"This kind of person has already belonged to our school system, and he can't leave us because of the treatment."

"do you understand?"

"This subordinate understands." Minister Song nodded quickly, but he still had some doubts in his heart.

He has followed Liu Rong for so many years, and he has never heard that Liu Rong valued a genius so much, and he took the initiative to order the people below.

On weekdays, saying that this person is good is already considered the biggest evaluation.

It seems that this Chu Xiao really has something to do with Liu Rong.

Turning his eyes, Minister Song already had a calculation in his heart.

It was not only Minister Song himself who harbored this idea, but also the palace masters of many schools also had other views on Chu Xiao.

Under the gazes of many palace masters with different expressions, the time in the virtual world quickly passed away.

Final exam, last day.

Looking at the god in front of him, Chu Xiao twisted his neck, "I didn't expect the two of us to meet in the end, how about it, do you want to give it a try?"

Ye Xiao smiled and shook his head, "At first I thought I could steal the first place, but I didn't expect that the two of us had the same points and were on the last day, and we were on the right track."

"It seems that this tie for first place is unattainable."

"Forget it, I admit defeat, I don't want to be smashed by you on the last day." After a few words of teasing, Ye Xiao chose to surrender.

So far, Chu Xiao's points reached 160, making him No.1 in this exam.

And when Chu Xiao's ranking became the first moment, the outside world completely boiled.

Especially the students of No. [-] Middle School in Yuantai City jumped up excitedly, wishing to let the whole world know that they were Chu Xiao's classmate, and Chu Xiao got the first place in the exam.

Rounding up, that is, I won the first place in the exam.

Ling Zhan, who came after him, also mixed in with the students, and was happy with the students.I thought I would stay in No. [-] Middle School of Yuantai City for the rest of my life, but I didn't expect it.

Being able to train a student like Chu Xiao, Ling Zhan can't count the rewards that the school system will give him in the future.

What?You said it wasn't trained by Ling Zhan?

Sorry, as long as they are in Ling Zhan's school, they are my students.

With the passing of one day in the virtual world, the exam officially ends.

When he opened his eyes again, Chu Xiao found that a group of students in his class surrounded him. Before he could say anything, these students lifted Chu Xiao up and threw him up again and again to celebrate Chu Xiao achievements.

As for the students from other schools, they were students from Yuantai City who looked at the celebration sourly. Sure enough, happiness belongs to others, and sadness is always their own.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet, I'm going to announce the result of this exam."

Minister Song flew over the heads of many students, pressed his hands slightly, and the students immediately fell silent.

Seeing that many students quickly quieted down, Minister Song nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "The specific results have been sent to your information watch, and I will only announce the rankings of the top three."

Different dimension kite says

Ask for recommendation and collection

Chapter 47 Great Rewards

"No.3, Xue Nan from Linjiang No. 140 Middle School, with [-] points and three points."

Xue Nan immediately jumped up excitedly. He was only in the middle among the seed students, but he did not participate in the siege of Chu Xiao, and there was one month left to earn points.

After going back and forth, I even got the No.3 result.

"Ahem, be quiet. The No. 2 ten is from Ye Xiao from Linjiang No. 150 Middle School, with [-] and nine points."

Ye Xiao smiled wryly and shook his head. Since Qiu Ren was eliminated, he was already number one. He thought he would be safe until the end, but he was still defeated by Chu Xiao.

But No. 2 is enough. Besides, No. 1 is not from No. [-] Middle School of Linjiang City. Rounding it up, he is still the first in this exam.

"This No.1..." Minister Song looked around and read out No.1 on the list, "Chu Xiao from No. 160 Middle School in Yuantai City, with [-] points!"

The high-pitched voice directly ignited the atmosphere in the square to its peak.

At this moment, there is no distinction between schools or classes, and everyone gathers together to cheer for the first place in this exam.

Surrounded by everyone, Chu Xiao slowly opened his arms. After nearly a year of exams, he finally lived up to his hard work and got the No.1 result.

After the grades were read out, Minister Song pressed his hands, and when he saw everyone looking at him quietly, he said with a smile, "Children, this exam is over."

"But what I want to say is that your future is not over."

"Far at the border of our human race, there are still enemies eyeing us, competing with our human race for the position of the overlord of Chaos and Void."

"For such races that want to violate the heavenly power of our human race, we will definitely kill their race, destroy their species, burn their blood in the raging fire, and hang their heads above the nine heavens."

"Let all the chaotic and void races understand that our human race is their heaven, and what our human race says is their heaven!"

"The future of the great world of gods, the dream of our human race to dominate the chaos and void, will finally fall into the hands of each of you."

"I want you to know that the blood in your body is the most noble blood in this chaotic void."

"Okay, I won't say much more. Come to me for the top ten rewards, and your school will send you the rest. Children, the holiday is here, let's have fun!"

Following Minister Song's words, the Beijiang Provincial Entrance Examination officially ended.

On the first day of this holiday, all the students gathered around the square to hold the legendary open-air barbecue in ancient times.

Everyone has smiles on their faces, and the bonfire at this moment is the best reflection of their efforts.

And those students who achieved good grades are the center of this celebration.

Especially Chu Xiao, who didn't even have a second to rest.The carnival lasted for a day and a night, and the square also boiled for a day and a night.

The next day.

Chu Xiao finally escaped from the hands of his enthusiastic classmates. At this moment, he still has a very important matter.

That is the reward for this exam, which will be awarded at this moment.

Chu Xiao, Ye Xiao, Xue Nan and the top ten candidates in this exam followed the principal of Linjiang No. [-] Middle School to the office of the principal of Linjiang No. [-] Middle School.

Minister Song is staying in the office, waiting for the arrival of Chu Xiao and others.

"Dong dong dong..."

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