"Well, it's a deal."

After leaving Luo Ling, Chu Xiao continued to go to school day after day.

And because of the attack of the Chuangshen faction, the entire Yuantai City was monitored by a fifth-order true god.

Now the entire Yuantai City is relatively safe, so Chu Xiao is not worried about his own safety.

This kind of day lasted until October [-]st before it was completely over.

Because today is the day when Chu Xiao goes to participate in the Beizhou Ranking Competition.

On this day, even Mayor Lian Lou personally went to No. [-] Middle School of Yuantai City to build up momentum for Chu Xiao.

Standing on the rostrum of the school playground, Chu Xiao glanced at the students below, and looked at those pairs of worshiping eyes, Chu Xiao took a deep breath.

"Students, I, Chu Xiao, thank you all for coming to see me off. I won't talk nonsense anymore, and I will definitely bring the news of victory back to No. [-] Middle School in Yuantai City!"

"Chu Xiao! Chu Xiao! Chu Xiao!"

Amidst shouts, Chu Xiao left the school and followed Xiao Ruochen to the place where the Beizhou list was selected.

Because the place where the Beizhou list is located is a place where true gods are strictly forbidden to travel through space, so even if they followed Xiao Ruochen, Chu Xiao still took the spaceship to go there honestly.

And just as Chu Xiao was on his way to the location of the Beizhou list, a meeting was officially launched in the base of the Creation School in Beizhou.

A group of masked men exuding a terrifying aura gathered around a round table. In the dark environment, there was a lot of killing intent for no reason.

"I said, is it necessary for us to gather together? I don't know if I'm wanted now?"

"Okay Vulture, what's the use of complaining about this now, the wolf head must have something to call us over."

"Okay, everyone, be quiet and listen to Langtou."

After the crowd at the round table quieted down, the man with the wolf head mask sitting at the head of the table said, "I called everyone here to talk about one person."

"You should have heard of this person's name. His name is Chu Xiao, and he has mastered the strength of a demigod. He can defeat the family members of the fourth-order true god family."

"Now, let's all talk about what we should do."

After Langtou finished speaking, he looked at the people around him coldly.

Among them, the man with the vulture mask snorted coldly, and said with disdain: "You also believe this kind of nonsense? I think it's because I have no ability, and then I blamed that Chu Xiao."

"Hmph! What do you mean, Vulture?"

"What do I mean? Hound Dog, you did the mission to assassinate Chu Xiao, but now that you failed, do you say that Chu Xiao is an eternal monster?"

"If there are so many evildoers in the Great World of Gods, can the Yinyue Clan still compete with our Human Clan?" The vulture slapped the table and stared at the hunting dog with lightning eyes.

The hound stood up abruptly, and a terrifying aura enveloped the vulture, "Vulture, if you want to die, we will fight in the void of chaos."

"Come on, come on, do you really think I can't deal with you?" The vulture also exuded a terrifying aura, and suddenly, the atmosphere in the entire base froze.

"Okay." At this time, Langtou pressed his hands, and the Hound and Vulture suddenly felt a terrifying pressure. Under this pressure, the two of them couldn't even hold on for a second, and they were pressed together. on the chair.

"Be quiet, we are here to discuss things, not to quarrel. Hound Dog, Chu Xiao is a member of your jurisdiction, please tell us your opinion."

The hunting dog took a breath, and then said: "I can tell you responsibly that Chu Xiao has definitely come out of the battle of the scepter of fate, and the one fighting Chu Xiao is a fourth-order true god."

"Although I don't know how Chu Xiao won the victory, there is definitely some secret that Chu Xiao is hiding. This secret will definitely make Chu Xiao our great enemy in the future."

"My opinion is that we send the Shadow Team to assassinate Chu Xiao."

"Is it necessary to send a shadow team?" a man wearing a tiger mask asked.

"Believe me, it is absolutely necessary." The Hound confirmed his words.

After hearing what the hunting dog said, everyone began to discuss, and finally, the vulture asked: "Hunting dog, can you get the exact whereabouts of Chu Xiao and the energy behind him?"

Hearing Vulture's question, the hunting dog nodded, "The whereabouts are fine. My nephew is Chu Xiao's classmate, so he can definitely know Chu Xiao's whereabouts."

"As for the energy behind it, I will also ask my nephew to investigate."

"Is your nephew reliable?" Langtou asked.

The hunting dog nodded firmly, "Don't worry, my nephew is absolutely reliable."

"Okay, then let your nephew serve us. Don't worry, you will never owe your nephew." Langtou said.

"Langtou is joking, they are all serving the Chuangshen faction!"

After arranging Chu Xiao's matter, Langtou made the final summary, "After the investigation is clear, we will send a shadow team to carry out the assassination."

"Of course, if it can be influenced, it is naturally best to accept the teachings of my Creation School. If not, then we can no longer let it live."

Chapter 72 Northern State List

The selection place for the Beizhou list is located in a mysterious place in the middle of the Beizhou. This place is basically only known to the evildoers on the Beizhou list and those who are in charge of the Beizhou list.

It was also the first time that Chu Xiao knew that the selection place for the famous Beizhou list was actually in a desert.

Walking on the desert, both of them seemed a bit bored, and then Chu Xiao was the first to speak: "Uncle Xiao, why don't you tell me about the Beizhou list."

"Oh? What do you want to know?"

"Everything, I know now that the Beizhou Ranking is very good, and I don't know anything else." Chu Xiao rubbed the back of his head and said.

"Is that so." Xiao Ruochen thought for a moment, and then said: "Then I will talk to you carefully."

"First of all, this Beizhou list is established to give honor to the evildoers of Beizhou, and at the same time to give some rewards."

"There are a total of [-] places on it, corresponding to a total of [-] monsters."

"As long as it is an evildoer who can be on the Beizhou list, he will get a lot of resources every year."

Hearing this, Chu Xiao was puzzled, "Uncle Xiao, will the evildoer on the Beizhou list come down?"

"Of course, otherwise, how could you be invited." Xiao Ruochen looked at Chu Xiao like a fool.

Chu Xiao smiled embarrassedly, and then said, "Under what circumstances will you be dropped from the Beizhou rankings?"

"Generally speaking, there are three situations. The first is that when you reach the age of 50, you will automatically be removed from the Beizhou list. After all, the Beizhou list is a list for cultivating young people."

"The second situation is that in the formal challenge, if you are defeated by someone outside the Northern State Ranking, then you will automatically be removed from the Northern State Ranking."

"As for the third situation..." Xiao Ruochen took a deep breath, "That's accidental death."

Hearing Xiao Ruochen's words, Chu Xiao nodded, and then asked: "Then Uncle Xiao, I want to ask, can you tell me about the rewards of the Beizhou Ranking?"

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