Samir firmly refused.

Song Shijin still wanted to persuade, but Samir got a little angry: "Mr. Song, please don't disturb me talking to the master. If you interrupt again, I will ask for a replacement."

Song Shijin opened his mouth, his face was a little ugly, but he didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Master, when will we start practicing?"

Samir couldn't wait to say.

"Practicing martial arts is not something that happens overnight. You are only at the third level now. I suggest that you start training after you reach the tenth level."

Guan Xiaodong said.

If you practice martial arts from scratch, it will take ten years of hard work to strengthen your body and strengthen your bones.

And to upgrade to level ten, at most one more game.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Samir is very sweet.

"I have to go home. I won't call you today. Find a hotel by yourself."

Guan Xiaodong said.

"Master, walk slowly."

Samir said respectfully.

Guan Xiaodong waved his hand and left, Samir kept watching his back until he was far away.

Song Shijin was very surprised, what kind of ecstasy soup did Xiaodong Guan give Samir to make him so respectful.

"Prince Samir, do you like martial arts? I can introduce you to a martial arts master from China."

Song Shijin said.

"Is there any martial arts master stronger than the master in Huaguo?"

Samir was a little curious.

"Of course there is."

Song Shijin said with certainty.

Samir thought for a while and decided to trust him once.

After receiving an affirmative reply, Song Shijin was overjoyed and vowed that he would definitely invite the top martial arts master in China for him.

Samir was looking forward to it.


Guan Xiaodong returned home, turned on his phone, and found a new message.

It was sent by the bank, and 150 billion arrived in the account.

Although he made more money this time than last time, Guan Xiaodong was not so excited anymore.

"Xiao Dong, is that really a prince?"

Caring Ning asked.

"You don't care if he is a prince or not. Our country doesn't like this, so don't worry about it."

Guan Xiaodong said.

"This is not the first time I've seen a real person. I used to see it on TV. I heard that one of their princes owns an oil field, and they are very rich."

Caring Ning said.

"They have hundreds of princes, and Samir is just one of them, not even the crown prince."

Guan Xiaodong said.

The crown prince is the reserve king.

"There are so many princes, well, I was thinking too much."

Caring Ning suddenly lost interest in Samir.

Too much of anything will depreciate, and so does the prince.

In the early morning of the next day, Guan Xiaodong received a lot of game messages, all from those named disciples who wanted to play games with him.

Guan Xiaodong formed a team and pulled them all into the team.

Choose Monster Survival - Crypt Invasion.

Science fiction + magic.

Entering the game, Guan Xiaodong and others appeared in a dilapidated building in a catacomb city, surrounded by darkness, and could perceive abundant natural elements.

Sign in.

【You got the character card——Kimomaro】

Extract the character card.

Guan Xiaodong liked this role very much before.

"I don't know if the bone vein of the character card has any side effects. It can be used on pets. Anyway, my ability is enough."

He decided to find a monster on this map, transform it into a psychic beast, and then fuse the character card.

【Mission Objective: Escape from the Catacombs】

[Number of players in this game: 5]

[Game Tip: You can exit the game by killing one of the four magic stars]

Surviving 5 monsters, with this number of players, the difficulty of the game will definitely be very high.

"Master, it seems that we are the only ones here, and the other players should be scattered."

Jiang Sining approached immediately.

Guan Xiaodong has opened his spiritual investigation. They are located in an abandoned factory in the Catacomb City. There are many Catacombs living in this city.

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