
Jiang Wuye's expression was shocked, he shuddered, stood up, and ran quickly following the sound.

The ancestors in the village have passed down from generation to generation that the outside world is a purgatory, with all kinds of disasters, and all living beings are miserable and struggling to survive.

And Taohua Village is a paradise that is not disturbed by disputes and has not been in contact with the outside world since ancient times. No villagers have ever left, let alone outsiders.

When I first heard it, my curiosity naturally grew like weeds, and it was hard to suppress.

"Where? Are you kidding me?"

Jiang Wuye rushed over and saw Long Xiaotian was blocking the foot of the mountain in front of him with several iron tower men, as if he was talking with someone, exaggerated exclamations came out from time to time.

Seeing this, he took three steps and stepped forward to push away a few Tie Hanhans.

Taking a closer look, I saw in front of the narrow cave, a fisherman wearing a ragged coir raincoat and an old bamboo hat, with a thin figure and a miserable complexion.

The fisherman hunched over, raised his head and carefully looked at the group of them, and occasionally saw the paradise in the distance through the cracks of people, his eyes were full of excitement and longing.

"Old man, are you really from the outside world?"

Seeing the vicissitudes and hardships of the fisherman, Jiang Wuye subconsciously asked.

For some reason, as soon as he saw this old man, his excitement just now faded inexplicably, and was replaced by a faint sense of disgust for no reason.

This disgust even gave him the urge to rush up and beat the old man hard.

"Ahem... yes, brother. This old man is from Funiu Village, more than [-] miles away from here. He makes his living by fishing all year round. Today, the river was foggy and wandered around. He strayed into a peach grove. I was curious... ..."

The old man nodded, coughing and explaining carefully, his face always inadvertently revealing the color of sorrow.

"Old man, old man, what's the outside world like?"

Long Xiaotian and others gave way to the aisle and led the fisherman to the village, asking all kinds of questions non-stop like a curious baby.

"Hey, compared to here, it's hell."

"Huh? I used to think that the old men were scaring us. Is this really the case?"

"That's right, monsters are making troubles at night, and we have to guard against robbers and bandits during the day. The people are struggling. Cough cough, ordinary people like us are no different from weeds on the side of the road..."

"Bandits, monsters, what do they look like?"


A group of people chatted and left, not far away, Long Xiaotian turned around and called Jiang Wuye in front of the cave, telling him to follow quickly.


Jiang Wuye frowned and glanced at the hunched fisherman in the crowd, and then looked back at the cave in front of him. He always felt that all this happened too deliberately, as if it had been arranged by someone.

Oh, I'm thinking about these things again.

After a while, he shook his head and laughed at himself, glanced at the deep cave, suppressed the inexplicable familiarity in his heart, turned around and quickly followed Long Xiaotian and his party.

An outsider has come in from Peach Blossom Village!

As Jiang Wuye and others returned to the village, the news quickly spread throughout the village like a spark.

Men, women, old and young all came here after hearing the sound. They surrounded the village with three floors inside and three floors outside. They seemed to be looking at some rare and rare treasures, which made the originally calm fisherman feel uneasy. He could only keep smiling and answer carefully occasionally. .

The noise continued until noon, when they were dispersed by the old people in the village, and everyone went back to their respective homes.

The fisherman, of course, received the warm hospitality of Taohua Village.

That night, the village slaughtered pigs and chickens, set up a banquet with wine, and even held a bonfire party. The villagers pulled the well-fed fishermen to sing and dance, talked about the legend of the peach blossom fairy, and sang about the happy and healthy daily life.

All this made the long-lost happy smile reappear on the fisherman's face. He forgot his troubles, sang and laughed, got drunk, and finally fell asleep at someone's house.

In this way, the days passed for a while.

On the sixth day, the fisherman asked to leave because he missed his relatives and had to leave.

The people of Taohua Village had no objection to this, they carefully selected and prepared a few gifts for the fisherman, and almost the whole village mobilized to send the fisherman to the cave.

Before leaving, an old man in the village with a cane and a white beard hanging down his chest earnestly told the fisherman not to tell other people the location of the Peach Blossom Spring after he went out, especially those with evil intentions, so as not to cause disputes.

"Brother, don't worry. I am a person who has half of my body buried in the ground. I naturally have a sense of proportion in my heart, and I won't do that kind of wolf-hearted thing."

The fisherman patted his chest to assure, with a sincere attitude and nodding his head.

Before leaving, he thanked the villagers who took care of him in the past few days, and finally bowed deeply to everyone. Then he reluctantly took the gifts from the villagers, turned and entered the cave, and his figure gradually disappeared. in.

The fisherman leaves.

Like a stone thrown into a pond, ripples appear for a short time, and then dissipate quickly.

Jiang Wuye and his slobs, who had been cheeky for a few days, returned to their usual idleness, eating and waiting to die.

Occasionally when I think about the fisherman, I can only think of the tables and tables of delicacies, and my mouth waters.

The days passed by without any waves.

The fisherman has already become an interesting story that Taohua villagers occasionally mention after dinner, but that's all.

Because, as the peach blossoms in the village are in full bloom, miraculously turning from pink to red, the villagers have a more important topic to discuss - the Peach Blossom Festival.

At this time of year, Taohua villagers will put on costumes, kill three animals, carry five grains, be devout, drum and music, and sing praises to the peach blossom fairy.

As for Peach Blossom Fairy.

Naturally, it was the towering peach tree in the village that had grown for an unknown amount of time.

"You should be grateful, the peace yesterday and the prosperity in the future are all bestowed by the Peach Blossom Fairy.

It should be remembered that... "

The blood-red petals scattered on the ground, under the shade of the trees that covered the sky and the sun, the old and the young in the village stood quietly in front of the thick and vicissitudes of the tree trunks, listening to the passionate praises of the clan elders, with piety in their eyes.

"Tie Dan, don't look around, it's disrespectful to Peach Blossom Fairy."

Among the crowd, Jiang Wuye was inexplicably restless, looking left and right, like an ant on a hot pot, was reprimanded by his sister-in-law, followed by his niece's white eyes.

"To shut up!!"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Wuye seemed to have a wrong tendon, his expression was furious and ferocious, his red eyes yelled at the mother and daughter unceremoniously, the voice was even louder than the clan elders under the tree, and both of them wore ruthless The eyes that concealed his anger quickly focused.

"Second boy of the Qian family, is this the place where you messed up?"

Under the tree trunk, the white-haired old man looked calm and looked at Jiang Wuye without anger.

"Yes... right... that's enough!!"

Jiang Wuye froze, subconsciously wanting to apologize.

But all kinds of irritable and chaotic thoughts kept popping up in his mind, like a beast that sensed the imminent danger, roaring loudly to vent his uneasiness.

"come here……"

Suddenly, a cool breath poured into his brain, and somewhere, there seemed to be a faint consciousness coming from the peach tree, calling him.

However, this consciousness seems to be too weak, fleeting, unable to convey more information.

But, even so, Jiang Wuye's expression was still shocked, his eyes turned from blank to firm, and he directly pushed away the mother and daughter in front of him, and strode towards the peach tree.

"Tie Dan, you are blaspheming the Peach Blossom Immortal, you want to apologize to the whole village, stop him!"

The face of the old man under the tree finally changed, and he warned coldly.


Jiang Wuye's eyes were red, and he fixed his eyes on the tree trunk that dozens of people couldn't hug.

With a wave of his hand, there was a slight roar in the body, but it brought incredible strength, and the five or six strong men who came forward were directly thrown away, and they couldn't even get up.

"Tie Dan, don't mistake yourself..."

The mother and daughter huddled together, not daring to look directly at Jiang Wuye, who looked like a ghost, but still trembling and admonishing.


The towering peach tree seemed to be angry, swaying violently, scarlet blood-like petals flying all over the sky, covering the village, and the pink peach blossoms in the village, and even the blue sky, gradually glowed an ominous red.


What the outside world is like, can't affect Jiang Wuye in the slightest, he is like a crazy bear with a muscle, fierce and powerful, no one dares to stop him, and he runs straight towards the peach tree with heavy steps.

Ho - ho ho ho!

In his mind, the weak roar contained long-suppressed anger, which gradually expanded, tending to occupy the entire ocean of consciousness.


Inside the canopy thatched cottage, the flower demon suddenly opened her eyes, restless.

"Miscalculation, I didn't expect your enemy's consciousness to be so tenacious, after so many days, I thought it had completely fallen.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he felt that the danger was coming, he instinctively recovered and struggled.

Now that the reincarnation in Taohuayuan has started, I only have enough energy left to suppress that extreme martial arts.You have recovered, go down quickly and end him, don't let him fully wake up and recover, it will be in vain! "

Grandma Taoshu's urgent voice sounded outside the wooden house, and the flower demon heard it, her face became ugly, and then turned into resentment, gnashing her teeth: "My good husband, you can really make a fuss!"


As the sound fell, her tender body turned into pieces of peach blossoms, and a strong wind was blown up, whizzing towards the tree.

"Oh no!!"

Today, perhaps, is destined to be the catastrophe day for Taohua Village.

When Jiang Wuye walked to the tree trunk unimpeded, stretched out his hand to stroke the bark, and his face was confused, there was a terrified cry from behind the crowd.

The villagers temporarily diverted their attention, looked back, and saw Long Xiaotian and the five iron tower men stumbling towards this side like frightened rabbits, and kept crying: "That fisherman, that nasty fisherman brought us A lot of murderers are back!!"


There was panic and uproar everywhere, without waiting for everyone to ask carefully.At the corner of the village road, footsteps sounded like thunder, and a large group of fierce and strong men with knives and swords appeared. Led by an old man with a remorseful face, they walked towards the peach tree with a grinning grin.

"The young woman stays, and the others are surrounded and slaughtered! Grandma, such a good place deserves to be owned by our Yingshan thieves!"

From far away, the domineering and arrogant shouting sounded.

Under the reddish sunlight, the swords and swords shone coldly, bringing with them an aura of brutal killing that they had never experienced before, causing the villagers' bodies to freeze half instantly, and they huddled together like lambs, not knowing how to deal with it.

Jiang Wuye turned a deaf ear to all of this, and put his big hands on the trunk of the peach tree, closed his eyes and felt the chaotic consciousness in the tree that kept calling him, some covered things in his mind were about to disperse like a cloud, revealing a blurry corner.

"Little brother...do you remember your name?"

Finally, a difficult but clear voice came from the tree.


In an instant, Jiang Wuye's mind was overwhelmed. In the endless chaos, a blue light that seemed to have been dormant for a long time revived and shone, instantly dispelling all the fog.

"I am Zhang Sijiu, the mountain god of Xiyun Mountain, mortal, what's your name?"

"My name is Jiang Wuye, the Jiang of Jianghe, the invincible Wu, the night of the dark night."

"Well, just remember."


He let out a mouthful of turbid air, and his eyes were clear.

Jiang Wuye stood up, aware of the opening and closing of the eyes of the Great Vigorous Bear True Ancestor in the sea, exuding the meaning of endless fighting.

In his body, the terrifying qi and blood that had been dormant quickly revived, and wisps of blood mist emerged from his pores, turned into wolf smoke, and soared into the sky.


The blood flames all over his body burned fiercely, like a big sun in an oven, and the domineering masculinity swept out, quickly covering all directions.

Puffs of black smoke rose from the heads of the villagers where they passed, their eyes changed from panic to confusion, and finally woke up, looking around in bewilderment.

"Where is this? Why am I wearing this kind of clothes, and where did those bandits come from? Isn't there no bandits around Leyang?"

Waking up from a big dream, the uproar sounded one after another.


In the crowd, Long Aotian's face turned into shock as he struggled, the exuberant qi and blood in his lean body roared, his bones crackled, and there was a vicious ape roaring, roaring endlessly.


The five iron tower men woke up with a start, the sound of cows mooing in their bodies, the exaggerated muscles all over their bodies swelled again, their eyes were blood red, and bursts of hot air spewed out of their noses, like five bull demons, the next moment Go crazy.

The beautiful woman, Qian Xiaoya, also woke up, with different beasts revived in her body, her aura changed from soft to sharp.

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