living if you encounter it."

Scared the people around and hid far away.

After he scooped up a spoonful of water with a spoon carefully and fed it to the infectious patient, everyone waited aside.

After about a cup of tea, the patient woke up unexpectedly.

Everyone in the medical department cheered together.

In the past half month, they finally, finally, kept the clouds open to see the moonlight.

"Take all the patients to the doctor's office immediately and give them medicine."


After dawn, the magistrate learned the news and came to see it in person.

Seeing that some of the patients were able to move around, he burst into tears with excitement.

In front of Zuo Hui:

"You saved the people of Pingyang Mansion, I want to write a letter to Your Majesty."

"It's what I should do, it's what I should do."

"You are no worse than your place. Your Majesty will definitely praise you."

"It's the job, it's the job. It's because of the help of all comrades that we are lucky enough to find a way to fight poison with fire."

"Good. Young talent, good, great."

As long as the plague is gone, almost everyone can be promoted to a higher position.

The magistrate fully cooperated and asked all patients to come to the doctor's office to take medicine.

In just one day, the plague in Pingyang Mansion was miraculously suppressed.

The haze covering the hearts of the people in Pingyang Prefecture dissipated.

It won't be long before the place will be prosperous again.

Chapter 49 Buy Buy Buy

Because of Zuo Hui's meritorious service in curing the plague, he became a hot favorite in Pingyang Mansion for a while.

It's just that he couldn't be happy.

Because only he understands that the cure for the plague is not him.

That's all!Be wrong!

The reasons for how to go back are compiled.

When he returned to Beijing with Qin Dongfa's body, the people lined up to welcome him.

The women in the brothel even put on shorts and shorts, and saw them off along the way.

This is an eye-opener for many who have settled down and cannot afford to go to brothels.

Of course, there is also Lin Xiang, the protagonist who created the popularity by himself.

He didn't expect that the girl portrait he made casually would become popular in Pingyang Mansion.

Also drunk.

After Zuo Hui left, Qin Dongfa's shackles on him faded away.

The plague was finally brought under perfect control.


Lin Xiang was walking towards the Temple of the City God. After seeing some students from Luming Academy, he remembered his previous plan:

He wanted to buy all the houses in Luming Academy.

Shuiniang and Xu Ergou always live in the forest, which doesn't fit their identities.

Leisurely came to Luming Academy, and saw a group of scholars arguing.

"Food and sex."

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