"My people, in order to protect your homeland, fight hard and select the bravest warriors!"

After conveying his meaning, Chu Xiao sat quietly on the throne, watching the rats pour into the bloody arena, fighting one by one until the strongest was determined.

This battle to select a hero lasted nearly a hundred days.

In order to ensure fairness, after each battle, there will be enough rest time for the winner.

If injured, Chu Xiao will also use divine power to restore it.

Therefore, the strongest person selected this time does not have any luck bonus, and is the real strongest person.

Looking at the rat man with green hair, Chu Xiao smiled with satisfaction, stood up slowly from the throne, and read out the new oracle.

"Congratulations, you have become the final winner. From now on, you are the hero of the Ratmen!"

"I bestow upon you the name of a hero—Tucci!"

Then Chu Xiao crushed a God's Domain Stability Card, and waited for God's Domain to receive new cards.

Chu Xiao crushed the five-star hero card—the legend was born. Immediately, a beam of seven-colored light burst out from the center of God's Domain Continent.

This seven-color light first circled the entire continent for a week, and then condensed into a beam of light, completely covering Tuqi.


Like a waterfall washing away, after being baptized by the seven-color light, the fluctuations on Tuqi's body became stronger and stronger, and there was a faint tendency to break through the gold level.

Looking at Tuqi whose body was gradually turning green, Chu Xiao secretly smiled and said, "Good guy, it's really Tuqi now."

Not only did the strength change, Tuqi's body also gradually expanded, and before the baptism was completed, it was already the size of a hunting dragon.

If the baptism is complete, perhaps the body size can surpass the hunting dragon.

When Tu Qi was being baptized, Chu Xiao was not idle either. Chu Xiao stretched out his hand and waved, and the hunting dragon came in front of Chu Xiao.

"Ambers, I have been improving the strength of the Ratman. Does Dragon Hunter have any complaints?"

"There is no need to worry and be afraid, I want to know what my people really think."

Ambers shook his head firmly, "Great God of Breeding, we were originally created by you, how could we be dissatisfied with you?"

"However, I do have some concerns. We were created by you yourself. We cannot have any opinions, but what about my children? What about our children's children?"

"I saw how much the Ratmen admired you back then, but after a few generations, these Ratmen obviously don't have enough faith in you."

"I'm worried now, when our group of hunting dragons die, whether our descendants will believe in you like us."

Chu Xiao listened to Ambers' words from the bottom of his heart, patted Ambers on the shoulder, and then said, "I understand what you mean."

"Don't worry, I won't forget you hunting dragons."

"It's just the particularity of your race, heroes cannot be born, or in other words, each of you hunting dragons is a hero, so naturally you cannot accept my reward."

"But don't worry, I will improve your strength from other aspects, such as this bloody arena, which was specially built for you."

When Ambers heard Chu Xiao's words, he knelt down under the throne in fear, "How can we be able to bear the love of the God of Breeding."

Chu Xiao waved his hand, "What love, let me tell you a word, there is a specialization in the art industry. You can only be the master of killing, so naturally I will specially improve your strength."

"As for improving the Ratman's strength, it's just that when you encounter powerful cultists, you won't be dragged back."

"Ambers understands."

Chu Xiao looked at the pious Ambers, and was very satisfied with the family members produced in the mall.

It's just a pity that due to the particularity of the mall, the bloodline of the hunting dragon cannot be improved.

However, some cards in the mall can change this situation.

Even the death offering card has been changed to that, Chu Xiao believes that the mall will not let him down.

After Tucci was baptized, Chu Xiao also sent Ambers down and began to observe Tucci.

At this moment, Tuqi has broken through to the gold level, and his body is five meters high.

Looking at Tu Qi in front of him, Chu Xiao decided to make good use of him to raise the Rat Man's faith level.

Then Chu Xiao waved his hand, and a huge stone was carved into a huge stele, standing on the God's Domain Continent.

On the stone tablet, a paragraph of words blessed by Chu Xiao was engraved in it to ensure that every ratman could understand the meaning of this word.

From the germ of the first life underwater, to the glory of civilization on land.Among countless civilizations, many legendary heroes were born.

Tucci, as a great hero, you are bound to lead your race to create a more splendid civilization.

The great god of fertility will always watch over you and the civilization your race creates.

After doing all this, Chu Xiao crushed his only platinum card, the one-star environment card—Smooth weather.

As for the remaining four-star quota, Chu Xiao crushed the spring water in the deep pool to increase the growth rate of the hunting dragon.

As for the Ratmen, Chu Xiao did not let them use the deep pool spring water.

The Ratman's speed has increased fast enough, and if it continues to increase, let alone increase the number of hunting dragons, it will not even increase the amount of food.

At present, the Ratman's belief in Chu Xiao is at its peak, and the Ratman will unconditionally support any order of Chu Xiao.

This also saved Chu Xiao a lot of talking.

Alas, it is not so easy to run a family well.

With a slight sigh, Chu Xiao left the space of God's Domain and went to the Great World of Gods.

After exploring the planes, Chu Xiao was relatively free.

At present, there is only one final exam left, and then it is a holiday.

But when it comes to holidays, Chu Xiao feels a little uncomfortable.

Those relatives of mine are really difficult to deal with. I haven't even gone to university yet, so I started asking if I have a partner.

Chapter 28 A Different Final Exam

After coming out of God's Domain, Chu Xiao contacted his father and told him about his belief in the totem pole.

After Chu Tian finished listening, he immediately hung up the information watch, and then the space vortex emerged, and his real body came to the great world of gods.

"Son, have you really obtained the totem pole of faith?" For a moment, Chu Tian still couldn't believe it.

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