Jiang Wuye didn't have to wait long, Wu Yang's figure reappeared, his eyes were a little rosy, as if he had gone somewhere, and he was hurt by the scene.

"That old guy, apart from defending against the Asura Clan, he basically spent the rest of his life researching this. After he died, he was brought into the coffin, hoping to continue researching in his next life."

Wu Yang babbled, not knowing whether he was cursing or thinking about it, and finally sighed, and handed over a piece of black jade with a sense of age to Jiang Wuye.

On the black jade piece, there are three ancient characters engraved wildly and scribbled: Great Dragon Face!

Jiang Wuye took it solemnly, obviously the jade piece was as light as nothing, but he felt it was heavy.

Although the second elder, Wu Yang, only babbled a few words casually, Jiang Wuye also heard the story behind it.

Martial Dao is far away, and martial arts in the world can no longer prove Dao, but there is such an old man who has studied a method all his life, only to continue the road of Martial Dao.

However, the ending was cruel.

Even if the old man reaches the last moment of his life and devotes his whole life to it, he still can only give an impossible conclusion. It is conceivable how much a blow and unwillingness it is.

"Your way, although I can't see through it, I can barely guess that it should be a way to simulate the changes of the stars in the sky with the body, and finally become the origin of the stars, which is very consistent with some of the views of the dragon. "

Elder Li Fen stroked his rough fiery red beard, and said with a little expectation: "The reason why that old guy is stuck in the study of the great dragon and has no progress is that he does not have such an incredible physique like you is also a big reason.

Now that you have this condition, if you think about it carefully, you may be able to confirm the two phases, and continue the last step of the dragon phase.

If you have that confidence, then I will take you to a place to help you fulfill the old man's long-cherished wish and re-create a method of proving the Dao. "

Does it fit my way?

Jiang Wuye nodded, sorted out his mood, his spiritual sense penetrated into the dragon's appearance, and began to comprehend carefully.

"Epochs have changed, martial arts are lonely, and there is no way to prove Taoism in the world. Dozens of eras have passed, and the stars are shining and lonely, but no one can break this iron law. Sad!

The old man couldn't bear the fact that his younger generation had no way out and wandered all his life, so he created "The Great Dragon", and spent his whole life exploring and exploring, hoping to continue a new path for martial arts.

What is Dalongxiang?

Big, taking the meaning of infinity, including all heavens and myriad worlds, and endless dimensions of time and space.

Dragon, everything in the world is like a dragon, it is endless, self-improving and immortal.

Phase refers to all phenomena of the heavens and myriad spirits that exist from nothing, prosperity, rise and fall, joy, anger, sorrow, and impermanence.

The big dragon phase with three characters connected is to explore the laws of operation between chaos and order, as well as the connection between individuals and heaven and earth, and to find the origin of all things from scratch, from rise to decline, from chaos to order. source of law. "


The outline is concise, explaining why the dragon phase was born and what the research direction is.

But this simple outline has already caught Jiang Wuye's eyes: If according to my understanding, the origin of the universe is the Big Bang, then the rise and fall of all things is the increase of entropy and the decrease of entropy...

But what is the connection between them, or what holds it all together?

In the dark, Jiang Wuye seems to have caught something, but he can't see it clearly, so he can only put his spirit into the image of the dragon, eager to find the answer.

After reading some more, Jiang Wuye also understood.

This dragon face is not a specific practice method, but the research notes of an old universe researcher.

The above information is very complicated, some are Fu Zhi's spiritual insights, some are guesses with only a few sentences, some are some professional vocabulary memorized randomly, and more are all kinds of long arguments.

But Jiang Wuye didn't skip it, but figured out every word, looking for the fruit of wisdom in it.

"In the 3000 year of the Great Dragon, the Shura tribe invaded and fought against a powerful man who was proficient in formations. He manipulated the veins of the earth, the veins of the stars, the veins of water, fire, wind, thunder, and all the world's myriad phases to form a strange world, and I was trapped in it.

I observe the direction of the universe, go back to the source, kill to the core of the formation, and seriously injure it.

At the moment when the formation was broken, the old man's mind was thundering, and he finally figured out the problem that has troubled me for thousands of years!

How stupid, I should have thought of it long ago, the old man should have thought of it long ago!

Before, I always thought that the study of Dalongxiang was brand new and the future was unknown, but I never thought that the most important thing was hidden in basic common sense!


In this world, the origin of life and death, the rise and fall of all things, the connection between all living beings and all phases is the pulse! "

pulse? !


A thunderbolt flashed through Jiang Wuye's mind, and he suddenly recalled what Calabash Baby said when he first entered the Eternal Divine Land:

"The ancestral veins of the universe, you know, are the backbone of a world, second only to the origin of the sanctuary, possessing incredible power of creation, all kinds of earth veins, dragon veins, and star veins in the world.

Even the veins of water, fire, thunder, and wind are all branches of the ancestral veins of the universe. They determine the rise and fall of all things, and the order of operation.

And a place with a "vein", if it is gentle, will generally have outstanding people and vigorous vitality, and it is more likely that gods will be born to maintain the order of the world. "

"Why am I so fucking stupid, what about the Big Bang, I'm stuck in the outline of basic logical cognition and my own way, I should have thought of it long ago, I should have thought of it long ago!"

Jiang Wuye was talking to himself, speaking words that the two elders could not understand, his eyes glowed, and his divine sense continued to invest in the great dragon.

He knew that the conjecture that only the "pulse" was found to be the appearance of the great dragon was confirmed to exist.

It must be as difficult as climbing to the sky to realize the search for pulse and source, otherwise, the martial arts senior who wrote the great dragon will not die in depression.

258 Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun to Peep at the Holy Source

"After this battle, the old man thought that the great dragon could be accomplished. He only needed to find the main vein of the universe, go back to the source, and follow the branch to find the root, and then he could see the way in a different way. And go up, but..."

Don't know the main vein?

that is not……

Jiang Wuye frowned, but continued to look down without thinking too much.

"The old man searched for the pulse, but in the end he only saw a haze, and his consciousness was lost in the boundless realms. Thanks to the help of the ancestor gods, he broke free from the confusion and returned to his body. It was extremely dangerous.

If latecomers see this, don't be arrogant and try, remember to remember. "

"After this narrow escape, the old man once thought that the previous guesses were all fallacies, and he was depressed for a few times, but after continuing to study the main line of the Zhou for hundreds of years, he became firm in his previous thinking again.

Originally, I thought that the origin of heaven and earth is similar to the growth of plants and trees. Roots grow from seeds, branches grow from stems, and leaves grow from branches. You only need to grasp the trunk to find the root. But after experiencing failure, I found that this idea was right or wrong.

The various ancestral veins between heaven and earth are indeed the closest to the origin of the sanctuary, but the mistake is that my understanding of the ancestral veins is somewhat biased.

The real ancestral vein is never specific, but a large whole composed of hundreds of millions of branches!

If the whole exists, the ancestral veins exist. If the whole has disappeared, then the ancestral veins left behind are nothing more than empty shells. Even if they are still connected to the origin of the sanctuary, they are just yesterday's blue sky.

Unless you can step into the long river of time and see this big whole again, otherwise it is just a dream to find the root.

However, after the battle of opening the sky, time has become a taboo, and the giants can't spy on it. I am only a martial arts ancestor, so how can I reverse the flow of time according to the incomplete main line, and see the prehistoric world again, alas.

If the latecomers see this.

He must have realized that if he wanted to forcibly peek into the source with the help of the great dragon appearance, it seemed that the only way left was to push back the ten thousand phases of the heaven and see the veins of the true ancestor. This is a feasible way.

But this approach is too impractical.

How majestic and vast is the appearance of one side of the sky, from the vastness of the stars to the infinite stars, as small as the ants and vegetation, every move, rise and fall, every moment there are infinite variables and new appearances are born, even if the giant spends his whole life studying Get lost in the infinite variables.


Heh, idiots talk about dreams, so don't mention it. "

So far, the dragon is over.


Unless what? ! !

How do you know others can't do it?

Confused, Jiang Wuye studied the jade piece repeatedly, trying to find the hidden information.

He felt that he had grasped some crucial information, but the martial arts senior's research on the great dragon came to an abrupt end, and he didn't even have the confidence to make the final guess. One can imagine how lost he was .

"Don't look for it, the old guy's last guess was just a verbal mention."

Seeing Jiang Wuye's bewildered face, Wu Yang couldn't help reminding him aloud: "In his guess, since he can't study the changes of all phases thoroughly, then he himself will become the source of all phases.

In layman's terms, Li Daitao is stiff, and he becomes an ancestral line, "deceives" the infinite branch, and regards you as the source, so as to deceive the way of heaven and connect with the source of the sanctuary.

The reason why this method is impractical is because the ancestral lineage of one heavenly domain is so vast, containing hundreds of millions of branch lines of time and space dimensions in the universe, and there are infinite signs of life evolution and change beneath it.

In this case, what method and way in the world can replace the ancestral veins, Li replaces Tao's stiffness, and my heart replaces Tianxin?

Therefore, the old guy will end up depressed and bitter for the rest of his life, because even he himself thinks that this is impossible to achieve.

Before that, we also thought so, so we sealed up the dragon phase, because there is no need for research.

It wasn't until your appearance that we thought of Da Longxiang again and saw a glimmer of possibility.

Because, your method and the final guess of the big dragon completely coincide with each other. It can even be said that the big dragon is prepared for you! "

"The body is like the universe!"

Jiang Wuye took a deep breath, and after reading these four words, he already had vague thoughts in his mind.

His body is like the way of the universe, simulating the changes of celestial bodies, and reversing the evolution of the universe. The ultimate goal is to turn himself into the origin and end of everything!

Although the origin and changes of the world in this world and his way of embodying the universe are different due to basic cognition, the root cause remains the same!

In the previous life, the origin of heaven and earth was a big bang.

The current era of the heavens originated from the origin of the sanctuary.

There is not much difference between the two in essence, both are the source of creation and transformation, and both are the process of Dao giving birth to one, one giving birth to two, two giving birth to three, and three giving birth to all things and all appearances!

Since the source remains the same, why can't he do that one instead, Li Daitao stiff?

At this moment, Jiang Wuye had a crazy idea in his mind, but when he thought of the existence standing behind the origin of the sanctuary, he suppressed it again.


However, although the ultimate goal cannot be achieved, he has [-]% confidence in replacing one of the Tianyu ancestors at the next level!

Now he has reached the final second step of the body-like universe. The cells in his whole body are composed of three-flower neutron stars. He is only short of turning into a black hole singularity in the last step, and the road under the sky has reached its peak!

Jiang Wuye has always set the following path as double before, because black holes and singularities are two things in cognition.

But from the essence of the universe, the core of the black hole is the singularity of the universe!

In the previous life, countless people speculated that the black hole is actually the ultimate of the universe, and its core is the singularity of another universe, but due to the limitations of various technologies, it cannot be completely confirmed.

But Jiang Wuye can now be 100% sure that the next change of the Sanhua neutron star is to collapse into a cosmic singularity. This is the inevitable result of his countless deduction calculations based on the Tao of Tiru!

In other words.

In the next level of Zhou Tianxiong's body casting technique, he will become the same existence as the origin of the sanctuary!

This kind of existence is called a giant in the sanctuary!

The only difference is.

The giants take the way of detachment, which is the way to be recognized by the origin of the sanctuary after they become strong to a certain extent, and to elevate their status to above the three thousand roads, which is equivalent to the administrator class.

However, Jiang Wuye is taking a path of rebellion with the purpose of replacing it, and does not need your approval, because Lao Tzu is the leader of the group just like you!

Of course, even if Jiang Wuye became the "group leader", he would be incomparable to the origin of the sanctuary, and it would be impossible to replace him.

Because the original nature of the sanctuary is too high, and what stands behind is above the sky, the supreme avenue, and he, alone, has no backing at all.

However, even if what he achieves is only a "fake group leader", that is not comparable to that of the administrator class.

Jiang Wuye guessed that even if he failed to replace Sanctuary in the end, he would definitely have the authority of many Sanctuary origins, and this authority would be much higher than other giants!

As for what kind of authority, it is estimated that only at that step can we know.

And now.

After Jiang Wuye achieved the Sanhua Neutron Star Wars Body, in essence, he was only one step away from the main body of the group leader!

Therefore, the current him also possesses some undeveloped permissions. Using these permissions to temporarily replace one of the ancestral veins of Tianyu is not wishful thinking, but completely feasible!

Do it when you think of it!

"Elder, where is the Ancestral Line of Mo Jietian?!"

Jiang Wuye put away the big dragon face, and looked at the two elders with blazing eyes, wishing he could fight immediately.

His thinking has been sorted out, and there are steps for how to realize it, and now it is only a matter of putting it into action.

"Under the Valkyrie Mountain!"

The two elders Li Fen also showed ecstasy in their eyes, knowing that Jiang Wuye must have found a way, and immediately took him to break through time and space and rush to the Ancestral Line of Demon Tribulation Heaven.

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