There was a crackling sound as bones collided with each other.

As the bones continued to be spliced ​​together, dilapidated skeletons stood up one after another.

Pale flames burned in the hollow eyes of the skeleton, making it look extremely terrifying.

Having seen the skeleton frame in the live broadcast window, Su Qi didn't show much surprise on his face.

At the same time, because of the occupation of the source grabber, Su Qi is particularly sensitive to the perception of the origin of life.

As early as when he stepped into this underground palace, his keen perception had already told him clearly.

There are hundreds of existences exuding the original breath of life hidden.

The origin of living beings is a pure source of power, which exists in all living beings and is the most original power of living beings.

Even these skeletons can actually be regarded as other kinds of creatures.

There are skeletons all over the mountains and plains, and ordinary people would probably have their legs trembling and sweating profusely when they saw them.

However, his eyes were shining, and he looked straight at the skeletons all over the mountains and plains.

There was a hint of greed and joy in his eyes.

"I don't know how many origins of life can there be in these skeletons all over the mountains and plains?"

Su Qi moved his limbs, and his fists glowed with a faint white light.

"In ancient times, there was Dances with Wolves..."

"Today, I will come... to dance with the skeletons!"

Saying this, his figure rushed towards the skeletons all over the mountains and plains.

And those skeletons smelled the breath of living people, and rushed towards him madly.

War is imminent!

It's a pity that no one can watch this disparate battle...

Chapter 45 The encounter between the descendants

The hollow eyes of the skeleton shone with pale flames, like hundreds of pale will-o'-the-wisps.

Hundreds of skeletons rushed towards him mightily.

Don't look at the sluggish and stiff movements of these undead, and think that the situation is the same when they are fighting.

Stimulated by the breath of the living, the undead rushed towards them at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary people.

Su Qi watched the undead rushing towards him. The undead didn't need to worry about whether the body could bear the load at such a speed.

They only have one thought, to tear this human being exuding a strong breath of life... to pieces!

Even the beating of the pale flame seemed to be a little more active.

The white light on Su Qi's palm became more and more intense.

The endurance of Endless Energy is very strong. The loss of the last battle in the underground palace plus the loss of being used as a light bulb in the passage has already recovered to a seven or eight.

Right now, the endless vitality in his body is enough to support the wear and tear of a battle.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.

A broken white bone palm with only one finger was waving towards his face with a frightening force.

If it hits the real spot, even Su Qi's current physical fitness will inevitably add a bloody scar to his face.

Su Qi watched the six directions with his eyes and listened to all directions.

Naturally, he saw this sinister skeleton hand.

Immediately, the hand moves according to the heart, the fist is wrapped in white light, and with this powerful and unparalleled force, it collides with the bone palm!


Keep going.

A hundredfold increase.

The palm of the white bone was like paper paste, smashed inch by inch, turning into fine bone residue.

The power of endless vigor is endless, spreading along the palm of the bone.

In an instant, the entire dilapidated body of the undead was completely reduced to dust.


At the same time, a shimmering pebble crystal fell to the ground, and was soon submerged in the ashes.

Su Qi was a little surprised when he saw the extraordinary crystal.

"This extraordinary crystal is quite hard..."

As a user of Endless Energy, Su Qi naturally knew that if Endless Energy was knocked out of his body, it would be destroyed indiscriminately.

Extraordinary crystals can be intact in the indiscriminate attacks of endless vigor, and its hardness can be imagined.

After sighing, he focused on the battle.

Wherever the white fist light passed, all undead skeletons were destroyed.

No undead can resist Su Qi's blow.

The undead came in a steady stream, and they were not afraid of the strength of the enemy.

In the hollow eye sockets of the skeleton, flames of extreme hatred for the living burned.

Driving them to frantically wave their sharp claws at Su Qi, trying to tear Su Qi into pieces.

Having tried the power of undead skeletons, Su Qi didn't want to fall into the sea of ​​skeletons.

In this kind of big melee, it is impossible to be unscathed.

Su Qi could only rely on his speed far exceeding that of the undead skeletons to distance himself from them and reduce the possibility of being besieged by the sea of ​​skeletons.

He unhurriedly used the kite-flying tactic to consume the number of undead skeletons.

Three hours later, Su Qi stopped on a small hill covered with white ashes.

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