A hundred meters behind him, there was the sound of an ancient tree falling to the ground.

Jiang Wuye pinched Xi Po, who kept emitting black smoke, and asked with narrowed eyes, "What were you laughing at?"


Xi Po couldn't move her jaw, couldn't speak, her face was full of black smoke, and her eyes were full of confusion and fear.

Around, the sound of gongs, drums and suona disappeared, the bearers stopped, and layers of yin energy like a tide covered them. It felt like a large group of people suddenly stood around, looking at Jiang Wuye coldly.

"Can't tell? I'll tell you for you!"

Jiang Wuye exerted his right hand slightly, and he could clearly hear the sound of bones being pierced. He sneered and said, "Are you going to go back to sleep later, give me some wind, make some messy noises, and then suddenly jump out to scare me?" A half-dead, and finally killed me, and then you want to die weirdly?

Heh, with such vicious means, you deserve to be robbed today! "


Xi Po's eyeballs swayed frantically from side to side, as if saying that was not the case.

"You still dare to argue?!! An explanation is a cover-up, and a cover-up is the fact. The fact is that no matter what you say, I will beat you. What else do you have to say?"


"Don't bully...too much!!"

On the tall horse, the headless bride suddenly made a sound, icy and cold, like a machine.

Hey, are you getting cloudy again?

Jiang Wuye's heart skipped a beat, blood flames shot up from his right hand, covering the fat Xipo, burning her to ashes on the spot.

"Yin Qi transforms, positive energy +1."

+1? ! !

Jiang Wuye was speechless, no wonder he was so weak.



Suddenly, there was a gust of wind blowing from nowhere, and the headless bride's voice stopped abruptly.


The wind continued to blow, and the sound of paper hunting sounded all around.

The tide-like yin energy around suddenly disappeared, and the bearers and the bride all turned into paper-wrapped people, and they could no longer feel the yin energy in the slightest.

Seeing this strange scene, Jiang Wuye's face was gloomy, he closed his eyes, and watched the god's true meaning recover, and his perception covered a range of [-] meters around him.

For a moment, open your eyes.


Still didn't feel the slightest yin energy!


The paper sedan chair was violently torn apart by Jiang Wu.

It was empty, nothing was seen.

"Boom boom clang——

Whoa whoa whoa—"

At this moment, in the distant forest, the familiar sound of gongs, drums, and suona suddenly sounded!


The earth exploded violently, earth and rocks splashed.

Jiang Wuye's figure turned into red lightning, plowed through the thick fog with howling wind, and disappeared into the forest along with the sound of gongs and drums.


"The groom gets off the sedan chair!"

Outside the sedan chair, Xi Po's cold and emotionless voice yelled.

In the darkness, Wang Xiaorong stood up stiffly, bent down, opened the car curtain, glanced away, and found that he was in a Zhuangzi at this time. The front courtyard was full of tables and tables with no one seated. They are all lit with a white candle, scattered all over the place, and the flames dance endlessly.

Around the sedan chair, there were a group of smiling, well-dressed men, women and children, whispering to each other, but obviously no sound came out, Wang Xiaorong still felt that they were judging and pointing at him.

"Please get off the sedan chair!"

Xi Po urged again, the headless bride got off the horse, walked in, and stretched out her cold right hand to Wang Xiaorong.

Wang Xiaorong's body trembled violently, and tremblingly, he put his hand into the hands of the headless bride.

It's freezing cold!

Hurrah, the surrounding crowd dispersed, with smiles on their faces, they made way for a passage, and the bride dragged the groom slowly towards the wedding hall.

"A salute..."

After a while, only the two of them were in the wedding hall, and the shouts of worship sounded.

After the ceremony, the bride led the groom into the wedding room.


The door closed and there was no sound.

In the compound, a group of people gathered together again, whispering, looking at Zhuangzikou, looking forward to it.

"Dong dong dong—"

After a while, the sound of gongs, drums and suona reappeared, and another identical team of welcoming brides returned. Seeing this, the people in the courtyard smiled a little bit more on their faces.

No.40 News from the Hometown of Xukun


"Jiang Wuye."

"Where is the homeland?"

"Qinghe Village."

"Qinghe? Is there a village near Leyang... How old are you?"


"How much...how much?!"

"Huh? Seventeen, oh, to be precise, winter has passed seventeen, what's the matter, is there a problem?"

"No, no problem, don't make trouble after entering the city."

"Am I like the kind of person who likes to make trouble?"



The little old man who was in charge of registration at the gate of Leyang City looked at the burly, crew-cut figure under the arch and spat hard, "You look like a bear, you're still seventeen, old man, haven't I been weaned yet? You're really shameless."

Jiang Wuye's ears are sensitive, he heard everything clearly, he paused, his cheeks twitched, he forcibly resisted the urge to turn around and slap the old man, shook his head, and walked towards the city.

"The bride is riding a horse, isn't the groom in the carriage? Playing reverse deduction? It's really coquettish."

Thinking of the weird incident that happened last night, a gloomy expression appeared on Jiang Wuye's face.

The weirdness of this world, monsters, and killing people are like people needing food and water for them, and there are no such bloody romantic stories in previous life legends.

Now that he has encountered it, within the scope of his ability, he will naturally clear it.

Last night, he chased the weird welcoming team for several hours, but every time he caught up, there was only a piece of paper left, as if he was deliberately avoiding him.

Until dawn, there was still nothing to gain. In desperation, he could only give up and go to the city to look for clues to Xu Kun's hometown.

At that time, the land god only said that if you go all the way north, you can find it.

But now five days have passed, and they have traveled more than [-] miles. On the way, they passed by many human gathering places like Leyang City, and they still haven't heard any information about Xu Kun's hometown.

a month...

Thinking of this time limit, Jiang Wuye felt as if a sea of ​​blood was chasing after him, feeling a little irritable in his heart, quickened his pace, and walked to an inn ahead.


Suddenly, Jiang Wuye stopped, looked at the hurried passers-by in ragged clothes, and frowned slightly.

Along the way into the city, the people I saw were old, middle and young, but I rarely saw young people, to be precise, young men.

Occasionally, one or two of them also have dull eyes, dull faces, and stiff steps, like walking corpses without souls.

When other passers-by saw it, they lowered their heads and avoided it, as if encountering a snake or a scorpion.

"I don't know what kind of weird thing is making waves."

Thinking of what happened last night, Jiang Wuye narrowed his eyes, turned around and walked into the inn beside him.

Inside the inn, it was clear and cold, with few tourists.

The chunky old shopkeeper was listlessly scratching at the abacus, and the thin and frail little boy was wiping the table with vacant eyes and absent-mindedness.

On the first floor, there were only a few tables of people eating and drinking in low voices. When Jiang Wuye came in, they just raised their eyes. After seeing the majestic and sturdy physique, they looked back in fear, not daring to look again.

"Guest, rest or eat?"

The waiter came over with a thin wooden menu, wrapped in a wet and dirty towel, and asked timidly, like a frightened quail.

"Eat and drink."

Jiang Wuye took the thin wooden menu and glanced at it. There were only four or five dishes, one kind of spirits, and one kind of fruit wine.

Throw back the menu.

"Fry one, and add another jar of spirits."


"One of the above dishes, as for the money..."

Jiang Wuye thought for a while, walked to the counter, took out an unpretentious black-skinned round fruit from his bosom, and handed it to the shopkeeper, "Is this enough?"

The shopkeeper took it in doubt, glanced at it for a few times, his eyes showed wonder, and he said in admiration: "The strong man is very capable, this barley fruit grows in the vigorous wild bear..."

"Stop it, just let the kitchen be quicker."

Jiang Wuye waved his hand to close the chatterbox of the shopkeeper, turned around and was looking for a seat, when he suddenly thought of the hometown of Xu Kun, he couldn't help but turned around and asked, "I wonder if the shopkeeper has ever heard of the hometown of Xu Kun?"

"Uh..." The shopkeeper froze for a moment, frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I grew up in Leyang City, and I basically know the place within a few hundred miles, but I have never heard what the strong man said. land."

No one knows yet?

Jiang Wuye's gaze changed, he nodded, and sat down at an empty table.

"Wang Lao Liu still went last night, and was found hanged in his own house this morning."

"Isn't it? Fortunately, there are only two daughters in my family. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to stand the kind of thing where I have to smile while watching my son go to death."

"But if you don't do that... well, what crime did you do?"


A few tables away, the two gathered together to talk softly, Jiang Wuye heard it clearly, his heart moved slightly, and was about to go over to inquire, but footsteps came from the door of the inn.

A person appeared first, in his twenties, with short hair and a stick-like figure, but he was wearing black tight-fitting clothes, and the ribs under the chest were clearly visible.

Jiang Wuye believes that if he learns how to wrestle and match a ghost fire, he will definitely be the king of spirited boys.

This young man rubbed his nose before entering the door, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Little Er, hurry up, good wine and good food."


Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, he was kicked on the butt, and he grinned.

"Long Aotian, how many times have I said it, don't be so bluffing in the future, don't you think it's embarrassing?"

Jiaohan's reprimand sounded, and a girl with a strong figure, wearing a yellow skirt and a lancet on her waist, with a gloomy and irritable face and a savage temperament, like a little leopard, appeared at the door.

As the girl walked into the inn, a fresh and moving fragrance appeared in the turbid air, like a lotus flower blooming in a quagmire, which made people feel relieved of their depressed emotions, and their body and mind were involuntarily active and comfortable.

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