The screen is divided into various small screens, which play the pioneers of the small plane here.

"Mansion Master Qian, according to the time flow rate of the small plane, fifty days have already passed in it, and there is still half of the time before the deadline. I wonder how many points you have gained?"

Zhao Yuanming glanced at the standings of the two forces, and asked deliberately.

"Hmph! I won't bother Palace Master Zhao anymore."

"After all, in my camp, there are geniuses specially recruited by Beizhou University, and the points will catch up sooner or later." Qian Like said.

Zhao Yuanming's face turned cold, but he was hidden by Zhao Yuanming in an instant, and he still smiled and said: "Chu Xiao's strength is good, but he is a little too arrogant."

"What do you think he has been doing for the past fifty days? He has been fighting with a leopard tribe for so long."

"Although this task is worth 93 points, it is unwise to spend such a long time."

"Unwise?" Qian Like glanced at Zhao Yuanming, "When you were a demigod, could you bury a tribe of 59 leopards with [-] family members?"

"Within fifty days, Chu Xiao dragged a group to death by virtue of his unique tactics and the advantages of his family, and he only lost five hundred rat people."

"With a battle loss ratio of [-]:[-], even the peak true god or even the small perfect true god might not be able to do it at this age and strength."

"Hehe." Zhao Yuanming smiled disdainfully: "Old Qian, your answer is completely irrelevant."

"I'm talking about his allocation of task time, not his own strength."

"I admit that Chu Xiao does have ideas, and the strength of his family is also extremely strong, and the record he has created is also brilliant."

"But what's the use? Can it help you win?"

Having said that, Zhao Yuanming brought the scoreboard to the two of them.

"Look at it, Chu Xiao's current score is already at the bottom, even with these 93 points, he's still in the middle."

"Is this a point that a genius can achieve?"

Listening to Zhao Yuanming's analysis, Qian Like's eyes also flashed a hint of worry.

Chu Xiao, Chu Xiao, if you want to show off your combat IQ, there is no need for me to pay for it.

Although he also knew that Chu Xiao would not be able to help him turn the tables, he still snorted coldly: "Hmph! If you complete another [-]-point mission, wouldn't Chu Xiao be able to become the number one?"

Different dimension kite says

Request collection

Chapter 20 The third task

"Complete another ninety-point mission? Hahaha..." Zhao Yuanming seemed to hear some funny joke, and couldn't help laughing wildly.

After Zhao Yuanming had laughed enough, he said proudly, "You and I have seen how Chu Xiao won this time."

"As for the rest of the second-level tasks, you and I know that they can fly, swim in water, or dig holes in the ground. How should Chu Xiao's advantages be used?"

Hearing Zhao Yuanming's trembling voice, Qian Like snorted coldly and ignored him.

In Zhao Yuanming's room, Qian Like stopped talking and stopped talking, but looked at Chu Xiao with great interest.

Tsk tsk tsk, after such a long time, I still feel that Chu Xiao is fragrant.

Not only is his own talent exploding, but his combat thinking is also so outstanding. After graduating in the future, he will be able to seamlessly connect to the corps system.

How could such a good person be snatched away by Beizhou Academy?

What's the matter, if you are strong, you can do whatever you want?

In the small plane.

"Death to the Lord!"

The punches that contained divine power directly smashed into the chest of a gold-ranked leopard man, completely knowing the life of the leopard man.

After wiping the blood off the paws with the leopard man's corpse, Chu Xiao looked around. Ten thousand leopard men had been completely wiped out by the hunting dragon after more than a month.

Looking at the body of the new patriarch of the Leopard Clan, Chu Xiao grinned and said, "It turns out that no matter in which world, appeasement is a dead end."

"If it weren't for you, the patriarch, who only knows how to defend, I really can't deal with you."

"Okay, warriors, let's retreat!"

Immediately, with the sound of piercing the sky, the hunting dragon spread its wings and jumped up, leaving the place where it had been entangled for more than a month.

Having just finished a second-level task with a score of 93, Chu Xiao decided to let the dragon hunters rest for the day before making plans.

At the same time, I also need time to relax and relax the nerves that have been tense for a month.

Lying on a lawn, Chu Xiao looked at the sky boredly.

Dozens of hunting dragons and a large number of ratmen were also paralyzed beside them, and only dozens of ratmen were kept on guard.

"The life of salted fish is really sinking."

Chu Xiao yelled, feeling that he couldn't sink down like this, so he turned over and planned to lie down for a while.

Lying on the grass, Chu Xiao was still not idle, thinking about the next plan.

"I thought there was no danger in ordinary tasks, but now it seems that I am still too young."

"This time the hunting dragon has an absolute advantage, but what about next time? What if the hunting dragon's advantage is gone?"

"No, I have to prepare in advance."

"Xiaofu, open the data version."

With a flash of light, Chu Xiao's current data appeared in front of him.

God: Chu Xiao

God name: God of reproduction

Divinity: 1

Occupation: One-Star God of Creation (Insufficient divinity, cannot be activated.)

Kingdom of God: not open

Divine Power: 1

Divine Art: Breeding Breath, Thunder Flash, Blood Boiling, Wind Control

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