"It must be at my house, go, go! You idiot lead the way."

Master Tang kicked the servant's ass.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Lin Xiang and Shuiniang were invited to the magistrate's yamen, treated with good tea and water, but Mr. Tang kept silent.

He didn't speak, but Lin Xiang spoke:

"Master Tang, to tell you the truth, I am here to find someone whose surname is Miao. Is there anyone surnamed Miao in your residence?"


"Then bring it out and let me see."

"Master, don't worry, after you divination to my mother first, I will find someone for you."

"Where's your mother?"

"Please go."

After waiting for half an hour, Master Tang's mother finally arrived late.

The old lady, who was old but with good legs and feet, walked straight into the hall without the help of a maid.

"I heard that you invited the master, where is it?"

"Mom, it's him."

The old lady glanced at Lin Xiang and shook her head:

"Just fool me, there's no such thing as a master."

"True master, mother, give it a try, if you don't agree, I'll beat him out."

"Just try it."

The old lady walked up to Lin Xiang, took out her birth date, and asked:

"My old man gave me a bronze mirror 20 years ago, but I can't find it. Can you find it for me? I want to put it in the coffin after I die."

Various poses for support

Chapter 16 Hulu Mountain

"Old man, if I can't find it, don't expect others to find it."

Sometimes bragging can boost a client's confidence, especially the elderly.

The old man got emotional and said:

"As long as you help me find it, my son will promise you everything."

Master Tang wanted to add a few acceptable conditions, but the old mother stared back at him, sitting there aggrieved, looking at Lin Xiang worriedly, for fear that he would propose some conditions that could not be fulfilled.

What a wonderful mother and son.

Lin Xiang picked up the old lady's birth date and asked:

"Is there any special mark?"

"There is no mark, no, there is, there is a mark, there is the old man's full love for me."

Master Tang retched.

"Mom, I have an upset stomach."


"Don't be impatient, old man, I'll find it for you right away."

Lin Xiang took out the turtle shell from his sleeve and began to shake it reverently.

As the copper coins fell out one by one, everyone's eyes were fixed on it meticulously.

Ten copper coins spell out a gourd shape.

What do you mean?

Divination for Dummies can sometimes be confusing.

Lin Xiang closed his eyes and began to calculate with formulas.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, everything cannot escape the shackles of the source, and it only takes a moment to deduce the meaning of the gourd.

Master Tang saw the shape of a gourd made of copper coins and proposed:

"Could it be in Calabash Mountain!"

Lin Xiang opened his eyes. He also revealed that the gourd was related to the mountain.

The old man shouted angrily:

"I remembered that thieves came to our house 20 years ago and lost a lot of things."

Seeing that his mother was so excited, Master Tang hurriedly shouted:

"Come on, help the old lady go down to rest."

Two maids supported the old lady and carried her out of the hall.

"You must find the bronze mirror your father gave me for Wei Niang, otherwise I will die with regret."

"Mom, don't worry!"

After the old lady was taken down, Lin Xiang looked at Mr. Tang:

"The place has been found for you, where is the person I want?"

"Come here, bring Tian Lan here."

"Master Tang, the person I want is named Miao."

"What is the half of Miao Shao?"


Things gradually became more interesting.

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