Will turned around and fled frantically towards the entrance of the underground palace.

He cursed Su Qi frantically in his heart.

Cursing Su Qi as a strong man, but without half the dignity of a strong man, and pretending to be so miserable to fish and enforce the law.

At the same time, he couldn't help thinking about it in his heart.

Could this be the flashback of this strong man?

He prayed frantically in his heart, praying that this was really just a reflection of the strong.

"This is the backlight... This is the backlight... This is the backlight..."

It's a pity that the facts do not depend on human will.

Su Qi glanced at the frantically fleeing figure.

He picked up a fragment of the dagger with two fingers and closed his eyes slightly.

The endless vitality in the body was crazily poured into the dagger fragments.

Constantly destroying the dagger fragments indiscriminately, Su Qi silently felt the limit that the dagger fragments could bear.

Su Qi suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the fleeing figure.

With a flick of the wrist, the fragments of the dagger shot directly at the figure like lightning, and even exploded at a super high speed that could not be caught by the naked eye in an instant.


Before Will could finish chanting, the words "returning to the light", the consciousness of the whole person dissipated into nothingness.

In the eyes of the audience of the live broadcast of the underground palace, Will's head was instantly destroyed by an invisible force, and it exploded into countless pieces.

It's like a picture of a watermelon being hit by a large anti-material firearm.

Extremely bloody!

But this mysterious and powerful force deeply attracted them.

These viewers frantically chose to pay attention to Su Qi, they were eager to see more of such power.

Su Qi didn't know that some people were crazy about his strength.

He was just a little surprised, looking at the bloody screen that suddenly appeared in front of him.

The astonishment in Yuanshen gradually turned into surprise.

He even muttered in his mouth: "The rules of the dungeon world are really that the winner takes everything, and the loser eats the dust and dust..."


I ask for my book three times a day, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a collection, ask for a monthly ticket, and ask for politeness three times!

Chapter 47

On the bloody screen in front of Su Qi, a lot of reminders appeared.

"Killing the descendant Will will automatically obtain the exploration progress of the descendant's dungeon map, which can be viewed on the dungeon map at any time."


Su Qi was not very surprised by this reminder, because the bloody screen had reminded him before that the exploration speed of the dungeon map could be plundered by killing.

What really surprised him was the hint in black writing below.

"Kill the descendant Will to devour the descendant's portable underground palace. You can choose the direction of your portable underground palace."

"Ascension Direction [-]: Expand the space of the portable underground palace."

"Improvement Direction [-]: Improve the quality of the portable dungeon."

"Attention! If you choose to improve the quality, the person who descended will not be able to obtain anything in the underground palace."

"If you choose to expand the space, all the things in the underground palace of the descendant will be transferred to your portable underground palace."


"This is a true survival of the fittest. The winner can plunder everything from the loser, and the loser can get everything in the underground palace with him."

Just by choosing to expand the underground palace, you can get the things in Will's underground palace.

However, Su Qi is actually more interested in improving the quality of Will's portable dungeon than obtaining the items in Will's portable dungeon.

In the prompt on the bloody screen, there is some vagueness about improving the quality of the portable dungeon.

This made him a little curious, what does it mean to improve the quality of the underground palace?

"And in the final analysis, I'm actually not interested in the so-called things in Will's underground palace..."

Su Qi smiled, and then pointed his finger towards direction [-]: The quality of the portable underground palace has been improved.

The bloody screen showed that it was being upgraded, so Su Qi waited quietly for a while.

He didn't waste the waiting time, but slowly picked up the extraordinary crystals on the ground.

Even in the process of picking it up, Su Qi also triggered the aura enhancement of the source grabber.

When his eyes heated up slightly again, Su Qi felt that his eyesight had improved further.

Can see farther and see more clearly.

In order to test the effect of this promotion, Su Qi looked up at the white skull on the edge of the underground palace world.

clear and distinct!

Even the pupils of the white skull exuding a cold red light are clearly visible.

After experimenting with it, he lowered his head again and continued to pick up the extraordinary crystals diligently.

Finally, Master Su, who had been busy for more than 20 minutes, turned on the bloody screen.

Sure enough, a sign that the ascension was complete had already appeared on the bloody screen.

And with the improvement of the quality of the portable underground palace, he also felt a slight change.

That is, he can enter the portable underground palace again.

He had indeed used up the number of times he had entered the Portable Dungeon before, and the new day hadn't been refreshed yet.

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