boom -

Just when Jiang Wuye's thoughts were ups and downs, the sound of an explosion like the opening of the sky and the earth suddenly came out from the sky screen, and the endless bright light filled the entire screen.

The next moment, the sky screen was completely shattered, and the blue calm was restored.

"Hey, that space seems to have been completely sunk, and Xu Kun can't perceive the connection image anymore."

Not far away, Yao Xiaoyao's unsatisfactory sigh came.

Jiang Wuye and Long Aotian looked at each other, and they shook their heads regretfully and sat back before the case.

Long Aotian's eyes drifted, as if he was still immersed in the great battle he saw just now, he drank a cup of tea after a while, and said with relief: "The three heavenly kings, and Zhenjun Disha from the Xianmen joined the battle. The adults at that level are also watching here at this time, so there should be no problem."

Jiang Wuye nodded, although he was still a little worried, but he knew it was useless, so he stopped thinking about it.

After a moment of silence, he began to ask Long Aotian about information from the outside world, such as the realm of immortal martial arts and the situation of forces.

Long Aotian naturally did not refuse, he knew everything.

Time passes slowly.

During this period, Yao Xiaoyao came back again, dressed up in a beautiful and charming way.

But seeing that the two were in high spirits, they didn't pay much attention to her, so they could only look at Jiang Wuye regretfully, put down the fruits and desserts, their faces bulged into buns, snorted, and left.

In Xukun's hometown, there is no night, the two have been chatting for several hours, and the sky is still bright.


I don't know when, the desolate and ancient sound of Xu Kun echoed, and a blue beam of light shot down from the sky, hitting a hanging square not far away.

Inside the pavilion, Jiang Wuye and Long Aotian stood up, looking at a girl in white skirt angrily cleaning up the mess on the table with embarrassing expressions.

At the end of the covered bridge, Qian Xiaoya's mother and daughter looked pale, and walked out of the house with each other's support.

In the next room, the five iron tower men who were sleeping soundly were woken up rudely by a few girls with feather dusters.

In the sky, images of the outside world once again emerged.

The dark sky is so heavy that no light can penetrate it.

On the scarlet land, the wind howls continuously, and life is slim.

In the dark wilderness, a huge monster with a body like a mountain, with a ferocious face, and rolling with evil spirits slowly walked.

On the earth, endless dark abysses can be seen everywhere, constantly spewing out countless strange things, turning into tornadoes, roaring and ferocious, sweeping across the wilderness.

"Don't tell me that the same place as the eighteen hells is the world."

Inside the pavilion, Jiang Wuye withdrew his gaze, turned his head, and looked at Long Aotian suspiciously.

"Hey, don't worry, hero."

Long Aotian patted Jiang Wuye's shoulder without any surprise, and seeing his puzzled look, he grinned and said: "Crossing hell, you will be in the world."

The corners of Jiang Wuye's mouth twitched, he could only suppress the doubts in his heart, and turned his eyes to the screen again.

At this time, the scene of purgatory in the outside world changed.

Under the crimson sky.

Among the dark clouds.

A turquoise blue beast spouting water jets, like a whale, drilled out of the space channel, casting a large shadow, and wandering for a while, a white light curtain connecting the sky and the earth appeared in the sky in front of it.

Through the light curtain.

You can vaguely see the blue sky behind, thousands of mountains and rivers, the boundless land, full of vitality.A more majestic humane atmosphere came through the space.

Looking at the oasis standing in the endless purgatory, Jiang Wuye felt an indescribable shock in his heart, and he was speechless for a long time.

Yao Xiaoyao's sweet voice suddenly resounded, echoing in Xukun's hometown:

"Guests, please get ready, the next stop is the world, Anyang domain."

Guess who I am

The bright moon is in the sky, and the grass and trees in the deep forest rustle.


blah blah——

The shadows of the trees whirled, and at the end of the dirt road in the forest, a black and strong dragon horse with a snake tail and fish scales galloped out, breathing hot air from its mouth and nose, and galloping wildly. The surrounding trees whizzed past like a phantom.

On the horse's back, the man's head was covered with blood, his clothes were torn, and it was clearly visible that there were scars on his chest that were deep and visible, scalding hot blood continuously.


Between the pitch-black forests on both sides, the canopy of the trees swayed, and the tall grass swayed, as if something was passing through it, and occasionally a sinister laugh that sent chills down the spine could be heard.

"Drive! Drive! Drive!"

Immediately, the man's eyes were bloodshot, his brain was filled with fear, and he didn't dare to look up at all. He whipped his horsewhip desperately, and one man and one horse turned into black lightning, and they flew across the forest at high speed.


The black light visible to the naked eye shoots out from the forest, passing in a flash, and the vegetation along the way is cut off in the middle, and the cut is as smooth as a mirror.


BMW hissed in pain, and his limbs were broken at the ankle.


Dust billows.

Due to inertia, one person and one horse rolled over ten meters.


The eerie laughter resounded in the forest again, calm and unhurried, like an old hunter playing with wild animals.

"Cough cough cough..."

The man vomited black blood, clutched his chest and staggered up, then fell down on the grass again, shaking his head, panting like a cow.

Look up, under the moonlight in the distance.

A skinny young man danced strange and stiff dance steps, with a faint smile on his mouth all the time, approaching a little bit.

His hands were raised high, long and flat, like two mantid knives, reflecting the cold white light constantly as he danced.

Call ~

Behind him, a dark wind blew in, and goosebumps all over his body in an instant.

Two cold and slippery little hands covered the man's eyes, and darkness enveloped everything.

"Heck~ Guess who I am? One...two..."

Children's playful laughter.

"Hehe, you guys are so bold that you worship something like that, and you dare to slaughter the Canglongwei."

The man's face turned from stiff to relaxed, as if he had given up everything, gasped a few times, gathered his strength, and said coldly: "Wait for our commander to return..."

"Five. Wrong answer."

Behind him, there was a voice full of regret.

In front of him, two demon knives intertwined, and the moonlight shone, making the bone cold.


A cold light flashed, hot blood gushed out like a fountain, and the headless figure fell to the ground.


In the sky, the head is rolling, and the face maintains a momentary unwillingness. In the eyes, a village in the distant mountain depression can be seen quietly crouching in the moonlight. The shadows inside it are like ghosts.


The next day, dusk.

blah blah——

On the dirt road in the forest, nine dragon horses were stepping with iron hooves, not in a hurry.

Jiang Wuye and Long Aotian walked side by side, holding the reins, looking at the fresh vegetation in the surrounding forest.

The light and shadow are mottled, and the wind blows the leaves.

The cold and strange mist that floated between the heavens and the earth disappeared, and he felt unaccustomed to it for a while, or rather, it felt a little unreal.

Behind them, Qian Xiaoya's mother and daughter were pale, their eyes glazed over, and they sat silently on the dragon colt, with their heads down, wondering what they were thinking.

Five men with iron towers rode horses to guard the surroundings, their sharp eyes scanned the forest, their burly bodies were tense, and they never relaxed for a moment.

After Xu Kun passed through the yin-yang barrier that divides the hell and the human world, he penetrated into the space again, and it took him an unknown distance to let them descend the Kun.

After getting off the Kun, he was supposed to hurry back to Heihu City.

However, Qian Xiaoya's mother and daughter were shocked when they learned the truth about Qian Hu's death, and were injured in the chaos in Taohuayuan before.

In desperation, everyone could only buy a few dragon horses in nearby towns for temporary transportation.

According to Long Aotian, this place is only a few hundred miles away from Black Tiger City, even if you deliberately slow down, you can reach it in a short time, and there is no rush.


Walking to the corner of the dirt road, a gust of cold wind blows, and the surrounding vegetation rattles.

Jiang Wuye narrowed his eyes slightly, and gestured to Long Aotian and the others to rein in and stop the horse.

"Hero, why... huh?!"

Long Aotian looked up, wondering.

But when he looked in the direction of Jiang Wuye's finger, his complexion suddenly changed, and he quickly got off his horse.

Except for Hun Feitian and Qian Xiaoya's mother and daughter, the rest of them were not much better, they all got off their horses and rushed over in a swarm.

More than ten meters ahead, in the messy grass beside the road.

The dragon colt without limbs fell to the ground, and in front of him, leaned quietly against a headless corpse, surrounded by flies and insects, it was too horrible to look at.

The most important thing is that although the clothes worn by the headless corpse are tattered, it can still be seen that they are exactly the same as those of Long Aotian and the others. They are the standard clothes of the Canglong Guard.

"Vice Commander, it's He Jianghai!"

A group of people identified for a while, and finally a big man recognized the identity of the deceased, his eyes were about to split.

"How courageous!" Long Aotian slammed his fists on the ground fiercely, his red eyes gritted his teeth and said: "Killing the members of the Canglong Guards, and throwing the corpses in the wilderness, no matter what you are, I will definitely smash you to the bone and grind you to ashes!"

Jiang Wuye got off his horse, glanced at the people surrounding the corpse, but didn't go over to check.

His eyes scanned the surroundings, and finally fixed on the cut grass and trees by the side of the road ahead.

Stepping forward, he stretched out his hand to stroke the mirror-smooth tree trunk, mobilized his blood slightly, and tried to test the bleeding with his five fingers.

As for Xuegang, everything is left to the bottom, and he doesn't want to expose it if it's not a matter of life or death.

chi chi chi-

Residual yin qi encounters masculine blood inflammation, which produces a violent reaction, black smoke continues to rise, and it takes a few seconds to stop and dissipate, showing its concentration.


Jiang Wuye withdrew his hands and looked around, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he moved his steps to part the tall grass.

An unwilling head lay quietly on the grass, the incision on the neck was smooth, and a little blood was still oozing out at this moment.

Squat down and take a closer look.

The flesh tissue has a dark color, as if steel has been tempered a hundred times. It doesn't take much thinking to know that this person's martial arts has reached a certain level in his life, at least he is a masculine and masculine master.

But even so, he was still instantly cut off by a sharp weapon and instantly killed. Looking at his physical condition, it was obvious that he was running all the way and rarely resisted.

"Interesting, I killed it, but didn't take all the blood. If it weren't for the yin energy left at the scene, I would have suspected that those bastards did it."

Jiang Wuye stood up, beckoned Long Aotian and others to come over and restrain their heads, kicked their feet, and the wet soil sank deeply.


The burly and heavy body, like a soaring cannon, pierces the leaves and broken branches, jumps to the top of the tree, stands at the top of the tree, is as light as a feather, and looks around.

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