There are statues of mountain gods on the altar table, in human form, in the shape of an old man with a stick and crutches, facing Qinghe Village, with compassionate eyes.

"You, give me a reason."

Chaotic voices sounded from all directions, mixed with a cold chill.

"Hee hee hee, I'm only one step away. After finishing, what do you think, I won't stop you, Lord Mountain God."

There was no fear in the immature voice, but a bit of sarcasm.


Outside the temple, the red silk on the tree shook violently like a strong wind.

"Hehehe, what about me!?"

The anger seemed to be stronger, and the entire mountain temple was shaken.



The fox eagle jumped a few times, seeming to be happy, excited, and impatient: "Hee hee hee, it's too late, I can feel it, the annoying guy is coming soon. You can't hold your breath at this time.

After all, your Mountain God status, hehe, was always stolen by Li Daitao.

Daohuo level monks may be afraid, but if a real person with karmic fire comes to them personally, they will not be afraid of the karma of this little mountain god. "

"Hmph, I know my own affairs. I'm just curious, how confident are you in your plan, don't fight wild geese and get pecked in the eye and hinder you at the critical moment!"

"Hee hee hee, you don't need to worry about this. You just need to understand that we are now grasshoppers on the same rope. We all prosper and we all lose. Well, that's all there is to say, goodbye."


The clay sculptures were broken and weathered, as if they had never been here.

The mountain temple fell into silence.

It took a long time before another surprised voice sounded: "Hey, he was beaten to death, interesting!

Um?There is no Dao kind of breath, tsk, it's a pity, after all, it is still a bigger ant, but there is no need to waste energy, it is not bad to add trouble to the old fox. "


The sky was full of dark clouds, and it was raining continuously.

It was the early morning of the second day, and the dense fog that filled Qinghe Village faded away, and all the rivers returned to the sea, blending into the endless white world outside the village.

In the village, it was quiet, clear and cold, as if still immersed in a dream.


The burning hunger in his stomach woke Jiang Wuye from his sleep.

Confused, I reached out to find my phone, but found nothing.

Open your eyes.

Old beams and broken cobwebs came into view.


Sitting up, he slapped his cheeks heavily, Jiang Wuye looked at the wet blood on his right hand, the scratches on the rough skin, moved his five fingers slightly, and the slight pain stimulated the nerves, which showed that everything was not false.

There was a few seconds of silence.

He squeezed his fists, and a real sense of power surged through his body, the confusion in his eyes gradually faded, and he called softly: "Final."

The familiar virtual panel emerges:

Jiang Wuye

Martial Arts: The first level of Dali Brutal Bear Kung Fu can be improved

Positive energy: 5

With one head and four faces, it provides five points of positive energy.

Jiang Wuye was not dissatisfied.

Compared with the existence that controlled the blood rope yesterday, and the statue of the suspected fox fairy, it is estimated that Si Xiang is just a role of miscellaneous soldiers and cannon fodder, which is not worth mentioning at all.

Five o'clock is really a lot.

It took two points of positive energy to upgrade the first level of Vigorous Bear, and it is estimated that the second level will also need three points, or even four points.

Continue to improve, or keep practicing other martial arts?

According to previous memories, apart from Jiang Dazhuang who inherited martial arts in the village, there are also two other people who disappeared.

It's just that the deceased has passed away, one of them is left with only orphans and widowed mothers, and the other is even a bachelor. Whether they can find martial arts secret books is not guaranteed.

After deliberating for a while, Jiang Wuye finally decided to upgrade the Vigorous Barbarian Skill again.

This world is full of crises, and no one can guarantee when the danger will come. A little more strength means more security.

As for the horizontal martial art of Dali Barbaric Xiong Gong, the performance last night has proved its value, and it is Jiang Wuye's foundation at present.

Strength, speed, insight and reaction ability are improved, and there is no move to win with one's hands. Even if it is not as good as other martial arts that specialize in fighting, it is enough at this stage.


With a thought, it turned into an invisible finger and poked it on the Dali Barbaric Bear Kung Fu.

The next moment, the positive energy was directly reduced by four points.

Hula la

A warm feeling flooded my whole body, as if I was in an oven, no matter how hard I tried, I was neither sad nor happy.

This time, although the appearance of the body has not changed much, the duration of the promotion is far longer than that of the first level.

During the process, Jiang Wuye even heard the sound of vigorous Qi and blood changing from a small stream to a big river in the blood vessels in his body, and the roar of the Mercedes-Benz.

at the same time.

The in-depth insights on Barbarian Xiong Daligong also emerged one by one, as if he had naturally reached the second level after more than ten years of hard training, without the slightest feeling of jerky and inadaptability.

"Second floor, six thousand catties!"

A new sense of strength filled every part of the body.

Make a fist.

The big tendons on the arms are like steel ropes, and the muscles are like horned dragons.

Shrink, punch!

Like a cannon ejected from the chamber, afterimages flashed by, and the air exploded like thunder.

Take a deep breath and let it out.

The strong lung capacity made this breath of turbid air like a javelin, and it took a full three meters to dissipate.

"If I meet Sixiang again, I can make his head explode with one punch!"

Looking back on the tough battle last night, Jiang Wuye also had a vague idea of ​​his own strength at this time.

"Just this defense"

Jiang Wuye frowned slightly as he looked at the wound on the fist that healed without improving his strength like Zhong.

Although it is said that each level of the barbarian bear's power will improve all the stats of the body, but the focus is still on strength.

Other aspects, such as defense power and self-healing ability, are only significantly improved at the first level.

Now the second floor has not been enhanced so much, which makes Jiang Wuye, who wanted to wait, a little unbearable.

Fighting together, regardless of past and present lives, he is still a novice, and the one who can quickly make up for this gap is to stack the thickest armor and carry the most vicious beating.

There is output only when you are alive, this is the unchanging truth!

"In Tie Bushan's opinion, it's impossible not to go there."

Thinking of the iron cloth shirts majoring in defense among the two martial arts that are currently available in the village, Jiang Wuye imagined a pair of young mother and child in his mind.

It seems to be called sister-in-law?

With a plan in mind, Jiang Wuye found out a set of loose coarse gray clothes and put them on, preparing to sacrifice to the Wu Zang Temple first.

The sky had just dawned, it was drizzling, and the courtyard was already muddy.

Jiang Wuye was sitting at the door of the kitchen, holding a pot of miscellaneous food, scooping it up with a wooden spoon in his hand.

As his physical fitness improved, his food intake naturally far exceeded that of ordinary people, and the basin was almost bottomed out, so he barely felt full.

Looking up, looking at the gloomy sky, chewing the tasteless food, listening to the dripping rain, feeling in a trance.

haven't had for many years

The same winter, the same misty rain.

The whole family sat together, kowtowed melon seeds and peanuts, chatted about their neighbors, anecdotes, and jokes from time to time, which attracted bursts of laughter.

The hot fresh meat dumplings are not rich, but they are home-cooked dishes that are delicious in color, fragrance, and can always be eaten with oil in their mouths. Everyone, young and old, sits around the square table, lively and warm.

After eating, make a cup of brown sugar water and put it outside the house, watching the snow fall the next day, I can lick it happily all morning.

all kinds, all kinds

If they weren't so stubborn back then, didn't have so many delusions, and kept their feet on the ground, maybe they would have already had a small fortune and could accompany them to the last moment.

If you let go of your ridiculous self-esteem back then, and took advantage of the beautiful woman's youth, be bolder and more confident, maybe you won't have so many years of lingering dreams.

If that year

"Oh, I am really at a loss at this time."

Jiang Wuye shook his head, laughed at himself, and withdrew from those dreamy memories.

I have only heard guests sighing, when have I heard people say sadness?

Floating life is like a dream, it's just a day when you wake up.

"It's not all a bad thing." Looking down at the two fingers on his right hand that didn't have traces of smoke, Jiang Wuye smiled wryly: "At least the smoke that I've always wanted to stop but couldn't be stopped is completely gone."

Shaking his head, he was about to clean up the kitchen, but there was an anxious shout from outside the courtyard: "Brother Wuye, hurry up, something happened at Uncle Zhuzi's house, alas, the family of three is too miserable."

pat pat

Outside the courtyard, stepping on the mud puddles quickly walked away.


Five finger holes were directly cut out of the copper basin.

"What is this? The horn of the general attack? The harbinger of disaster?"

Jiang Wuye's face was gloomy, thinking of the weird and unusual silence of the village last night, a deep chill quickly rushed through his body.

"This dog-raising world does not allow ordinary people to survive at all!"

After cursing, Jiang Wuye still dropped his things and rushed out of the hospital against the continuous rain, deciding to check the situation first.

Chapter 7 hehehehe

The rain, maybe it started in the middle of the night.

The long-term soaking made the dirt road in the village extremely muddy. Jiang Wuye trotted all the way, the lower body of the clothes he had just changed were soon dotted with bits and pieces of dirt, and the cloth shoes were even covered with layers of yellow mud.

"It's you, Brother Wuye, you scared me, hehe"

Just turning into a side road, he almost bumped into someone, Jiang Zhongye stopped in his tracks, looked at the skinny, skinny young man in front of him, gasping for breath, and asked in confusion, "Dashan?"

They are all young people from the village, they have a lot of contacts on weekdays, and they have a deep memory of their original bodies, so it will not be embarrassing that they can't remember their names for a while.

The skinny boy straightened up, wiped the fine beads of sweat from his forehead, panted and said, "Something has happened. Uncle Zhuzi's family, and Ah Wei, the bachelor Li Laosan from the west of the village, and even Li Lao, go straight to the ancestral hall Well, it's all there."

Mr. Li!

Jiang Wuye's heart skipped a beat, as he thought of chasing away the old man in the mist with the fox statue yesterday, he was instantly confused.

If the older generation knows what a fox statue is, and has some unspeakable relationship with each other, then why

"Where's the village chief?"

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