"The river where we fished was diverted overnight, so we couldn't fish anymore. And because it didn't rain, the crops all withered, and the whole Xujia Village escaped to survive."

Lin Xiang let out a long sigh.

In order to explain the reason for Xu, he used the water control flag to cut off the river in Xujia Village, and dispersed the clouds in the sky, so that the whole area could not even drop a drop of water.

After hearing what the girl said, a woman came up with an idea:

"Your Xu family village cut off the water for you because you offended the gods. You can't go up the mountain to lead the spring down the mountain. At least keep the crops first."

The girl shed tears and said:

"We did everything we could think of. The spring water dried up when it was brought into Xujia Village, and there was no way to irrigate the farmers. Please, buy us! Give us a way to survive!"

Passers-by talked a lot.

One even thought that Xujiacun had offended the gods.

The people in Xujia Village cannot be contacted, otherwise the gods will also blame them.

Lin Xiang couldn't bear to hear what the two sisters said, but the three-year period was far from over.

When he looked back at Shuiniang, he found that her face was gloomy, and there was no sympathy in her eyes. It seemed that she still held a grudge against Xujiacun.


The husband and wife were both sunk in the river, and whoever was put on him could be forgiven in place.

Lin Xiang took out a piece of silver:

"Take it home and buy something to eat!"

"Well-meaning uncle, buy us!"

Lin Xiangchong didn't hear it, and left the bridge one by one.

The good mood of walking under the moon is gone.

On their way back to the Town God's Temple, Lin Xiang couldn't help asking Shuiniang:

"Do you still hate it?"

"Hate? There is no hatred, only killing. You are responsible for the drought in Xujia Village?"

"Xu Buyan's last wish is to be dry for three years. I have to keep my promise."

"Do you know him? Never heard of him."

"meet by chance."

Shui Niang still wanted to ask, but seeing that Lin Xiang had no interest in talking, she didn't continue the conversation.

Go back to Chenghuang Temple and separate Lin Xiang from Shuiniang.

Lin Xiang pushed open the door of the Town God's Temple, and saw Xiaofengxian smug in the candlelight.

"You're back! See how I am today?"

"Very juicy. It seems that the harvest is not small tonight."

"It was the happiest night in recent memory."

Xiao Fengxian got up, went back behind the curtain, lay on the small bed and said:

"I won't bother you anymore. I have found a man worth staying with for the rest of my life."


Is Lin Xiang lost?Of course not, I was even a little glad that Xiao Fengxian finally had a home.

He blew out the candle and lay down on the straw mat.

In the dead of night, Lin Xiang suddenly opened his eyes.

The door of the Town God's Temple was blown open by a gust of wind.

He immediately got up and went outside the City God Temple.

It was the two corpses that the Gao family had seen before.

Gao Hai asked coldly:

"Why didn't you die? You clearly had your neck cut off, so it's impossible to live."

"Probably God doesn't want me to die. Master Wuxin, why don't you show your true face and let me see it."

"Only the dead can see me."

The two corpses rushed towards Lin Xiang together.

It is indeed an existence that can be tied with jumping zombies.

The aura alone is frightening.

Lin Xiang stretched the universe in his sleeve and took out the long sword from his sleeve.

Take a step forward.

The two corpses passed him by.

when they look back.

Lin Xiang's sword came before their eyes.

The point of the sword touched Gao Hai's forehead.

It seems like a light sword.

The back of the neck is extremely strong.

Gao Hai's body fell on the stone lion in front of the Town God's Temple.

There was incredulity in its eyes.

Of course, the corpse would not have such eyes, it was the eyes of the mage Wuxin looking through the corpse.

After being left behind, the housekeeper rushed towards Lin Xiang.

Lin Xiang turned around unhurriedly, with vitality surrounding the tip of the sword.

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