"Whose brat is this?"

Jiang Wuye shook his hands with a look of displeasure, turned his head to look at the group of weird people who were frozen in place, and said with displeasure: "Be more optimistic in the future, if you encounter someone with a bad temper, it will not be so simple."

There was no answer.

There was a dead silence in the compound, even the headless bride seemed to have forgotten what she was going to do, and stopped five steps away without going forward.


The cold wind blows, bringing peach petals flying all over the sky, the air is filled with a scent of chime, straight to the brain, it seems that there is a stunning woman dancing among the flowers in a trance, her beautiful eyes are rippling, her frown and smile are enchanting .

Jiang Wuye shivered, swallowed hard, turned around and said anxiously to Xipohou: "Old bustard, hurry up.

Forget it, don't follow the procedure, you don't care about this, right, just tell me where the new house is. "

old bustard...

Xi Po's complexion finally changed, her stiff face twitched a few times, but she didn't make any further moves, as if she didn't know what to do.

"Msanggong ~ my slave is here ~ cluck cluck ~"

At this moment, a soft and soft woman's charming laughter came from a certain direction.

Hearing this sound, Jiang Wuye shivered, hot air came out of his nose, his eyes were red like an old bull, and everyone around him jumped strangely.

He turned his head and looked around, finally locked on the target, and hurriedly rushed to a room with red lights on the left.


The door opened automatically, Jiang Wuye jumped in without thinking, and the door closed instantly behind him.

The new house fell into a brief silence.

In the courtyard, one of them was stunned for a moment, subconsciously approached, looked at the wall and listened.

After a few seconds.

boom! !

The stone wall exploded violently, smashing seven or eight weird ones into the air, and a wretched body spat out juice like a cannonball, mixed with fragments all over the sky, tearing the void, smashing hard into the courtyard, creating a meter-deep hole on the spot, Dust exploded.


The blazing blood flames broke through the roof and burned in all directions, and the wooden house quickly burst into flames.

In the sea of ​​flames and blood flames, a silver-backed, flat-headed barbarian nearly five meters tall was like a demon king from hell. He shattered the house with his big hands, stepped on the ground and walked out. His voice resounded like rolling thunder and rumbled through the sky: "My lady, why are you running?!"

"Cough cough!"

In the pit, the charming woman got up and coughed up a few mouthfuls of pink blood with pieces of internal organs.

Standing up and looking up at the ferocious figure like a demon god not far away, covered in blazing blood flames, his delicate face instantly became like a pig's liver, and he turned his head and yelled at the welcoming team: "Didn't they fucking say that they are just one?" Ordinary Wufu?

What the hell is this brought back? "

The grinning and angry appearance is very similar to the dog group leader who is furious at the incompetence of the group members.

No.40 two tree roots

"Baby, you are here!"


The sound wave rolled, and the blood-flame entangled bear's hand crushed the void, aiming at the flower demon as a hood.

Terrifying high temperature poured down, and distorted heat waves visible to the naked eye appeared in the surrounding space, and the burning yin energy was weak, and the strange screams continued, and they ran desperately, and those who ran slowly exploded into a cloud of smoke and evaporated quickly.

"Yin Qi transformation, positive energy +1+1+1..."

Obviously, these are miscellaneous exercises, which provide very little positive energy.

"Bastard, you bully the monster too much!"

The flower demon's beautiful face was ferocious and frightening, she raised her head and let out a scream, and countless dense rhizomes grew out of her body, turning into a big pink cocoon in an instant, shining brightly and dazzlingly.

next moment.

clang! ! !


The huge sound wave rolled like a tide, and the vigor roared and tore apart in all directions. Zhuo Mu disintegrated wherever it passed, and stone bricks shattered and flew, rumbling, like meteorites colliding.


The rhizomes fluttered and twitched, like densely packed boa constrictors biting the giant bear's big hand, burning with blood flames, octopus climbed and jumped along the arms towards Jiang Wuye's head, making ear-piercing screams, making Jiang Wuye Ears buzzing all night.

"I have to straighten this husband today!"

Jiang Wuye shook his huge head, his eyes spat out blood, like a demon god from hell.



The Howling Prison Tiger ran to his chest sincerely, Jiang Wuye swallowed a breath, and there was a thunderous sound of strong wind compression and shock in his body, the neck that was originally like a bucket suddenly became bigger, opened the huge mouth of the abyss, and jumped forward The coming flower demon roared loudly!


The spiral-shaped sound waves pierced through the void like cannonballs, and the force of thunder hit the flower demon head-on.

clap clap clap...

Countless rhizomes burst instantly, and the juice was smashed into green mist by the sound wave before it could splash, and the heart-piercing screams also turned into silent pantomime.


Suddenly, a bright and dazzling pink brilliance bloomed from the core of the flower demon, spread rapidly, shining in the night sky, like a peach tree swaying in the dark, shedding endless petals.

This is……

Jiang Wuye's heart tightened slightly, and the bear's eyes, which spewed blood and flames, immediately locked on the center of the pink brilliance like a little sun - a black tree branch with no good appearance!

It's just such an ordinary-looking branch of a peach tree. For some reason, when it exhales brilliance, it gives people the creepy feeling of being pointed at the center of the brow with a sharp sword.

"Although I don't know how you hid the aura of the extreme body soldier, but..."

Petals are flying all over the sky, and the pink brilliance shines in the night sky. The flower demon in the center has a ferocious face, and sneers again and again: "The source master's thousand-year-old spiritual root is in front of you, unless you are a real-world martial artist with all three dantians. Otherwise, you will not die." It has to be scrapped, and then my mother will have to concoct you well!"


As soon as the words fell, the unpretentious tree root suddenly glowed with cold black light, and the tragic killing will locked Jiang Wuye's eyebrows, like a bolt of lightning, piercing the space.

clang clang-

The heart lake alarm bell rang continuously, and Jiang Wuye didn't hesitate at all in the blink of an eye, and directly sacrificed the disaster!

Eight Ominous, Disaster, Slash!


The tearing eagle soared into the air with true intentions, covered in an ominous aura of disaster, and plunged headlong into the galloping tree roots.


The tree roots trembled slightly, shaking off a layer of dead skin, and paused slightly, but that was all.

The next moment, the smaller tree roots were like a provocative tiger. The black light won a big victory, and there was a faint roar of anger, and it killed Jiang Wuye at a faster speed.

Disaster failed.

No, it's not invalid, it's just like pouring water into a bowl, it's useful, but the amount is far from keeping up!

this tree root...

In the blink of an eye, the roots of the tree were approaching, stinging between the eyebrows, doubts flashed in Jiang Wuye's eyes, but there was no look of panic.



"how is this possible?!!"

The tree demon's unbelievable roar suddenly sounded in the light group.

When the tree root was no more than a slap away from Jiang Wuye's eyebrows, his huge body seemed to "come alive". Under impossible circumstances, he forcibly flew to the side, knocking up the debris of the sky and avoiding the inevitable hit. hit.

This scene was too frightening, and even made her a little suspicious of Yaosheng.

For example.

A person is concentrating on talking passionately with you, but the body moves without warning, as if there is no need to think and react through the brain at all. Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will be confused.

"Hahaha, lady, are you satisfied with my husband's move?"

Jiang Wuye stood in the sea of ​​flames, his voice was like rolling thunder, echoing rumblingly, with an undisguised banter.

The tree roots were strange and extraordinary, entangled with a kind of energy that he had never felt before.

Unlike the lifeless yin and evil spirits encountered in the past, it gives people a sense of agility, and every strand of it is like a living thing, with its own ideology.

When the recovery is running, the same energy can continue to be torn from the sky and the earth to join in, and the power increases dramatically like a snowball.

However, although this thing is miraculous, but according to what the flower demon said, it is obviously not her thing, and it is obviously a bit reluctant to control it.

Although Jiang Wuye's mental power is limited, he cannot repeatedly use the Eight Ominous Disasters to cut off its power layer by layer.

But his iron cloth shirt has reached the level of King Kong, where the power of thought is first.

In the state of heaven and man, unless it is crushed with strength exceeding his limit, or a weapon like this tree root can block and bombard indiscriminately in a large area.

Otherwise, at the same level, it would be a dream to break through other defenses and achieve a lethal effect.

"You can hide for a while, I don't believe that you can hide forever without side effects!"

In the pink light group, there came the angrily roar of the flower demon.

call out!

With the sound of sharp arrows piercing through the air, Void rushed out of the roots of more than a hundred meters and turned back, shining a dazzling black light, like a poisonous snake, piercing the Void at a faster speed, and killing Jiang Wuye again.

"Idiot, your IQ disappoints me just like your steamed buns!"

Jiang Wuye sneered, his pillar-like legs crushed the ground, and rushed out, the overwhelming force crushed the air, and the tall bear's body turned into layers of phantoms. Xing is constantly approaching the position of the flower demon.

"Die! Die! Why can't you shoot?!"

In the light group, the flower demon uttered an impotent rage in despair.

Seeing Jiang Wuye approaching like a demon god of blood and flames, he was terrified, he could only grit his teeth, recall the tree roots, and landed on the ground.

The brilliance flashed, revealing the figure, and turned into a tall peach tree full of peach blossoms.

The ghost screamed again and again, like a shooter about to be approached by a soldier, so scared that countless tree roots hit the ground, drove sprint, pulled out a string of pink streamers, and hurriedly flew out of the village.

dong dong dong-

The ground trembled, houses collapsed, and a savage bear covered in blazing blood flames stepped across the mountains and rivers, crashing and overturning all the way, smashing the buildings and trees blocking the way, and the bear's eyes like lanterns spewed out blood, locking onto the pink bear who was fleeing a hundred meters away. peach.

"You still dare to run? Is there someone outside? If you catch it, your leg will be broken!"

Violent and ferocious emotions filled his brain, Jiang Wuye's face was ferocious, he roared in anger, his voice was surging, his thick legs bent, and he kicked a large area of ​​land fiercely, like a meteor piercing the sky, pulling out a long tail flame, roaring and piercing the night sky, Shoot at the flower demon.


Overbearing and masculine, a sense of oppression like an ancient demon mountain enveloped his head. The grass and trees in a radius of five or six meters burst into pieces, the soil collapsed and cracked, and the running flower demon was under boundless pressure. , screaming again and again.

She is about to regret it now, and she can't wait to pull out yesterday's self and give her a big mouthful.

Why can't I control my crotch, and I have nothing to do to provoke such a murderer, and I have nothing to eat, and I have caused the disaster of killing myself for nothing.


The blood-red meteor slammed into the ground, drowning the flower demon's body and burning it to the brim, roaring loudly, falling down with a force like a mountain roar and a tsunami, her body was violently exploded into fragments all over the sky, mixed with broken soil and flew around.


In the big pit, Jiang Wuye exhaled like a hurricane, blowing away the smoke, looking at the pool of green mud in the pit, he was about to grin, but his face turned gloomy.

The positive energy tone did not appear! !


In the perception, a cloud of Yin energy flashed away.

Jiang Wuye turned his head violently, only to see a crystal clear pink figure breaking through the ground with black light hanging from his head in the dense forest. .

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