"It's feeding with bullets. If I were treated like this, I would be secretly having fun in my dreams."

"Dude, he shot more bullets in one go than we did in a week."

"Special approval from the head of the regiment!"

"What I'm thinking about now is, what is his shoulder made of, is it made of iron?"

"For two hours, his shooting has never stopped, and he is always in a shooting position. How can he bear it?"

He Chen said: "He should be unable to stand it anymore."

As the seedling of Houyi's 2nd Company, He Chen was taken care of once, that is, he was given a 2-hour shooting time. During this time, he had enough bullets!

However, He Chen only held on for an hour and a half, the muscles in his shoulders were numb from the impact, and it took two days to fully recover.

From then on, He Chen didn't dare to do this, and he did it step by step every time.

It is conceivable that according to his physical quality, he can last for 1.5 hours at most. No matter how good Chen Ling is, 2 hours should be the limit.

Wang Yan's eyes showed a complex look, and said, "This kid is a freak. If I had so many bullets to feed, I would have been a sharpshooter."

"Shooting requires talent. If you don't have talent, you have to practice hard. Aren't all the snipers in the special forces fed with bullets? Not everyone has talent. Step by step is the most correct way."

The class elder said.

Tie Dan opened his mouth wide and said, "Squad leader, you said he practiced like this, what would he do if he broke his shoulders?"

Lao Da frowned slightly. He understood Chen Ling's mood, but...

"Just take care of yourself, you still care about others." Lao Da scolded.

However, another hour passed.

"Damn it, how can he hold on?"

"Is this still a man? Are his shoulders really made of iron?"

Not to mention He Chen and others, the private soldier who was helping Chen Ling to press the magazine was almost unable to stand it. His hands kept pressing the magazine, and his fingers were almost numb.

He did a rough calculation and found that there were more than 2000 bullets!

In three hours, more than 2000 shots were not completed. What is the concept?

It means that Chen Ling's shoulder has been hit more than 2000 times in a row, and it is still in the same place.

How could he bear it?

Others practice shooting, even if they are given enough bullets, they can last for an hour, which is very impressive. As a result, Chen Ling did not see the end for three hours!

The private finally couldn't bear it anymore. He saw that Chen Ling's uniform was worn out by the repeated blows of the gun butt, and the shoulders must be red and swollen.

However, Chen Ling still focused on shooting, as if he didn't feel it.

"Chief, take a rest, you've been holding on for three hours. If it's too long, your shoulders won't be able to carry it."

When Chen Ling was changing the magazines, Private finally couldn't help reminding him.

Soldiers fight for everyone, but this is the first time he has seen a fight like Chen Ling.

Chen Ling shook his head and said, "It's okay, continue."

Private was stunned for a moment, his face full of bitterness!

Of course, Chen Ling did feel the pain and numbness in his shoulders, but his physical fitness was above 4, and he was able to withstand this kind of impact.

Most importantly, he began to master ballistics.

According to the settings of ballistic shooting, the primary rifle is proficient and must be filled with [-] rounds of bullets, which will form muscle memory.

Once the muscle memory is formed, it allows you to form a subtle connection with the firearm and feel like you are a gun.

Now, he has fired more than 2000 rounds of ammunition, plus the bullets he fired during recruit training and the sub-post, almost reaching [-] rounds of ammunition.


When Chen Ling pulled the trigger, he suddenly felt that the ballistic shooting technique and his movements merged into one!

As soon as this feeling appeared, Chen Ling felt that the 95 rifle seemed to be integrated with his body, a very special feeling, the man and the gun were one!

Chen Ling took a deep breath, and when he focused on the bullseye, he found that it was completely different from the previous shooting, and felt like a bullet in a 95 rifle!

Lock on the target, adjust your breathing, and pull the trigger lightly.


The recoil formed by the gun stock hit Chen Ling's shoulder blades, and the gun body vibrated slightly.

The bullet roared out at an initial speed of 930 m/s, slammed it, penetrated the bullseye, and exploded a small cloud of dust.

Follow, bang.

Chen Ling pulled the trigger again, and the bullet still penetrated the bullseye!

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Ling's mouth.

"Next, it's time to witness the miracle!"

Chapter 31


Chen Ling took aim quickly and pulled the trigger decisively.

As soon as the gunshots fell, the trigger was pulled again.

Chen Ling's shooting speed was getting faster and faster. At first it took 10 seconds to aim, then it became 9 seconds, 8 seconds, 7 seconds... Finally it only took 3 seconds!

This aiming speed has already caught up with the aiming speed of the special forces.

And what is very scary is that the guns are all 10 rings!

Compared with the first shot and 6 rings, the difference is too far.

Private noticed the change in Chen Ling's shooting, and his face was full of doubts, but he turned out to be horrified in the end.

"Has the chief's shooting ability improved too quickly?"

Three hours ago, Chen Ling fired that shot. Private remembered it very clearly. There were only 6 rings, and the aiming time was more than 10 seconds.

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