"This is the rule of the corpse toucher, and you must abide by it in this line of work."

"I remember. Master."

"Don't call me master."

"Okay, master."

Lin Xiang sighed, picked up the iron plate and showed it to Xiao Fengxian:

"This is the place where gold and silver are stored. After touching a corpse, take the iron pan out to the yamen servant."


"There are no other rules. If you have any problems, you can come to me. You can stay in your own morgue!"

"It's right next door to you, don't worry, I can rush over if there is a corpse."

Lin Xiang didn't want to talk much, curled up on the straw mat and pretended to sleep, and stopped talking to Xiao Fengxian.

"Do you know why I redeemed myself again?"

There is no cause for He Liang yet, so the shackles that bind Lin Xiang are still there, he sits up and stares at Xiaofengxian, with the first murderous intention.

If Xiaofengxian didn't cherish the hard-won plan to survive, why didn't he finish her for He Liang?


"Because I thought of you, I decided to change my mind and start a new life."

"I'm not that capable."

"Even if you are the dirtiest corpse-toucher, as long as you have a clean heart, you are a hundred times stronger than those who are full of benevolence and morality."

"So you are lucky to have five of them? Do you think they have a clean heart?"

Xiao Fengxian smiled disdainfully.

"Apart from you, the cripple is interesting."

"I hear you mean that you want to change your face and start a new life?"

Lin Xiang had already given her a chance to survive, and it was up to her to grasp it.

"have not decided yet."

Lin Xiang gave Xiao Fengxian a contemptuous look, this girl is hopeless.

Just thinking about whether to do something to Xiaofengxian at night to fulfill He Liang's last wish, the yamen servant came over and told Lin Xiang:

"Your master, he is dead."

Lin Xiang ran out of the morgue, staring at the crippled master on the bamboo pole with a dull expression.

Master, the old man will be a corpse man for three years in half a year, and he can bring 300 taels of silver for the elderly, but now he is dead.

The body bearer put the body in Lin Xiang's morgue.

Lin Xiang was going to let him touch the corpse according to what the crippled master had told him before.

"and many more."

"Captain Liu, is there anything else?"

"Your master touched half of it, and you should touch the remaining half."

Zhenghe Lin Xiang's wishes.

"Since what my master hasn't finished, it should be done by me as an apprentice."

"Filial piety is commendable. As long as you complete this mission, the Yamen will reward you with a house."

Lin Xiang didn't say much, and followed Liu Butou to leave Yizhuang.

The place they came from turned out to be the Yizhuang of the Mass Burial Mound. Isn't this place abandoned?

Liu Butou stood outside the gate of the Yizhuang, apparently not planning to enter the Yizhuang:

"You'd better be able to complete the half that your master didn't complete. If you can't, we will lift you out."

It is self-evident what Liu Butou means.

If you can't finish touching the corpse, you can only come out as a corpse.

"I will let the master go away decently."

Lin Xiang stared at the lobby of Yizhuang, where the demon corpse was lying there. He walked in excitedly, and the door behind him was closed by the officials.

Chapter 11

Are demon corpses really that scary?The yamen servants didn't even dare to step into the gate while he was touching the corpse.

Lin Xiang stood in the lobby of Yizhuang, staring at the demon corpse in front of him.

If it weren't for the gills on both sides of the corpse's neck, Lin Xiang would definitely have regarded him as a drowned person.

Do monsters look like this?

Shouldn't they all be those with blue faces and fangs?

Lin Xiang closed the door of the lobby.

This is to prevent outsiders from peeping.

Squatting beside the demon corpse, he took out the unburned incense of the lame master from the five senses.

He unhurriedly took out the incense from the baggage he brought, lit it, and inserted it from the feet of the demon corpse first.

Next comes the nostrils, then the mouth, and then the ears.

After finishing everything that the crippled master told him, Lin Xiang started to touch the corpse.

As soon as his hand was close to the demon corpse, he felt a chill enter his body through his fingers.

A thousandth of a second.

There was a hot current in Lin Xiang's body, swallowing the cold current unceremoniously.

The effect of the kiwi fruit was really long-lasting. After confirming that the demon corpse could not harm him, he continued to attack.

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