Everything is coming to the ultimate and unique conclusion.

In Heijiang.

The immeasurable civilized world born by the superposition of infinite narrative layers of information has disappeared.

Followed by.

Black Border itself is also attributed to the ultimate.

At last.

Only the illusory, invisible avenue itself remains.


The avenue is famous.

Its name is Wuye.


There was a sound of broken ground.

Stepping on the black ground with generous feet, he walked towards the ultimate.

"I thought I could sleep a little longer."

Jiang Wuye looked unusually calm, walked slowly with his hands in his pockets, looked up at the fruit on the tree of civilization in the center of the other bank, without yearning, just sighed with emotion.

In his deep eyes.

It seems to contain all the inconceivable and inconceivable before the ultimate, everything that exists, does not exist, will exist.

The strength is successful.

He is the Dao, the "book" itself.

At the same time, it is also the last part of the fruit to ripen, and it is also the biggest part of nourishment.


Who is the nourishment in the end, but there are still two things to say.

Call ~

The breeze came.

Jiang Wuye has crossed over to the other side and appeared under the tree of civilization.

under the tree.

Empress Suhuan is gone, and the five detachments from the other side are gone.

It seems that no one has reached the end.

It also seems that all existence has become a part of the ultimate.

"When all fantasies die, everything ends at last."

Jiang Wuye smiled slightly, sitting cross-legged under the tree of civilization just like the Suhuan Empress before.


Among the luxuriant branches and leaves swaying.

The avenue returns to nothingness.

The other side returns to nothingness.

The tree of civilization ended its mission and returned to nothingness.

The endless nothingness.

There is only one embryo-like fruit, quietly pregnant with a great existence without unknowns.


The waves of the hopeless sea rise and fall.

Even if everything goes to nothing.

This piece of land that will never be real still exists forever.

The tree of civilization devours all wisdom.

The sea of ​​hopelessness contains all dead illusions.

Life, race, individual, collective, civilization, black border, avenue, the other side...

Everything that exists is a narrator.

Their fanciful messages create stories of all kinds in endless layers of narrative, out of which arise wisdom, worlds, transcendence, detachment...

And when all the narrators' fantasies die, they will return to falsehood and fall into this ocean that will never be real.

Ultimate Wisdom.

Is there a day to die too?


a moment.

It seems that a huge monster has ushered in the sea of ​​hopelessness.

At the moment of the fall, the entire ocean was shaken, and after the death of countless fantasies, only instinctive "monsters" were born. With the fall of the colossus, a wisdom was born at the same time——

The end is here, the fantasy is over!


next moment.

The entire sea of ​​hopelessness trembled and rotated, as if an all-swallowing sea eye, a black hole, appeared at the core, confining all existence.

at the core.

A point that seems to exist and does not exist, seems to contain everything and yet has nothing, is extremely small and contains everything.

It seems that all time and space, all latitudes, all information, and all narrative fantasies originate from this point and end at this point.


Finally, all fantasies come to an end.

Finally, he broke free from the vain dream and walked out of endless fantasies.

"Well, it's the end of another fantasy era."

Jiang Wuye stood upright, stretched his waist long, as if he had been asleep for endless years.


He wakes up.

Will put an end to all this century fantasy.

"Martial arts is just an identity, the previous life is also false, and the final modifier is just a ray of truth that I put out in my deep sleep. The so-called positive energy, power, and civilization are just a form of expression of fantasy."

Jiang Wuye muttered to himself, he had already realized everything.

Even if there is no final modifier.

Even if he never showed up.

When all fantasies are over, he will also wake up.

Everything in the past.

Just be.

I went out early for a walk, took a walk, and had a dream.


Footsteps sounded.

At a certain moment, the ultimate fruit was conceived and matured, and no unknown great being came out.

"Is it the ultimate product of this century's fantasy?"

Jiang Wuye chuckled, stretched out his hand to this great being, and said gently, "It's time to go home."

"I am omnipotent and omniscient, which is the limit that countless narrators in and out of the book can imagine. You can't contain me, and even you are just a thought of mine, a part of the message."

The great existence didn't have any emotions, as if it was just expounding a fact, with a wave of his hand, Jiang Wuye disappeared from the information and concept level.


"You are indeed omniscient and omnipotent, but at the same time your thinking logic is also bound to omniscience and omnipotence, or the thinking limits of the narrators of this era are bound to omniscience and omnipotence."

Jiang Wuye's voice sounded in the message of the great existence: "When the narrators outside the book broke free from the shackles of this thinking logic, created, and proved the existence of omniscience and omnipotence.

You too will be surpassed.

but me.

The end of all fantasies, the end of all narrative fantasies.

Do you think the narrators can one day break free from thinking logic and create an existence beyond omniscience and omnipotence? "

"I am omniscient and omnipotent, no matter what kind of fantasy, I can do it, create, no matter what negative information I create before omniscience and omnipotence, I cannot be surpassed!"

The great existence still has no emotions, expounding its own greatness.

Jiang Wuye's voice was not in a hurry, and continued to sound:

"That's why I said that the limit that the thinking logic of the narrator of this fantasy can express is bound by omniscience and omnipotence.

When the logic of thinking is bound to a limit, anything beyond the limit is self-contradictory, illogical, and impractical.

For example, […] in the last fantasy era, He is as great as you, but he is also trapped in the narrative fantasy cage of that era. In the end, I didn’t make a move, […] self-denied my greatness, All fantasies come to an end. "


The all-knowing and all-powerful being is finally silent.

His concept is vague and indefinite, and in the shackles of thinking logic, he keeps admitting and denying the greatness of himself, falling into an endless loop.


Fantasy ends.

All is lost.

Jiang Wuye reappeared.

He yawned, his eyes dim, and he looked forward to the infinite narrative layer with anticipation. Infinite narrators:

"The greatness of the next era is entrusted to your fantasy."


As for the period that has ended.

Naturally, the wives and children are hot on the kang, and the old friends next door have a drink and chat.

He is the end of all narrative fantasies.

It is also Jiang Wuye of this era.

Call ~

Wave room.

The narrative ladder world of Wu Yun Changlong appeared.

The stories of old people from the past emerged one by one.

Everyone stopped in the initial beauty, waved and laughed at Jiang Wuye.

Jiang Wuye also smiled brightly, beckoning and stepping in.

after after.

every corner.

There are loud and long-lasting voices.

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