this woman.

If you don't answer the curse, you will run away as soon as you beat it, but it is like a dog's skin plaster.

Unless, he can satisfy her and send a jar of blood essence.

But how could such a thing be possible!

It's not his villainous heart.

It's that there are many immortals, monsters and monsters in this world, and there are all kinds of weird methods, especially this Bichi himself is an unknown alien, so if he uses his blood essence to do something.

When the time comes, he will have no place to cry.


Ye Anchen stopped in his tracks, and yawned lightly, his beautiful eyes narrowed, as if they would never be able to open them.

Faced with Jiang Wuye's impatience, she stopped, hesitated slightly, put away the jar and said solemnly: "Since we don't give blood, let's sleep."


Seeing Jiang Wuye was silent, his face was livid.

Seeing this, Ye Anchen frowned slightly, and her tone finally changed from plain to curious:

"Could it practice some weird kung fu that prevents you from touching women?"


Jiang Wuye let out a deep breath, turned his head to look at the surrounding environment, smiled coldly, strode forward, took Ye Anchen's cold little hand and dragged it into the grass.

"Come on, come on, I'm going to let you bastard know what Monkey Sun is using to make trouble in Heaven!"

Ye Anchen didn't resist, and let Jiang Wuye drag her into the lush grass lazily.


After a few minutes.

"Wait a minute, this one won't work."

"What's the meaning!?"



"With your current strength, within three seconds, the toxin will erode and turn into an ice sculpture and die. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

"Let go!!"

"I do not."

"I let you let go!!"


The mountain shook.

Ye Anchen clung to Jiang Wuye's body like an octopus, letting Jiang Wuye beat and curse, without moving a bit.

She even showed her canine teeth, biting Jiang Wuye's shoulder, rubbing it like a saw, trying to bite through the skin to suck blood.

"Hey! Bastard, you dare to bite me!"

The slight pain instantly burned Jiang Wuye's rationality and made him completely terrified.

Amidst the crackling sound of flesh and blood expanding and exploding, his body grew taller, his aura changed drastically, and he turned into a five-meter-tall purgatory demon bear.


Ye Anchen fled immediately, standing in the void with her exquisite body, her cheeks were bulging into buns, black blood dripped from the corner of her mouth, and her beautiful eyes were full of joy and joy.

Boom! !

Mountains collapsed, hurricanes swept in all directions, grass and trees fell.

The devil bear, surrounded by blazing black flames, soared into the sky like a cannonball, its fist as big as a millstone blasted through the void, and hammered at Ye Anchen with overwhelming terrifying power.

"Well... I will... come back..."


The void exploded, and the energy blasted through the clouds in the sky.

Ye Anchen's figure disappeared, and an indistinct grunt came from afar.

Jiang Wuye's mental perception was locked, and he landed with strength, kicked the thick ground, and shot high into the sky again, reciprocating and chasing madly under the moon.



Meanwhile, hundreds of miles away.

The melodious beating of the gong reverberated across the mountains and forests, and densely packed light golden spots resembling a swarm of fireflies appeared in the void.

The burly old man was sitting cross-legged on the boulder, and two night shepherd girls, one blue and one blue, beat the gong rhythmically behind him, attracting the firefly spots in the void.

"Little guy, alas, why did he meet such an evil spirit?"

The old man sighed, and popped out a drop of bright golden blood with his fingers.


The golden blood swelled in the wind, and within a few breaths, flesh and bones grew, turning into Xiao Fan's complete human body.

He was lifeless, and there was still a strong expression of unwillingness on his face.


The last gong soared into the sky.

A large number of firefly lights kept pouring into Xiao Fan's body, and his vital signs emerged little by little.

Blood flow, heartbeat, energy and spirit, gradually returning to their original position.

However, although he has recovered, he is still in a coma because of the old man's deliberate actions

"Old Xiao, why don't you erase the young master's memory and kill that person directly!"

The girl in the cyan coir raincoat said angrily, feeling resentful towards Jiang Wuye in her heart.

"It might be possible in the time of Huangjiazhai, but now..."

The old man drooped his eyelids, his expression was calm, and he said calmly: "That one, you already know that I am in the south. After the Huangjiazhai, he knows everything we do."

"Mr. Xiao, are you talking bluntly..."

The two girls looked at each other, their hairs stood on end, and they subconsciously raised their heads to look at the sky.

In the dark, there seemed to be a pair of invisible vast eyes staring at them quietly in the starry sky, making them stop subconsciously when they blurted out.

"The world only knows the myth of Wu Jian, the White Emperor begs Cang, but few people know that there is another sentence:

The potential dragon soars into the abyss and howls the sea, and the sound of swords frightens the gods and ghosts in the world!

Begging...begging...hehe. "

As if thinking of something, the old man shook his head and sneered, and then said with a little admiration: "I just didn't expect that he would take that step so soon, maybe...maybe he has already taken it?"

"Then shall we leave Anyang Domain?"

The two girls sighed helplessly.

The old man's eyes swept across the world, nodded and said: "If he really took that step, Anyang Yu probably will be turned upside down in a short time.

At that time, no matter who wins or loses, this place will no longer be suitable for the little guy to grow up, so there is no need to stay any longer. "

"The young master's memory?"


The old man's eyes flickered, and a mad and violent bear face appeared in his mind, the corners of his mouth raised, and he said with confidence: "Keep it, that person is the first, but he won't be the last.

If you choose to give up every time you encounter a failure, you will only encounter more and more failures in the future! "



The morning light is faint and the air is fresh.

Jiang Wuye, who vented his anger in the mountains and forests in the middle of the night, returned to Luofu Village, which was already a little boiling, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Turning his head to look at the place where his shoulder was bitten last night, he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was only ordinary blood that was sucked away.

If it was blood essence, I'm afraid he would be restless like an ant on a hot pot right now.

Last night, the two chased and fled, and they also fought against each other during the period.

Ye Anchen's methods were strange, and the exercises he used seemed to be aimed specifically at the spiritual soul of living beings.

And Jiang Wuye had the will of the True Ancestor of the Barbarian Bear who broke the pole twice to protect the soul, and when they fought, the two were evenly matched, and neither could do anything to the other.

But what annoyed him was that he couldn't fly now, and Ye Anchen didn't care about fighting, and just wanted to escape.

After tossing and turning several times, I lost it completely.

No matter how much anger he had in his heart, he could only vent it in the wilderness.


Walking on the village road with people coming and going, Jiang Wuye looked up at the sky, with yearning on his face.

Martial arts, want to get rid of the shackles of the earth, soar to the sky and across the sky.

It can only be achieved when the stellar qi is transformed into fuel and can continuously push the body to break through the void.

Although his current middle dantian has indirectly expanded a lot because of the second breakthrough of the Vigorous Barbaric Bear Kung Fu, it has not yet reached the point where it can carry the true meaning of martial arts.

If it is forcibly integrated into the true meaning, the consequences will be that the middle dantian will collapse, the energy and spirit will become unbalanced, go crazy, and even worse, it may explode on the spot.

"How did Feixianmen realize it so quickly, did something happen to Guiwu Senhai?"

Thinking of the two Feixianmen disciples last night, Jiang Wuye muttered to himself, doubts flashed in his eyes, and he felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

Although the land god helped him sweep his tail back then, he also said that it was only a temporary shield, and sooner or later, he would be exposed.

It's just that what he didn't expect was.

Within a month of his arrival in Anyang Domain, Feixianmen had already detected him, and even sent disciples from Yuansheng Shu Jinchun and Su Yiyi to take his life.

It is conceivable that if he is proud and complacent, addicted to power and lust, and slack in cultivation during this period of time, he will still have the same strength as before.

The only fate is probably that he was unexplainably killed by those two vicious women last night.

With Feixianmen's character of vengeance, the next shot, you don't need to think about it, it must be a thunderous lore.

Moreover, with the escaped little bitch returning to the sect, this time will not be too long.

by that time.

The real world may not be enough to deal with it!

"If I hadn't joined the Canglong Guard and made the Feixianmen have this level of fear, it is estimated that what I met last night was not two Daohuo, but a real monk comparable to a real martial artist!"

In addition to being afraid, Jiang Wuye was also somewhat grateful for his choice at the beginning.

However, the tiger skin belongs to others after all.

If the individual is not strong, the enemy will plot and calculate, and he will die without knowing how to die!

"Miscellaneous, don't let me live in peace, and you will be wiped out in ashes in the future!"

With ups and downs in his mind, Jiang Wuye gritted his teeth, with a gloomy face, and strode towards the meeting house.

It was notified last night when the battle plan was discussed, and at dawn today, they will gather to attack Qingshi Town.

As the commander of Canglongwei in Black Tiger City, it would be a bit unjustifiable if he was not present.

I just want to practice

No.70 leads the charge

The golden crow rises in the east, shining thousands of light.

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