And the three-toed claws that shone coldly were like the scythe of death, ready to harvest the lives of the leopard people at all times.

"Damn, these bastards."

After suffering a dark loss, the face of the patriarch of the leopard man also turned ugly.

It's really hard to deal with this kind of flying.

"Procrastinate! Procrastinate for me, they will get tired sooner or later." Since our side has no means of attacking the hunting dragon, the patriarch of the leopard man can only issue the order to procrastinate.

Leopard people have a huge advantage over hunting dragons, that is, they have a large number of people.

There are a total of ten thousand leopards, even if they stand and let the dragon hunt them, they will be exhausted to death.

Seeing that the Leopards didn't rush to attack the cliff, Chu Xiao showed a triumphant smile, "I knew it, hehe! Next, let you beasts know what tactics are."

"Warriors, follow me to kill!"

The dragon hunters rushed down again, and when the steel wings flapped, they even made a sound of piercing through the air.

Although the leopards had defenses, the dragon hunters were extremely powerful, and the targets that each dragon hunter was looking for were existences that could be hit with one blow.

So even though the leopard man was prepared, he still couldn't resist the charge of the hunting dragon.

But in an instant, the lives of 51 leopards were taken away by the sharp claws of the hunting dragon.

The deadly hunting dragon didn't care about fighting, and quickly flew into the sky, making those leopards who were about to fight back fly away.

"Good! Good! Good! Let's see who can't bear it first!" The patriarch of the leopard clan gritted his teeth, ignored the death of his own clansmen, and chose to fight against the hunting dragon.

After rushing again and again, Hunter Dragon's steel claws have been stained red by the blood of the leopard people.

There were screams, and an atmosphere of despair spread in the leopard human camp.

There is nothing wrong with the general strategy of the patriarch of the leopard people. With the advantage of the number of the leopard people, it is definitely able to drag the hunting dragon down.

But the patriarch of the leopard people overlooked one thing, that is, they saw their relatives and friends die at the claws of the hunting dragon with their own eyes, but the leopard people could not resist.

This is undoubtedly a devastating blow to the morale of the Leopards.

Without the blessing of faith, coupled with witnessing the death of relatives and friends, many Leopard people fell into fear, wishing to escape from this purgatory.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Chu Xiao took a deep breath, looking at the panting dragon hunters beside him, Chu Xiao understood that it was time to rest for a while.

"All warriors, return to the cliff to recuperate, and at the same time tell the hunting dragons who stay behind to prepare for defensive battles!"

Following Chu Xiao's order, the dragon hunters flapped their steel wings one after another and returned to the cliff.

Seeing the hunting dragon returning to the cliff, the patriarch of the leopard clan showed a smug smile, "After all, I can't bear it anymore. Competing wisdom with the great patriarch of the leopard clan is the biggest mistake you have made."

"Warriors of the Leopard Clan, capture this cliff and take back our holy relics!"

Following the order of the patriarch of the leopard people, groups of leopard people climbed up the four sides of the cliff one after another.

Seeing the leopard people gradually approaching the top of the cliff, the patriarch of the leopard people showed a triumphant smile, "After all, I won."

And at this moment, boulders continued to roll down from the cliff.

The hunter dragon who fought before also kept pushing down the boulder together with the hunter dragon who stayed behind.

Boulders rolled down one after another, killing countless Leopards along the way, before rolling to the ground and ending their mission.

And after the leopard man slowed down his upward climb due to the boulder, another thirty hunting dragons swept out from the cliff.

Under the leadership of Chu Xiao, these hunting dragons continued to bombard and kill the leopards in coordination with the boulders falling from above.

The leopard man hanging on the cliff is easier to hit than a target for hunting dragons.

After all, the target of the target is much smaller than the leopard man.

Seeing batches of Leopards losing their lives, the patriarch of the Leopards, no matter how hard-hearted he was, issued an order to suspend the attack.

Chu Xiao led the hunting dragon, and when the leopard man retreated, he stepped forward to attack from time to time.

When the last leopard came down from the cliff, they were shocked to find that the lower half of the cliff was already stained red with blood.

As for whose blood it is, it is self-evident.

"Asshole! Asshole!"

The patriarch of the leopard clan became furious for a while, and at the same time, deep down in his heart, the idea of ​​retreat had already sprouted.

How much time has passed, and the leopard people have lost two hundred heads.

According to this, if it continues before dark, the leopard human race will be wiped out?

But if it is withdrawn like this, what about the sacred objects of our clan?

However, when the Leopards were still debating whether to retreat, Chu Xiao had already issued a new order on the cliff.

"According to the order just now, leave ten injured brothers here to cut the boulder, other brothers, continue to go down with me."

Although the order to attack again was issued, Chu Xiao also didn't want to attack again.

The physical strength of the hunting dragons is not as good as before. I am afraid that they will be exhausted after attacking two or three times.

"It seems that we can only carry out the beheading operation."

Chu Xiao narrowed his eyes and set his target on the patriarch of the Leopard.

"Listen, the goal has changed this time. Help me divert the gold-ranked leopard man next to the patriarch of the leopard man. I'll get rid of the patriarch of the leopard man."

"Listen, this mission is very dangerous. Anyone may perish, but once it succeeds, the leopard people below will be leaderless, and we can have a good rest."

After Chu Xiao finished speaking, he waited for the other hunting dragons to reply.

Although the order is forced, the hunting dragon will still obey it.

But Chu Xiao didn't want to do this. It was obviously two different things to let Zhunlong sacrifice spontaneously and passively.

"Leader, don't worry, none of us are cowards."

"Yes, sir, do as you wish."

Hearing the words of the other hunting dragons, Chu Xiao suddenly aroused the remaining divine power in his body, and shouted: "For the glory of the God of Breeding!"

"For the glory of the God of Breeding!"

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