Following it, the substantial yang energy pressed down on Hei Zong like a mountain, suppressing and boiling up, trying to disperse the fleeing resentment.

clang clang

His head was trampled into the ground, Heizhi frantically danced his hands and scratched Jiang Wuye's right leg, making an unpleasant and piercing rubbing sound, sparks kept sputtering.

"Strength! Does this strength tickle me?!"

Jiang Wuye's eyes were blazing with blood, reflecting a hideous face, his big feet were like a hydraulic machine, he lifted up and down crazily, his black head was buried deep in the ground, and the movement gradually became smaller.

This black body is as strong as a red copper body, and exudes terrifying resentment that intrudes on the will of the soul all the time, and it can be reborn with a severed head and change its shape, so its strength is not weak.

If Jiang Wuye hadn't upgraded the Vigorous Barbarian Art and the Eight Fierce Physical Disasters, it would have been a tough battle based on his previous combat strength.

Unfortunately, strong is strong, weak is weak, there is no if!


It was another hard kick, stepping deeply into the ground, and the black stiff was completely silent.


Jiang Wuye let out a long breath of hot air, pulled out his right foot, his face showed a relaxed look, squatted down and looked at the black stiff who had half of his body trampled into the pit, and said coldly, "Let me see if I spit out another one!"


Heizhi's back split open, black flesh and blood churned, and a stream of black water shot straight at Jiang Wuye.


His face was slightly cold.


Black smoke rises.



Jiang Wuye smiled.

"Come, come, get up for me!"

Big hands as hot as a branding iron reached into the deep pit, grabbed a mess of hair, pulled out a head like a discus, and pulled it towards the woodpile.

"No, Xiao Ye, I'm your grandma Zhang, it's not me who threw up if you let me go."

Hei Zombie seemed to have predicted his end, and suddenly let out an old and familiar begging sound, but was drowned out by other crazy voices in an instant.

"Die! Why can you live, you should die, you should die!!"

"Kill, kill, kill everything in the world!"

"You are dead, you can't escape, you humble and pitiful reptile, ant!"

All kinds of roars full of boundless resentment sounded non-stop, as if countless trumpets were placed in all directions, boiling back to the sky.

"To shut up!"


Jiang Wuye twisted his body and got a big mouth, his black and stiff jaw burst, and his black teeth shattered and flew away.

Resentment rose all over Hei Zong's body, and he wanted to recover from his injuries, but was suppressed by the blazing masculine blood in an instant, and could only make deep whimpering sounds.


Dragging his black body like a dead dog, Jiang Wuye kept walking, stepping on it until the mud splashed, and approached the woodpile step by step.

But what he didn't notice was that in a dark corner in the distance, a mass of black flesh and blood squirmed and turned into a mouse the size of a thumb, darting towards a certain direction in the village.

"It hurts to have a talented woman"

"Woooooo, you are so cruel, why don't you come to save your mother?"

"Unfilial son!!!"

"No, mother!!" On the bed, Zhang Youcai frowned tightly, his face was pale, sweat kept coming out of his forehead, and he sat up abruptly, panting heavily, with a look of undecided shock.

In the dream, he saw his old mother being chased and beaten by a demon with horns and eyes like lanterns, holding an iron whip and crying helplessly at him, which made his heart ache.

"No, it's all fake, my mother has already gone, it's all fake"

Rubbing his forehead, Zhang Youcai muttered to himself as if in a daze, in order to persuade himself not to think about those terrible scenes.


Suddenly, a bloody little black mouse jumped onto his quilt, raised its head and squeaked non-stop at him, bloody tears kept streaming from the corners of its eyes.

"Ah! Get out!"

Zhang Youcai was so frightened by this weird scene that his scalp went numb, he screamed, subconsciously lifted the quilt, and threw the little mouse out.


The little mouse fell to the ground, rolled around a few times, and disappeared. There were only squeaks in the dark room.

"Gods bless me, demons, goblins, go away, bless gods"

Zhang Youcai huddled under the quilt, shivering, and muttered non-stop to dispel the fear in his heart.


In the darkness, the bed sank, and there was a feeling of something crawling on it, accompanied by the sound of letters being swallowed.

Zhang Youcai's body tensed up suddenly, and he wanted to throw off the quilt, but found that his body seemed to be disobedient, and he couldn't lift up any strength.

The calf was suddenly cold, and in the trouser leg, the skin was crawling like a piece of ice, over the knee, thigh, chest, and finally, protruding out of the neckline, Xinzi licked his face.

"You are talented, my mother really hurts, why don't you save my mother?"

The snake's body crawled around its neck, and it let out bursts of old murmurs that were familiar to the bones, arousing Zhang Youcai's longing, and making his eyes gradually become confused and empty.

until completely lost.

"Niangniangniang is not dead, I'm going to save her"

He was raving in a dream, lifted the quilt mechanically, walked to the door with bare feet, and opened it.


The night wind howled, blowing his thin coat tightly against his body, his black hair fluttering, and the coiled black snake around his neck turned into black smoke and dissipated as if it had completed its mission.

In front of the ancestral hall, on the open space.

Jiang Wuye threw the helpless black zombie onto the firewood pile half a meter high.


The black zombie fell, the pyre was compressed suddenly, and the sound of breaking was repeated one after another.

It was rainy tonight, and the firewood was already drenched. Normally speaking, it was impossible to ignite it, let alone burn the body as black as steel.

However, this is not a problem for Jiang Wuye.

"Yang Yu"

Jiang Wuye's complexion returned to cold and hard, the madness in his eyes dissipated, his deep voice was cold, and the blood in his body suddenly boiled, manic, running at a high speed, and the real yang qi gushed out, covering the pyre, and burned the moisture in the blink of an eye .


On the pyre, it seemed that death was about to come, and the black and stiff body that recovered a little bit of resentment exploded violently again, turning into countless flying insects, trying to escape in all directions.


Jiang Wuye sneered, and the speed of Qi and blood in his body climbed up again, releasing even more terrifying scorching Yang Qi. The burning space distorted and transformed, and the heat wave was like a mixer, burning densely packed black insects into drops of black water. In a few seconds, Gather again and become black and stiff.

If you want to completely exterminate the bloody black zombies, you don't need to be so troublesome, you can burn them into black smoke with Yang Qi at close range.

It's just that Jiang Wuye wanted Mrs. Zhang to go through the last part of her life without regrets, so she built a firewood pile and burned it again with yang energy, and it was completely over.


Hula la

The yang qi burned, and the firewood quickly reached the ignition point, and then the flames jumped up violently, and the yang qi merged into the raging fire, illuminating all directions.


In the fire, the black zombie roared and roared, struggled and rolled, but like a bug that fell into the furnace, it was difficult to escape even with all its strength.

"Huangquan road is long, go all the way!"

Jiang Wuye folded his hands on his chest, sighed, his body continuously spewed scorching yang energy, and the burnt body parts that were black and stiff like cast iron gradually melted, turning into black smoke and dissipating into the void.

At this speed, within 2 minutes, if there is no accident, the blackness will completely dissipate.


At this moment, hurried footsteps suddenly came from behind.

Jiang Wuye frowned slightly, while sending Yang Qi to the fire, he took the time to look back.

In the distance, thick fog billowed, and a barefoot, thin figure with disheveled hair rushed towards the fire like a machine.

"Zhang Youcai?"

Jiang Wuye recognized the person who came at a glance, saw his dull and stiff face, his eyes without spirit, looked back at the calm and stiff in the fire that was no longer struggling, couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and a hint of sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth.


Zhang Youcai ran four or five meters in front of the bonfire, and with a sudden jolt, he regained consciousness, his feet were unsteady, and he fell to the ground.

"Talent woo woo."

In the middle of the fire, Hei Zong struggled to stand up and turned into the familiar old lady Zhang. Seeing Zhang Youcai who had fallen all over in the mud not far away, he couldn't help showing a distressed expression.

"Xiao Ye, let me and my son have a last few words, please, woo woo."

It whimpered and begged, begging Jiang Wuye in the fire.

"Mother? Mother!!"

On the ground, Zhang Youcai got up and looked at the figure of the old woman who was gradually dissipating in the fire. Tears instantly blurred his eyes, and he got up and thought about the past.

But he was sweating profusely after walking a few steps, lying on the ground, feeling as if he had stepped into a fire zone, a strong masculinity rushed to his face, making his weak blood tumbling and restless, and his mind was buzzing rattle.

"Hey! My mother is here, talented, my mother is here."

The blackness almost dissipated, and he called out to Zhang Youcai, who was struggling and crawling forward a few meters behind Jiang Wuye, wiping away his tears.

"Hey, Xiao Ye, Grandma Zhang knelt down for you, please"


Seeing the black zombie kowtowing in the fire, Jiang Wuye couldn't help but sighed, "That's all."

"Woo, thank you, thank you!"

Seeing this, Hei Zang hurriedly kowtowed a few more times, weeping with gratitude.


Jiang Wuye was taken aback, looked at Hei Zhan strangely and said, "Did you misunderstand something? I just want to say that I'm tired of watching your rubbish acting skills and don't want to waste time anymore.

Play mother-child love?Want to take the opportunity to get away?

Tsk, first of all, you have to be a person! ! "


The yang energy was as fierce as a volcano erupting, and the crimson flames jumped more than ten meters into the sky, completely engulfing the black and stiff figure!


Why, why, why not be fooled, is your heart made of iron?

No, I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled! "


A violent explosion sounded from the fire, ending all the venomous screams.

"Yin energy transformation, positive energy 15"

The final reminder sounded in his head, Jiang Wuye didn't check it, but closed his eyes to sense the situation in the fire.

After confirming that there was no trace of resentment, he withdrew from the Yang domain, the fiery red meridians on the surface of his body retreated, and the speed of blood circulation gradually returned to normal.

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