"Yes, I know."

In the main hall of Chu Xiao God's Domain.

Looking down at the family members below, Chu Xiao first crushed the [-]-quota Divine Realm Security Card. So far, Chu Xiao has developed the god's maximum quota for a year.

With an additional [-] credits, Chu Xiao can do more things.

"My people, I will give you the right to record culture and create civilization." A handsome face appeared above the sky of God's Domain, and a majestic voice issued another oracle.

Afterwards, Chu Xiao crushed the five-star diamond card in his hand - the Palace of Wisdom.

Immediately, in the northern part of the continent, a splendid building rose from the ground.

The building is antique, and some of the family members who stayed around the Wisdom Hall suddenly felt refreshed, and strange ideas sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Then Chu Xiao passed on the information on how to use the Temple of Wisdom to Ambers and Tucci, and used the characters of the human race as the characters of the family members under his command, saving the trouble of creating characters.

Later, under the leadership of Ambers and Tucci, many families surrounded the Palace of Wisdom. The origin of civilization was completely born in the northern part of God's Domain at this moment.

At the same time, Chu Xiao was not idle, and crushed the golden rice card, the faith totem pole card, and the most precious heaven card.

In an instant, three streaks of seven-colored dazzling light enveloped the entire God's Domain Continent.

In the shroud of seven-color light, three wonders rise from the ground.

The belief totem pole is in the center, and the ethnic relief carved on the totem pole exudes a holy spirit.

Under the shroud of this holiness, the family members fell to their knees on the ground one after another, and their faith in Chu Xiao continued to increase.

And on the right side of the belief totem pole, a castle in the sky also exudes a holy atmosphere, a spectacle that is almost the same as the sky garden, surrounded by immortal energy.

As for the golden rice, it was placed by Chu Xiao next to the deep pool spring, so that there was no need to change the landform of God's Domain.

After doing all this, Chu Xiao called Ambers and Tucci to him.

"Tucci, let me arrange the Ratman first. In the next nine years, I will not come to God's Domain, so some arrangements for the Ratman depend on you."

"Will go through fire and water for the god of breeding!" Tucci knelt down on one knee, with fanaticism on his face.

"You don't need to jump through fire and water. In this way, our general policy will be changed to stop the ratmen from breeding wildly."

"Judging from the current environment of the mainland, [-] ratmen are the most suitable, and the total number of ratmen in the future should not exceed [-]."

"Then the corresponding thing is that the cultivation base of the Ratmen will increase. When I come back in nine years, I hope they will all reach the bronze level."

This is a policy that Chu Xiao came up with after considering for a long time. The number of creatures that can be accommodated in the demigod domain is [-].

Even if the Ratmen continue to breed, they will not increase much.

It's better to control it to a certain amount, and then concentrate on training to raise your strength to the bronze level.

You know, the faith value produced by bronze is ten times higher than that produced by black iron.

Instead of increasing the number of family members, it is better to concentrate on strength and bring out the ability of the blood of the god, demon and rat in the rat man.

As for Shuangjing, I can only think about it, how could all the good things happen to you.

You can't have both fish and bear's paw, you can only give up part of it.

"Yes, I will definitely train a powerful ratman army for the God of Breeding!" Tuqi kowtowed heavily, expressing that he must complete the task.

"Okay, Tucci, let the Ratman learn writing first."


After Tucci left, Ambers stepped forward and said, "God of Breeding, what do I need to do?"

Chu Xiao was not in a hurry to tell Ambers, but patted Ambers on the shoulder, "Ambers, it's been hard for you to learn the art of war during this time."

"It's not hard, but I still like the feeling of forming an army." Ambers shook his head quickly.

"I'm relieved when you say that." Chu Xiao first smiled gratifiedly, then waved his right hand, and a ball of seven-color light appeared in his hand.

Then, without waiting for Ambers to react, he injected the seven-color light into Ambers' body.

"From now on, you will be the No. 1 immortal soldier in my God's Domain. From now on, your lifespan will increase by ten thousand years. This amount of time is enough for you to study the art of war."

Ambers looked ecstatic, then knelt on the ground, and said piously: "I will definitely live up to the high hopes of the God of Breeding."

Seeing the golden pillar of faith above Ambrose's head, Chu Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

It is not in vain that I love you so much, you did give me a certain surprise. Among so many family members, Ambers is the first one to advance to a saint.

Admittedly, there is a role for the totem pole of faith in this.But the belief in the totem pole only played a supporting role, and the real reason was Ambers' belief in Chu Xiao from his heart.

"Ambers, go down. You should make good use of these nine years. I hope that after nine years, you can see the embryonic form of a civilization."


Looking at the back of Ambers, Chu Xiao said with a smile: "At the demigod stage, I taught the family how to read. Maybe I am the only one in the world."

After arranging everything, Chu Xiao crushed the hundred times time card, and then disappeared from God's Domain.

Chapter 51 The Lin family

After dealing with the affairs of the family, Chu Xiao had no reason to procrastinate, so he could only follow his father to his mother's house.

Caught by Chu Tian's hand, before Chu Xiao was ready, he saw a space vortex emerge, and then under the leadership of Chu Tian, ​​the father and son disappeared into the great world of gods.

Chu Xiao's mother, Lin Wan's family, that is, the Lin family, is not small at all.

Its basic disk is in a system called Panruo Crystal Wall, and it controls dozens of small planes under its command. The family's reputation is in the world of gods, and many people know it.

The strongest member of the Lin family is naturally the ancestor of the family. Lin Ye, the pioneer of the Lin family, has reached the seventh-level true god in strength, and has already stepped into the high-level true god rank.

Under it was Chu Xiao's grandfather Lin Shou.

Lin Shounai is the eldest son of Lin Ye. He was raised as an heir since he was a child. His strength is naturally far superior to that of the rest of the family, and he has reached the peak of the sixth-order true god.

Now Lin Ye is the patriarch on the surface of the family, but in fact, Lin Shou has already taken care of the family business.

In addition to Lin Shou, there are two male and three female disciples of the second generation of the Lin family, but their strength is a bit low, and the strongest among them is only the fifth-order true god.

As for the three generations of disciples, that is, the generation of Chu Xiao's mother, there are even more people. The last time I went back, the big family elders gave Chu Xiao a headache.

A vortex emerged in the pan-ruo crystal wall system, stepping out of the vortex, Chu Xiao officially came to the land of the Lin family.

"Let's go, we are basically in the family estate now, let's go quickly." After urging, Chu Tian took Chu Xiao to the family residence.

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