Lin Xiang saw people leaving Yizhuang one after another, and he was about to go back, but saw the villagers carrying a dead body tightly covered.

The corpses of ordinary people like this are not the turn of Lin Xianglai, a Class A corpse toucher.

So stand aside and watch the fun.

The yamen servant who assigned the corpse assigned the corpse to Severe Finger to touch.

The people carried the corpse to the shade, and when they lifted the white cloth covering the corpse with their severed fingers, their expressions changed drastically.

Everyone retreats to a safe distance.

For the staff who have been in Yizhuang for a long time, the change in the expression of the corpse toucher means whether the corpse is safe or not.

Broken Finger hurriedly wrapped the black cloth around his waist around his face, and asked the villagers loudly:

"How do people die?"

"Yes, he died of illness."

The severed finger is going to be pissed off:

"Then you didn't say it earlier."

There is nothing to do now, but to bite the bullet and touch the corpse.

Severed Finger took out a few pennies from the chest of the dead body, and then hid away for fear of contracting the disease.

The villagers picked up the body and left in a hurry.

Xiao Fengxian secretly told Lin Xiang:

"After the catastrophe, there must be a plague. We can't relax recently."

"What are you afraid of? As a corpse toucher, you only touched a female corpse!"

"It's a female corpse, a lady from a scholar's family who was brutally destroyed by bandits and died. It's too tragic."

Lin Xiang looked at Xiao Fengxian's expression:

"I think you are a little gloating."

"No way."

"Since it's a plague, we should hide far away and be careful not to be infected."

Lin Xiang is very taboo to the plague-infected corpse.

He wasn't sure if the kiwi energy in his body could ward off the plague.

Just as he was about to leave with Xiao Fengxian, a group of people in the distance came to Yizhuang carrying the corpse.

The yamen servant hurriedly stopped the people and prevented them from approaching.

"Don't come, don't come."

At this moment, Bai Tutou also came back from the government office, saw the servants stopped the people, and asked:

"Why not let them take the corpse to Yizhuang?"

"My lord. It's the plague."

Bai Catcher took a deep breath and hurriedly moved away from those people.

"You guys, put the body down."

The people clapped the corpses that were brought up, and put them neatly in front of Bai Butou.

After careful counting, there were 27 of them.

"any left?"

"My lord. Yes, there are many, many families, all of them are dead."

Bai Butou looked back at the corpse toucher, and was about to speak when he severed his finger and said directly:

"My lord. We can touch it, but we still have to stay in Yizhuang in the future. It won't be good if we infect you."

Bai Butou was deeply convinced.

The corpses of these common people must not be disposed of after being touched by corpse-touchers.

"Take the corpse back and burn it. Yizhuang will not touch the corpse anymore."

This group of people was about to lift the corpse and leave, and another group of people carrying the corpse came behind them. Due to the large number of people, they gambled on the road to death.

For a while, you can't advance, you can't retreat, it's a mess.

Lin Xiang stood on the steps of Yizhuang, in front of him was a vast expanse of whiteness, full of dead people.

What plague, how could so many people die?

"It's all caused by Xu's Village. The entire Pingyang Mansion is almost flooded, and their village is still working. The plague was sent down by the gods to punish the people in Xu's Village, but it hurt us."

Lin Xiang looked at the oldest yamen servant in Yizhuang who was talking at the moment.

He is usually always talking, and everyone is used to it, and it is not surprising, but when encountering an infectious disease, the words of the old government servant will undoubtedly give everyone present, including the common people, an excuse to vent their fear.

"Yes. It's the scourges of the Xu Family Village."

"Go to them and let them apologize to the gods."

The people were excited and released the corpses in their hands. It was crowded just now, but now it is unblocked.

Lin Xiang stared at the people who had left because of anger, feeling a deep sense of melancholy in his heart.

I hope that the people of Xujia Village can leave early when they see that the situation is wrong, otherwise the people who lose their minds will turn their anger on the people of the village and do anything out of the ordinary.

Compared to Lin Xiang's concern for the villagers of Xujia Village, Bai Butou didn't care much about this matter. The troublesome thing for him now was the corpses left by the people all over the place.

Seeing that Bai Butou was troubled by this matter, Yaya servant Yao suggested:

"People don't burn it, so they can only burn it in Yizhuang. If it is left for too long, the corpse gas will form a corpse marsh in Yizhuang, and the place will be abandoned."

"That's right. Then burn it. Let's all do it together."

Bai Butou immediately ordered that all the corpses left by the people be burned.

Lin Xiang had to remind him:

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