"Forget it, let's perform the magic trick again, anyway, there are still some ratmen who are not pregnant."

Afterwards, Chu Xiao took out a divine power card, and after crushing it, a little divine power was temporarily stored in Chu Xiao's body.

This divine power card was issued by the school. After all, they haven't gathered their divinity yet, so how could they have the divine power to perform divine spells.

The ratmen on the mainland were still wandering leisurely, when suddenly, a huge face appeared in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, an incomparably solemn voice burst into the sky.

"My people, I will reward you with the right to reproduce."

Then, a series of wind whirls past.

The ratmen who were blown by the whirlwind all ignited their desire to create life.

However, these Ratmen did not rush to do things, but knelt down and kowtowed, constantly praising the god in front of them.

"Great god of reproduction, thank you for your reward."

Afterwards, the breeding action started in the open air.

Chu Xiao was naturally not interested in watching the Ratman multiply, but opened the mall and searched for the cards he could buy.

In the monthly exam a month later, I will definitely not be able to avoid it anymore. In addition, I also have a lot of faith points, which is enough to buy a kind of card.

"It's a pity that the cards in the store can only be purchased through the faith value generated by your own family, and other people's cards can't be bought at all, otherwise I would have developed a long time ago."

After complaining a little about the tricky conditions of his cheating finger, he happily opened the mall and started shopping for cards.

"It's still necessary to keep some faith points in case of emergencies, just look at the 100 million card."

After setting the price at 100 million, cards that meet the requirements appeared in front of Chu Xiao.

"Sure enough, cards with a faith value of 100 million are not good cards, they are basically three-star mortal bones."

"Wait! What is this?"

Chu Xiao pulled out a card and said in surprise, "Isn't this a dragon hunter? That mortal bone with 1700 attack power, let's see how it is doing."

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Chapter 2 New Families

The right index finger touched the hunting dragon card, and the information inside was informed to Chu Xiao.

[Hunting Dragon, born with bronze-level strength, can reach silver-level strength when he grows up.But the defense ability is weak, even an adult hunting dragon only has black iron level defense ability. 】

"Hehe, it's not easy to even take defense into consideration."

"Although the defense of this hunting dragon is a bit weak, but with 100 million faith points, I will choose you for any bicycle you want!"

With a thought of Chu Xiao, the 100 million Faith Points disappeared, and instead, a card appeared in Chu Xiao's hand.

[Put this card in, and one hundred hunting dragons will be born in the God's Domain Continent, half male and half female. 】

Chu Xiao didn't hesitate, and directly put the Dragon Hunting Card into his God's Domain.

The Ratmen on the mainland were still reproducing. Suddenly, two-meter-high monsters appeared out of thin air. This startled the Ratmen who were immersed in reproduction, and ended the battle hastily.

At this moment, Chu Xiao's face appeared in the sky.

"My people, this is the race I created. From now on, you will be responsible for hunting for them, and they will guarantee your safety."

Hearing the thunderous sound, the Ratmen knelt down and kowtowed one after another.

At the same time, he felt the terrifying power conveyed by the monsters, and his faith in Chu Xiao became stronger in his heart.

The best way to improve your faith is to show your own miracles.

"I didn't expect that there would be a surprise. Half of the Ratmen have become pan-believers. It seems that there will be no worries about the value of faith in the future."

"And because I created this hunting dragon, it is a pan-believer from birth. Coupled with its own bronze-level strength, one hunting dragon can generate [-] faith points a day."

"Hey, blue-eyed white dragon, my wife, I will have you soon!"

Chu Xiao, who was imagining the blue-eyed white dragon killing all directions, suddenly noticed a beam of light hitting him.

Immediately, drastic changes took place in Chu Xiao's body, and a huge force filled every corner of his body.

After a quarter of an hour, Chu Xiao finally understood what happened.

"I didn't expect the rules of the gods to give me the priesthood of a one-star creation god."

"Xiaofu, open the data version."

God: Chu Xiao

God name: God of reproduction

Divinity: 1

Occupation: One-Star God of Creation (Insufficient divinity, cannot be activated.)

Kingdom of God: not open

Divine Power: 1

Divine Art: Breath of Reproduction

Families: Ratman, Dragon Hunter

Faith value: 305642

"The rules of the gods not only endowed me with the title of God of Creation, but also a little bit of divinity. I didn't expect that I have become a demigod. Hehe, if Dad knows, he might be so happy."

It's no wonder that Chu Xiao was excited. In fact, the priesthood of the Creator God is too important.

Because only with the priesthood of the Creator God, can one be able to open up the Kingdom of God and become a true God powerhouse.

But if you want to get the priesthood of the Creator God, you must create a race yourself.

With this one condition, I don't know how many quasi-gods who are talented in the posture of heaven have been stuck.

But when Chu Xiao was a demigod, he had already opened up a path to the true god. As long as there is no accident, becoming a true god is already a certainty.

"I'm really looking forward to the next monthly exam..."

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