"There is another point, that is, you can't make a move yourself, otherwise it will be considered a failure. As for the price of failure, I don't need to say more."

Having said that, Zhao Li looked around at everyone, and after seeing everyone nodding, he finally let out a smile, "Okay, now the training starts, remember, you only have one week, go and complete the task."

After receiving Zhao Li's order, Chu Xiao and others disappeared into the sky together.

On the other hand, Zhao Li came to a river valley, took out a grand teacher's chair from the Divine Kingdom Hall, lay down on it, stretched out his hand, and the picture of Chu Xiao and others appeared in front of Zhao Li.


In the vampire territory, Chu Xiao first checked the strength of the vampires near his eyes, and then thought about it: "Epics are above diamonds, and my family, let alone epics, don't even have a single diamond. Do we really want to rely on the number of people to win? "

"But once this happens, losses are definitely inevitable."

After struggling again and again, Chu Xiao suddenly thought of something, and slapped himself on the forehead, "I'm stupid, I have a mall that I can use."

After thinking of this, Chu Xiao rubbed his hands excitedly, and then asked: "Mall, may I ask if there are any cards that can increase the strength of the family?"

[There are many cards that can improve strength, please make specific requirements. 】

Looking at the information fed back from the mall, the corners of Chu Xiao's mouth twitched, and then he said: "I want to kill a vampire with epic strength, and then my own losses cannot exceed one thousand. I recommend it."

[According to your requirements, we recommend the following three options for you. 】

[The first method is to temporarily buy 1000 adult seahorses, and then sacrifice the blue-eyed white dragon to fight, which requires [-] million Faith Points.

Note: The hundred hippocampus will be automatically destroyed after completing the task. 】

Chu Xiao didn't even think about the first option, and eliminated it directly.

My every move now is under Master Zhao's nose.

You said that the strength of your family is beyond Mr. Zhao's imagination, so it can be explained, this guy, a new race directly appeared, how can this be explained?

"Go on, it's better to be the one that can improve your own strength." Chu Xiao felt that it was necessary to make it clearer.

[The second type is the jewelry (magic card) on the following offense.

Effect: Each card can only be equipped with [-] Familiars.

When fighting an enemy whose level is higher than that of the equipped family, the energy in the equipped family's body will rise to [-]/[-] of the strength of the equipped family by multiplying the difference between the two levels.

Price: 1000 million Faith Values ​​per piece. 】

Looking at the second plan given by the mall, Chu Xiao hesitated a little.

Every level of promotion among the family members doubles their own attack power, and the effect of this card cannot keep up with the attack improvement brought about by level promotion.

To put it bluntly, the effect of the improvement is not great, and it can't reach the effect mentioned in this card.

"But this card has another advantage, that is, it can be purchased repeatedly, which allows me to send at least [-] ratmen."

"Coupled with the huge gap between the target and the target, I estimate that at least my Ratman's attack power will be raised to the silver peak."

"At that time, with the cooperation of other family members, maybe an epic-level vampire can really be killed."

"But still that point, this plan is estimated to bring a lot of casualties."

"Let's see the next one."

[The third option, clone and copy (trap card).

Effect: Select a target, and during the battle, a clone derivative with the same strength, level, race, attack power and defense power as the target can be copied.

When the selected target dies, the cloned token dies as well.

Price: [-] million Faith Points (only one can be purchased in this battle). 】

[Note: In order to size the boss, the appearance and breath of the cloned derivative can be chosen by the boss. This service is worth 1000 million beliefs once. 】


"Okay, you skin-splitting ghost, you are really pervasive."

After cursing for a long time, Chu Xiao had no choice but to stretch his neck to be slaughtered and chose this service.

There was no way, the mall happened to pinch Chu Xiao's weakness - for fear that Zhao Li would find something unusual.

Now that the appearance and breath are changed to be the same as those of ordinary ratmen, the possibility of being exposed will be greatly reduced.

Chu Xiao couldn't refuse this kind of benefit.

"That's all, anyway, I have enough faith points, so I bought it."

With a wave of his hand, Chu Xiao bought a clone copy card and after-sales service.

After finishing the preparations, Chu Xiao began to choose the prey for this time.

Coincidentally, in the land where Chu Xiao landed, there really was an epic vampire.

"You are the one."

Chu Xiao grinned and locked his target on this vampire.

As for higher-level vampires, Chu Xiao had no choice. They were just training anyway, so there was no need to be too brilliant.

And according to Chu Xiao's estimate, Xiao Yuanchu's group of geniuses would also choose the epic level.

After all, they came here to compete for rankings, not to compete for Zhao Li's rewards. Preserving their own strength is the most important thing.

There's no need, for the card that improves the bloodline of the family, go find a high-level vampire to fight for it.

Chapter 76 Hunting Vampires

As the only epic rank vampire within a thousand miles, Lukes naturally enjoys transcendent treatment.

That towering castle is the best symbol of its status.

In this castle, Lux was spread out on a chair, holding a glass of scarlet liquid in his right hand, looking at the scantily clad female vampire in front of him, performing a flattering dance to himself.

And in front of him, there were two female vampires, kneeling aside and waiting.

Lux, who was enjoying the comfortable environment, did not expect that someone would have been eyeing him long ago.

On a mountain outside this majestic castle, Chu Xiao was lying on it, and Ambers beside him was spreading out a map.

"Great God of Breeding, this is the map of the land here, what should we do next?"

Chu Xiao clutched his chin and thought for a moment, then pointed to a basin and asked, "How deep is it here?"

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