"Lian'er, practice hard, I'm looking forward to your mature demeanor." Rubbing the black magic girl Chu Lian's hair, Chu Xiao instructed.

"Lian'er will never let the master down!"

"Okay then, go down."

Under the urging of Chu Xiao's divine power, a splendid pavilion emerged, with a revolving door for Chu Lian to live in.

For the black magic girl, Chu Xiao still pays more attention to it.

Infancy is already platinum level, what about maturity?

diamond?epic?legend?Or higher?

Chu Xiao dare not imagine, but Chu Xiao understands that the next goal is to find the kind of card that can make the family grow rapidly.

It's not just the black magic girl, but when more powerful cards appear in the future, I'm afraid the growth cycle will be longer.

With a flash of his body, Chu Xiao left the God's Domain Hall.

Back in his bedroom, Chu Xiao stretched his waist, "Oh, why are you so tired after spending so much money?"

"However, there is one thing to say, more than 600 billion belief values ​​seem to be a lot, but in fact, it is not enough to spend."

"Forget it, no matter how much you spend, some things still have to be spent. In the mall, I want to buy the remaining four points of divinity."

【As you wish. 】

"Good guy, I don't even call the boss anymore when I run out of money." Chu Xiao curled his lips, and then reached out to catch the four drops of divinity sent by the mall.

Without the slightest blockage, the products produced by the mall are so powerful. It only took a quarter of an hour for Chu Xiao to completely refine these four points of divinity.

So far, Chu Xiao's divinity can be regarded as a senior demigod.

The accumulation of a month has completely exploded today, which has greatly improved Chu Xiao's strength.

Especially the improvement of divinity is what Chu Xiao needs most.

Compared with family members, divinity is the foundation for a god to develop, and it is also an important condition for a god to exert its power.

And the most important thing is that with these six points of divinity, Chu Xiao can compete with the geniuses on the Beizhou list.

Instead of just relying on the effects of various cards brought by the mall.

No matter how powerful the external objects are, they are still not as powerful as themselves.

Chapter 59 Surprising News

The next day, early in the morning.

Yuantai City No. [-] Middle School, in Chu Xiao's class.

Liu Congming looked at the students sitting below, cleared his throat, and said with a little excitement: "Haha, students, how are you? I haven't seen you for such a long time. I really miss you."

"By the way, just to mention another gossip, Chu Xiao from our class has been officially invited to enter the Beizhou Ranking. Of course, the specific ranking requires Chu Xiao to participate in the Beizhou Ranking in person."

"But this is enough. Our Yuantai City has been established for 1 years, and this is the first time a talent has entered the Beizhou list."

"I heard that the mayor of our city will personally celebrate Chu Xiao, and the venue will be chosen at our middle school. Everyone can look forward to it."

As soon as Liu Congming said this, the students all looked at Chu Xiao in shock.

After the eyes in the past, there may still be jealousy and envy, but now, there is only a deep sense of shock and awe.

Beizhou Ranking, this is the list of Tianjiao that only exists in legends, and every genius on it is as dazzling as the scorching sun at a glance.

But now, the evildoer on the Beizhou list turned out to be their classmate, how could this not make people feel dreamy.

Chu Xiao also felt a little embarrassed to be watched by so many people. Just as he was about to say something, a siren suddenly sounded in the school.

The sudden sound of the siren made the students feel a little overwhelmed.

Liu Congming's expression changed when he heard the siren, and then he calmed down and said, "It's nothing, the students will go to study by themselves, and the teacher will go to the principal's place."

Then Liu Congming hurriedly left the classroom, leaving all the students with confused faces behind.

About an hour later, when the students kept dozing off, Liu Congming returned to the classroom.

As soon as he entered, Liu Congming called everyone into the main hall.

Along the way, no matter how many students asked, Liu Congming didn't say anything.

It wasn't until after entering the main hall that Liu Congming spoke, "Now it's a centralized inspection to see if any of you are members of the Chuangshen Sect."

Genesis faction!

The students took a breath of breath in the hall and looked at each other fearfully.

Unexpectedly, the evil faction that the teacher said a few days ago might exist around them now.

"Everyone, don't panic. We haven't got any definite information, it's just a routine inspection." Liu Congming saw that the students were a little disturbed, and quickly comforted them.

"Then teacher, why did you suddenly inspect us? As far as I know, we have been inspected for so many years since our school was established, but there is no accurate rule."

"And there were reasons for the last few inspections, so what is the reason for today?" Ling Xue asked.

Hearing Ling Xue's question, other students also focused their attention on Liu Congming, hoping to get an answer.

Seeing this, Liu Congming sighed and said, "Forget it, anyway, you will know sooner or later."

"It's like this. The Chuangshen Sect has suddenly become active in our Beijiang Province. Many students have joined the Chuangshen Sect, and many of them are geniuses."

"You may not be clear to others, but you still have an impression of Qiu Ren who was eliminated by Chu Xiao."

The students nodded. As the only student who was eliminated by Chu Xiao, they naturally had some impressions of Qiu Ren.

"Qiu Ren was officially confirmed yesterday and joined the Chuangshen Sect."

"Even students like Qiu Ren who were specially recruited by Beizhou University were bewitched to join. We guessed that the Chuangshen faction must want to make a big move in our Beijiang Province."

After explaining, Liu Congming comforted him again, "Everyone, don't be impatient, the school will protect you."

"As long as everyone cooperates with the school's inspection, the school will not make things difficult for everyone."

After Liu Congming's explanation, the students stabilized. At the same time, they were still a little curious as to whether the Chuangshen faction had reached into No. [-] Middle School of Yuantai City.

Not long after, it was Chu Xiao's turn to check.

After seeing Chu Xiao coming, the inspecting teacher smiled and said, "Relax, we still trust you."

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