After all, the result of my hard work is not valued by others. I have a deep understanding. Connor should not suffer such setbacks when he is still young...

But Diwen couldn't bear to refuse when he saw the expression of praying (xuan) begging (yao) on his grandson's cute (i)loving (ng) little face. Just be happy.

"Okay.. I'll greet Flora. You can tell your mother what you think. After all, she is in charge of the Chocolate Frog business now."

"Okay! Now please grandpa teach me the magic of making the person in the painting enter and exit other frames!"

Seeing such a studious grandson, Old Diwen smiled in relief.

"Okay." The grandfather picked up two of Connor's works and said, "Connor, when you painted the background of these two paintings, what were you thinking about?"

"Huh? Just... thinking about... a place? I seem to be just drawing out the feeling in my mind, just like the forest I usually draw." Connor said honestly.

"Almost, in fact, your feeling is the most basic element of our painting skills - the sense of space. When you draw the background with magic patterns, you actually endowed the background with the concept of 'space'." Old Diwen pointed out Looking at the yellow-skinned mouse scurrying around in the painting, he said: "There is space in the painting. Daoist Mo Yu remembered to read this site, and the updates here are really fast. The size, distribution and changes of this space all depend on For their creator, it is you."

"That is to say, it's actually a very simple thing for you to want their spaces to border each other. But you can't do it now, why?" The renter's father paused again, seeing Connor Thoughtful, he decided to test his grandson.

Connor hesitated and said, "Is it because I didn't think that their spaces could be connected together when I was painting?"

"It's basically correct. The background of a painting is actually the house of the people in the painting. You built a house for them, but you didn't leave doors and windows for them, so they can't leave their original house." Old Diwen raised his hand. A magic pattern appeared in front of the cane, and then it was divided into two, and entered the 'house' of Pikachu and Chubby respectively, "Of course, even if there is no portal left when building the house, we can be more flexible. Get them one.”…,

With the entry of the magic pattern, the diaphragm between the two paintings seemed to be pierced. Pikachu ran all the way and ran into Chubby's 'house'. A hundred thousand volts came directly, and then Chubby was electrocuted. His whole body was burnt black and he fainted on the ground, while Pikachu proudly placed poss on Chubby's "corpse" for a while, and then slowly walked back to his 'house'.

Connor laughed out loud, he didn't expect his painting to be so interesting.After a while, Chubby, who was completely scorched by the electric shock, got up staggeringly. The scorched black on his body faded away, but he hid in the corner timidly, not daring to look at Pikachu.

"Connor, as I said before, when the painting is finished, it has nothing to do with the painter. Your two little... magical animals, although they have very little self-awareness, they also have the basic learning ability , this should be given to them by you, they are not static. This surprised me a bit, your magic is perfect."

"Grandfather, can you still let them separate?" Connor saw that Pikachu rolled up his sleeves to call Chubby. .Said: "I mean, can two paintings be connected when they are in contact, and when the two paintings are separated, their space is separated again?"

Old Diwen frowned and said, "If it's just these two paintings, you just need to separate the 'connected' magic lines in half and draw them on the two paintings respectively, but this is only applicable to specific Two paintings, you must know that the 'connected' magic pattern is flat, but it is not symmetrical."

"It doesn't matter! As long as you know you can do it!" Connor said confidently: "Let's start learning this magic pattern now, grandfather."


Old Divin didn't teach Connor the magic pattern, but used Floo powder to bring Connor to the place where Flora worked-the Chocolate Frog Magic Snack Factory.

"Oh Connor

!Dad, why are you here? "

As soon as he stepped out of the fireplace, Connor was hugged by Flora and kissed him hard.

"I want to show him around the factory, Flora." Old Diwen said majesticly.

"Why do you suddenly want to visit the factory?" Flora asked suspiciously.

Then Connor explained his plan to get cards in detail. .After listening to Connor's big plan, Flora said with a smile on her face: "Our Connor is so smart, and my mother approves of your big plan with both hands! In order to reward the smart Connor, your drawing card will be sold later. All the money is your pocket money, okay?"

"Really?" Connor said excitedly.

"Of course! Let's pull the hook." Flora smiled dotingly.

"Pull the hook!" Connor didn't expect such a surprise. Although Connor didn't think his card would sell well, he still had the confidence that he wouldn't lose money. It seemed that his pocket money would be settled in the future.

"Of course." Flora touched Connor's head with a smile, and said, "The factory is underground, so let your grandfather take you there. Mom still has some work to do, so I won't go with you."

Connor and old Divin left Flora's office.Daoist Mo Yu remembered to bookmark this site, the update here is really fast.Take the elevator down.

"Grandpa, where is this? I mean where is this factory built?"

"This is Sussex County. On the surface, it is a Muggle factory. They produce those e-cars here, but in fact, the underground here is our processing factory." The elevator kept going down, and then stopped on the -10 floor , Old Diwen took Connor out, and said with great interest, "This place belongs to our Wright family for a hundred miles. It was our family's fiefdom before the wizards disappeared. Then Back then we were nobles in the eyes of Muggles..."

Connor was no longer listening to old Divin's tirade, and Connor was completely attracted by the "factory" in front of him.

This is a "workshop" belonging to wizards. One can see a bunch of big "machines" and several assembly lines, all of which are automated, which is much more advanced than the manual assembly lines of Muggle factories today.

There are only four "administrators" in Nuoda's factory, and three of them are standing on the big machines, probably working. Seeing the grandfather coming in, the idle manager hurried over. ,

Chapter 9 Connor's Pokemon

"Mr. Wright, Hasen greets you." The man named Hasen said cautiously.

Old Diwen nodded, and said coldly: "You are busy with your work, I will show my grandson around."

Hasson withdrew with amnesty.

"This is a Squib, Connor." Devon pulled Connor towards a running production belt.


"Yes, you know, not all wizard blood can become a wizard. We call those who are born into wizarding families without the ability to cast spells Squibs."

"Oh." Connor knew that Old Divin hadn't finished speaking.

"Although they don't know how to use magic, it doesn't mean they have no magic power. There are two types of squibs, one is born with insufficient magic power, and they don't have enough magic power to support them to cast spells. The other..." Old Diwen pointed out He pointed to his head. .He went on: "They have normal magical powers, but they have lost their talents as wizards-they can cast spells but cannot use magic."

Old Diwen pointed to those managers again, and said, "They are all of the second type. They are also called magic workers, and they are the main source of magic power in the production chain of all wizard factories."

Connor once again came into contact with the other side of the wizarding world. Sure enough, the world of Harry Potter is not as glamorous as in the movies...

"Are there...a lot of these squibs?"

"Huh? This, Connor, do you know how many wizards there are in England?" Old Divin pondered for a moment, then asked Connor a question.

"Um, I don't know." Connor really hadn't thought about this question. Connor recalled the movie he watched in his previous life, where first-year Gryffindors and Slytherins took flying lessons. .There are about twenty people, and there are about fifty or sixty freshmen in that first grade. If you roughly estimate... there are about five or six thousand people?Thinking about it this way, wizards are still rare and protected animals...

"In the UK, there are more than 7000 wizards registered with the Ministry of Magic. If you include those unregistered black wizards and young wizards like you who have not yet been registered, there are about 1 people. The odds of having a Squib in a wizarding family is about one in six, so there are probably close to [-] Squibs in the UK, and that's not counting the number of Squib families who have forgotten their wizarding status."

Connor was surprised: "So there are so many squibs?" Because in the original book, the entire Hogwarts Connor knew that there was one... that... what's the name of the administrator called a squib, and Connor thought that the squib was a rare creature coming.

"Yes. Daoist Mo Yu remembered to bookmark this site. The updates here are really fast. Most of the squibs will choose to live in the Muggle world after knowing that they have no ability to cast spells. But there are also many who don't want to go to the Muggle world The Squibs of life, they contracted the work that official wizards in the wizarding world disdain to do." Diwen pointed to the Squib employees working on those "magic machines".

"Squibs like them with magical powers in their bodies are the tall ones among the squibs. They can take on a lot of jobs, and life is not a problem. And those squibs who have no magic power and cannot integrate into Muggle society are rejected by both worlds, whether in Whether it's the Muggle world or the wizarding world, it's truly pathetic to live like a clown."

Old Di Wenyu patted Connor's little head earnestly and said: "Connor, you have to know that it is a kind of luck that we were born as wizards. We must not be arrogant because we have this kind of power. We must always maintain Be humble and be in awe of magic. It is not we who control the magic, but the magic chooses us.”…,

"I see, grandfather." Connor nodded earnestly. His grandfather had really cared for him. Connor recognized the Wright family again. After all, he already had a mother. An additional grandfather is also acceptable.

Old Diwen felt that his little grandson was getting closer to him, and with a chrysanthemum-like smile on his face, he continued to lead Connor towards the big magic machine.

"This is a very sophisticated alchemy product. Look at this mold, does it look familiar? The magic pattern on it is the "connected" magic pattern. This is why I am not in a hurry to teach you this magic pattern, because all the chocolate frog painting cards The connected magic patterns are all directly engraved on the drawing card through this machine, so even if you don't master the "connected" magic patterns, you can still produce your... um... Pikachu painting cards."

This is over. .Old Divin pulled Connor to the other half of the assembly line, stopped the Squib worker, removed something from the complicated instrument, and handed it to Connor, "This is my original painting."

Connor took it over and saw that it was "Albus Dumbledore" on the chocolate frog, and Dumbledore in the painting blinked mischievously.

"This machine (B) is different from the machine (A) just now. This one is more complicated and more expensive. The core magic pattern used by the machine (A) just now is the 'replication' magic pattern, and this machine ( B) The core magic pattern is the "backtracking" magic pattern. "Copy" is a relatively simple planar magic pattern, while the "backtracking" magic pattern is three-dimensional. The difficulty of making the two is not the same level.... ..”

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