
The low whimpering of wild beasts, and the sound of insects singing and flapping their wings became more and more loud, and gradually closed.

In the mist, several scarlet-covered four-legged animals crawled out, with their snake heads held high, greedily staring at the standing figure.


Insects with legs like grasshoppers and hands like praying mantises,

The tiger man with white hair and fishy teeth,


Among the luxuriant branches and leaves, the monkey-man with the tail jumped vigorously and bared his teeth at Jiang Wuye below in a fit of rage.

From all directions, one by one strange, strange creatures that do not resemble human beings descended.

In the air, a strong stench filled the air, and the atmosphere of chaos and tyranny was even more overwhelming.

"Hehe Brother Wuye, are you waiting for Fangfang?"

Two sets of clothes, a little girl with a disgusting face appeared behind, completely blocking the last way out.


stalemate broken,

The big red hand stretched out violently, grabbing the stinky tongue that was retreating rapidly.


Burning, black smoke rising, pain screaming endlessly.


Jiang Wuye's eyes were scarlet, and a ferocious smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth. His white teeth dazzled his eyes, and he looked around like a bastard crawling out of hell. He suppressed his emotions and exploded: "Do you think I'm just being scared?!"


Above, the human corpse screamed in pain and struggled violently, but couldn't break free.


Suddenly, the muscles of the right arm rose from the ground like a dragon and snake, and a huge burst of force exploded, directly pulling off the tongue and the body, and smashed to the ground.

Mud and water splashed everywhere, bones shattered and crackled, and it sounded like firecrackers. The movement became smaller and smaller, and it seemed dead.


From above, there was a sharp and rapid scream, and a monkey man rushed out. Among the green leaves flying all over the sky, his five fingers were like steel knives, and he quickly stabbed Jiang Wuye's head.

"Grinning your teeth, looking for death!!"

Lift your head, bow your body, bend your legs, burst out with great force, and step on the ground fiercely.


Amidst the sound of the explosion, the ground cracked and collapsed, breaking like waves, and a large piece of soil was kicked out by Jiang Wuye.

His whole body was like a cannonball, tearing through the air, soaring into the sky with a roar, his right hand raised high, his five fingers stretched out, covering the sky and the sun, covering his head and face like a slap in the face.


What does it feel like to be hit on the head with a force of six thousand catties?

Jiang Wuye didn't know, it just felt like he had rotted a large tomato.

A bright blood flower blooms in the sky!

"Yin Qi transformation, positive energy 3."


The remnant fell to the ground, and blood dripped down.

Jiang Wuye's heart was beating like a drum, his whole body was hot and red, blood dripped down, and before it touched his body, he was evaporated into blood mist by the high temperature.

"I really think I'm settled, don't you, come on, bastards, keep going!"

The roar resounded all over the field, Jiang Wuye's murderous eyes scanned the surroundings, and the wild and wild aura involuntarily radiated, the whole person seemed to be living in purgatory.


The tiger roared in the forest, and the sound wave swept over, making people upset.

Jiang Wuye looked up, but it was a bastard with a tiger head and a human body running towards him on all fours.

"Okay, that's it!"

The blood is boiling, the adrenaline is soaring.

Jiang Wuye's eyes showed madness, his brain was gradually occupied by tyranny, and he rushed up to meet the tiger head man.

bang, bang, bang

Every time the big foot landed, it was like a bomb hitting the ground, causing earth and rocks to fly and mud and water to fly wildly. It was completely people running in front and waves chasing behind.

ten steps

five steps

two steps



With force, the red iron fist collided with the tiger's claw in the air.

The invisible wave spread violently, and the unfallen mud was directly decomposed and shattered into water mist, and in the next moment, it spread out in a circular shape, piercing through the forest and beating leaves.

Ka Ka Ka

The sound of bones and muscles shattering sounded at the same time, and the thick and thick right arm covered with long hair was pierced by the white bone stubble, and the huge force was like a broken bamboo, breaking it piece by piece.

Before the pain spread, the tiger-headed man was driven by the rear force, blood spilled into the sky, and flew away.

ta ta ta

Jiang Wuye hurried to catch up, grabbed the tiger-headed man's ankle, made a sharp turn, and smashed directly at the tree trunk by the side of the road.

Minced meat flew and blood splashed everywhere.


The old tree that the two embraced shook, and the green leaves fell.

"Yin Qi transformation, positive energy 5."


Elbows are like hammers.

Si Xiang, who was grinning from behind and attacked sneakily, was full of fangs, shattered and splashed, and his body was like a windmill in the air, and he rolled seven or eight meters to the ground.

Jiang Wuye turned his head, stared at the two sets of clothes who had been quietly watching all this in the distance, and that Fang Fang licked their dry lips.


Just two steps away, a rabbit-headed man jumped up and bit Jiang Wuye's head with his severely exceeded front teeth.

The big hand reached out quickly and grabbed the rabbit-headed man's neck. The latter lost all energy in an instant and struggled desperately.

"Things that don't know how to live or die, why do you want to bite me?"

Leaning close to the rabbit's head, Jiang Wuye's eyes were like two red lanterns, and the hot air from his nose could burn the rabbit's fur.

"Fangfang, come, let's see what gift Brother Wuye has prepared for you?"

Smiling ferociously, Jiang Wuye carried the struggling rabbit-headed man, beat and kicked all the way, completely ignoring the other bastards, and walked up to Fangfang's family step by step.

"Hee hee, Tutu, Tutu, Fangfang wants Tutu."

The little girl stretched out her hands, which were made up of all kinds of densely packed bugs, which would make people's scalp numb just by looking at them, and wanted to pick up the bunny head man.


There was a sharp and piercing scream.

Jiang Wuye stretched out his other hand, pulled hard, and the two long ears were torn off by him, and he slammed the head again, and the juice splashed everywhere.

"Yin Qi transformation, positive energy 2."

Died on the spot.

Handing out the tatters in his hand, Jiang Wuye looked at the stunned Fang Fang, and smiled warmly: "Look at how happy it is, it's so excited that it can't make a sound."

"Bunny Bunny is so cute."

Sobbing, sobbing, I don't know if it's true or not.

Fang Fang staggered, step by step away from Jiang Wuye, and retreated to the side of the two sets of clothes. She didn't know that she thought she was being bullied by Jiang Wuye and was wronged.

"Bitch! Don't accept it, do you look down on me?" Jiang Wuye cursed, his brain was filled with tyranny, he threw away the rags in his hand, stepped out, the iron fist broke through the air, and slammed Fangfang's head.


Indistinct black shadows flashed away.

Jiang Wuye suddenly stopped his movements as if being pricked by a needle, and looked down with a gloomy face. On the red fist, hot blood continuously overflowed from an inch-thin wound, and was evaporated by the high temperature.

look up.

I saw that the cuffs of one of the clothes on the opposite side were pitch black, as if they had been burned by fire.

Withdraw your fist.

Jiang Wuye's chaotic and irritable brain regained clarity, and he took a step back subconsciously, his eyes fixed on the two sets of clothes all the time.

Fighting alone, maybe he can make a move in June and April.


Two sets, plus an uncertain Fangfang, and the bastards around.

Strong, within 5 minutes, the dead body was on the spot.

Admit it, [-]% sure, kill it!

"Go back, go back"

However, before Jiang Wuye could conceive a breakout plan in his mind, a series of icy voices rang out one after another.

It's like being surrounded by people with hundreds of horns, which are everywhere and drill directly into people's souls.

Looking up, Fangfang's family stood where they were, with no intention of doing anything.

Looking around, all kinds of bastards also stayed in place, staring at Jiang Wuye with hatred, and screaming non-stop.

"Go back, go back"

The urging voice became louder and louder, and even formed an echo, wave after wave, making Jiang Wuye in a trance and confused thinking.

"Go back to your uncle, even if I die outside, I will never go back!"

Jiang Wuye, who couldn't bear it any longer, let out a roar, and randomly chose a direction opposite to Qinghe Village, and disappeared into the dense mist after a few vertical leaps.

"Giggle can't escape without one"

In the same place, Fangfang's family remained indifferent, just watching Jiang Wuye go away without any intention of chasing him.

Will it snow this year

One hour

Two hours

After getting rid of Fangfang's family, Jiang Wuye followed the vague memory of his predecessor to another dirt road and ran wildly.


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