Painting a self-portrait is the art of painting avatars, drawing a Voldemort can be a trick of making real ones, painting a group of soldiers is the art of drawing soldiers, painting a landscape is the art of mirage, drawing a bunch of weapons is the art of unlimited painting, painting A King Arthur is the Holy no no no no!stop stop stop stop ah!Calm down! !

Connor threw the pen and hugged his head to prevent squatting, Connor's brain was shaking!

No, no, no, big things are bad, big things are bad, this imagination can't stop at all!This magic... this magic it... it's so exciting!

Stop writing, stop studying, I can’t continue studying today, Connor feels that he urgently needs to calm down, go out and find a man to draw a picture to calm down, draw a picture for Li Qiaodan, he has been begging me for a long time up.

Now only the dark reality can dilute Connor's yearning for the colorful painting world.

Labor and capital will not study today. .As soon as I closed my eyes, I thought about Nai... something unhealthy, it really shouldn't be, I'm still a child, Connor thought so.

Connor packed his things and left the Room of Requirement. After walking out, the door of the room slowly disappeared. Looking around, it was quite close to the Gryffindor Tower.

Looking at the door that disappeared behind him, Connor felt that this room was the real treasure of Hogwarts, and Connor couldn't understand the principle of this room at all.

The Room of Requirement, also known as the Room of Come and Go, will appear in front of you when you need it, and its interior will be arranged as you need. It is the most mysterious and magical room in Hogwarts.

Connor wanted a quiet place to draw pictures, so it built a large-section open-air balcony for Connor, and he could have a panoramic view of Hogwarts. Connor clearly remembered that he entered from the middle of the seventh floor of the castle. The door, but this balcony is in the Astronomy Tower, and no one else can see that there is an extra balcony in the tower, and the back door appears next to the Gryffindor Tower.

The interior of the Room of Requirement is a mystery.Daoist Mo Yu remembered to bookmark this site, the update here is really fast.The entrance and exit are also very confusing. Although Connor can find a fixed entrance, he can find an exit anywhere on the seventh and eighth floors. This room is really "live".

The magic level of the Room of Requirement is extremely high, involving very deep space magic, which is far beyond what Connor can decipher.

But Connor believes that one day he will discover the secret of this house.

Now... Where can I find Li Jordan? He might be playing cards in the dormitory at this time. Hey, is he going to the Gryffindor lounge again, so the Room of Requirement counts as I go to Gryffindor to rest room yet?

Although I know the password, why do I have to deliver it to someone’s door when I help people draw? Hey, it’s too difficult for me, so I can’t call someone with one click. It’s so troublesome without a mobile phone. When will I have to get a magic phone? I also remember that an old ancestor with a very long name said that there is another painting magic. This Christmas holiday, I should go to my grandfather to have a look. I can probably learn it now... Connor was thinking about various things. Kind of a mess trying to distract myself while walking towards Gryffindor Tower...,

Chapter 55 Christmas holidays begin

1989.12.24 was Connor's 11th birthday. Today Hogwarts also started to have Christmas vacation. The holiday lasted for half a month. Connor planned not to stay in school for this half month.

I haven't been home for a long time. Although my grandfather has been asking Connor to go to his place to play on weekends, Connor has always refused on the grounds that his studies are heavy.

Thinking of seeing his grandfather, Flora and Ivan soon, Connor felt a little happy.

Connor and the Weasley brothers left school together, and they were going back to the Burrow for the holidays, so they made an appointment to go together.

At the gate of Hogwarts school, Connor and Roger waved goodbye, and the four Weasley brothers walked towards Hogsmeade village, Connor was going to Lake Manor and the Weasley brothers were going to find a place to take the Floo network back The Burrow.

"Connor, any plans for the Christmas break?" Fred asked.

"Think about it... I want to learn the basic spells of the third grade, and there are still several magic patterns that I haven't figured out. I have to re-read the knowledge points of the potion class, and I have to catch a mouse to study the transfiguration..." As Connor said this, he looked into Patsy's pocket, where there was a mouse that wasn't a mouse.

"Hey! Dude! It's a holiday! Why are you still so busy studying? Shouldn't you relax during the holiday?" George gestured his hands exaggeratedly.

"Learning makes me happy." Connor shrugged.

"Hahaha, you do look like a Ravenclaw, Connor." Charlie laughed and patted Connor on the shoulder.

"A restless Ravenclaw." x2

They chatted and laughed along the way, and soon came to the fireplace house in Hogsmeade village. Like the fireplace house in Diagon Alley, it was specially provided for wizards who needed to use the Floo network.

"Goodbye...remember to come to my birthday party tonight." Connor and the Weasley brothers waved goodbye.

"See you!"

Seeing the four Weasleys disappear into the fireplace one after another, Connor turned and walked in another direction.

Then he thought of Patsy's pet mouse, Scabbers. Connor hadn't figured out what to do with this "mouse". In fact, Connor tried to use the Marauder's Map to find "Wormtail" when he was in school, but Couldn't find his name on the map.

In fact, Connor didn't have any hope at all. After all, this Marauder's Map couldn't even recognize Connor's Disillusionment Charm. As one of the creators of the Marauder's Map, Wormtail couldn't be found so easily.

Connor thought Harry could easily find Wormtail's name on the map.Daoist Mo Yu remembered to bookmark this site, the update here is really fast.The reason may not be as simple as imagined.

Now that Wormtail couldn't be identified with the Marauder's Map, Connor didn't think about what to do with the mouse for a while, so let's leave him with Percy for the time being, anyway, he couldn't lose it.

Connor walked out of Hogsmeade Village. Lake Manor was located on the outskirts of the village, not far from the village. Connor was going there now.

When he could see the gate of the manor, Connor could see his grandfather Diwen was already waiting at the gate from a distance. Seeing Connor appearing, his grandfather waved his hand with a smile, and Connor ran over with a smile.

"Grandfather, the weather is nice today, isn't it?"

"Of course, of course, I haven't seen our dear Connor for a long time." The grandfather gave Connor a warm hug, held Connor's hand tightly and walked into the manor, "Why don't you come here more often? What about it? It’s pretty close to Hogwarts, isn’t it? If it’s because of school rules, Dumbledore wouldn’t mind selling me off…”…,

"You know, I have so much to learn, and I can't stop seeing so much interesting knowledge to learn."

"Oh, do you practice drawing every day?"

"Of course! I keep practicing every day..."

Walking into the hall, Connor stopped talking, and looked around to find the ancestor with a long name on the wall covered with portraits, as if... what's his name... Benny... Benedict Gena Monet Bertram Lake, it's you.

"Grandpa Benny, zai?" Connor leaned forward with a smile.

Benedict, who pretended to be asleep in the painting, slowly opened his eyes: "Oh? It's little Connor, what can I do with your Grandpa Benny?"

"Grandpa Benny, when will you teach me the magic of running into a painting? I think I can learn it now." Connor blinked. .Maliciously cute.

"No hurry, no hurry, you haven't painted a real painting yet, come to me after you finish it." The real paintings Benedict said meant the paintings in the room. It is true that Connor has not successfully painted the same works. He usually draws pictures for others that cannot speak, but he already has the ability to draw them.

"But look at the monster cards I drew, I can already draw that kind of picture!" Connor took out a few cards and shook them, and the Pikachu inside was also rolled around, making an angry pika !Pickup!the sound of.

"Being able to draw it and drawing it are two different things. Your toy-like paintings are not counted."

hear this. .Connor pouted angrily, frowned and stared at old Benny with big blue eyes. Connor was very skilled in being malicious and cute. I feel that the shelf life of my little kid is almost over. If I don’t consume it now, I won’t be able to use it in the future.

Flora and old Divin can't stop Connor

It's a set, but as a painting, Benedict is indifferent and turns his head away from Connor.

In the end, grandfather Di Wen ran out and said with a smile: "Connor, don't you want to draw a picture for Nott, and you can learn it when you draw it."

Hearing this, Connor was startled, as if he had promised Professor Nott to lie to his grandfather, he said with a guilty conscience, "Okay...Okay, I'll learn it later."

"By the way. Daoist Mo Yu remembers to bookmark this site. The updates here are really fast. My grandfather and I recently learned a new painting magic, but I haven't mastered it yet. It can make paintings come into reality!"

But the grandfather didn't seem too surprised, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is it the magic left by your father?"

"Uh, yes." How did you know?

"Oh, it's good if you learn it yourself, it's better not to hand it over to others easily, the Far very conservative, they value this secrecy..." Grandpa hesitated to speak.

"Oh...Okay, then I'll go home first, grandpa remembers to come to my birthday party tonight!" After thinking about it, Connor decided to go home and meet Flora and Yiwen, in his absence, Yiwen must have been very unhappy...

"Okay, you go back first, Flora should be waiting for you at home." Grandpa smiled. "I'll go there again tonight."…,

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