Zhu Shanhai watched the five rising star palaces being sealed by the chains of heaven and earth, Bai Di was still unable to move, as if seeing a big joke, he couldn't help laughing.

"Not really."

Baidi spoke for the first time, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, as if the five star palaces of this amazing era were not worth mentioning in his eyes.

That gentle smile made the hearts of the Zhushanhai and other True Monarch Patriarchs thump.

"Feel sorry."

When they were at a stalemate in their hearts, Baidi spoke again, not to the immortals, he didn't even give the immortals another look, but to the four heavenly kings in front of him with a guilty expression.

"Ha ha."

The four heavenly kings seemed to have known what was going to happen a long time ago. They smiled at each other and said forcefully, "No regrets!!"


boom boom-

After the five people had a short conversation, something happened that made the eyes of the ancestors of the Immortal Dao pop——

The five celestial palaces hanging high in the sky unexpectedly... actually began to develop cracks, quickly disintegrated and disintegrated, and finally burst into pieces with a bang, disappearing in smoke.

Puff puff!

The Baidi suffered a backlash, and the billions of pores and even the seven orifices of his body were gushing bright blood flowing with the brilliance of the galaxy.


That is, the moment the star palace dissipated, the regular chains between heaven and earth began to dissipate, leaving Baidi's body, leaving the Canglong Cave, disappearing into space, into the earth, and disappearing without a trace, and the malice pervading the world also weakened a lot.

"Slash yourself, cut off the way back, and forcefully fall into the realm of the law!!"

At this moment, all the immortal masters seem to be looking at a lunatic!

Anyone can do it by cutting themselves down, but few people dare to do it. They have lived for thousands of years, and they have never heard of any idiot doing such a stupid thing.

Because, once the realm is cut off, not only the strength will be greatly damaged, but also the back road, potential, and Dao root will be cut off at the initial stage of falling to the previous realm, and there will be no chance to break through the realm in the future.

But such a stupid thing happened to Bai Di!

Want to use the strength of a newcomer to fight against more than a dozen veteran immortal masters at the peak of the earth evil realm?

Are you kidding, when they are chickens and dogs?

"Although you are indeed unbearable, it is true that you cannot be buried here with the strength of the Dharma alone."

Baidi smiled lightly, moving his free body, and didn't react at all to the backlash injury caused by cutting off the realm, as if it wasn't his blood that was shed, or his Dao was hurt.


At the same moment, the broken bodies of the Four Heavenly Kings began to glow with incomparably noble purple divine lights, which flooded the sky and the earth with dazzling brilliance. During this period, there were bursts of ancient martial arts sages shouting and performing martial arts.

Visible to the naked eye, the source of the divine light is a part of the bones in the body of the four heavenly kings, or the leg bones, or the hand bones, or the sternum. When spliced ​​together, it can be seen that it is a humanoid skeleton.



Baidi looked up to the sky and screamed, hundreds of millions of purple divine lights rose from the spine, and began to pull the skeleton parts of the four heavenly kings. At the same time, except for the spine, his whole body of blue dragon bones began to disintegrate and shatter, making the sound of black dragon mourning.

"Stop him!"

The alarm bell of Zhushan Haixin Lake rang wildly, clearly sensing that Baidi's physique was changing, and his aura increased rapidly.

He had a premonition that it was not good, and with a loud roar, he revived the seven-color bamboo stick above his head, and unleashed a terrifying attacking supernatural power. The seven-color divine light like a waterfall bombarded Baidi vertically.

As soon as he moved, the rest of the ancestors and the masters of the immortal sect who formed the formation also activated at the same time.

All kinds of fairy light shined on the entire cave, destroying everything crazily, the mountains and forests disintegrated, the earth annihilated, the energy went berserk, the earth, fire, water, and wind raged, completely turning this cave into a chaotic area where time and space were distorted.

If it weren't for the existence of the space barrier in the cave, the entire imperial city would be instantly wiped out under their attack.


One after another divine light blocked the void in all directions, like falling stars, or like hundreds of millions of artillery fire, sealing off all escape routes, pointing directly at the center of the twisted chaos, Baidi spewed out infinite purple divine light, and his breath became more and more terrifying.



In the face of thousands of attacks, Baidi remained calm in the face of danger, his seven orifices spit out purple divine light, roaring like thunder, a towering yin and yang giant tree rose behind him, its branches and leaves swayed rustlingly, and sprinkled a two-color divine light that reversed yin and yang Sweep in all directions.

Wherever the yin and yang divine light passed, all the celestial powers began to tremble, cut off the connection with the master, and turned upside down to attack a group of celestial masters.

"not good!!"

With a roar, Zhu Shanhai quickly formed a defensive formation with the ancestors, and used various defensive magic techniques to block the monstrous fairy light that was counterattacking like a wave.

clang clang-

That is, in this neutral position, the purple bones in the bodies of the four heavenly kings were completely pulled back into place by the vertebrae in Baidi's body, and the bone replacement was completed.

And when the purple god bones were separated from the four heavenly kings, it seemed that there was nothing in their bodies to suppress the infinite evil spirit. Their eyes were quickly filled with bloodthirsty violence, and their bodies, which were comparable to god iron, began to disintegrate rapidly.


Holding on to the last sliver of clarity, the four raised their heads to the sky and roared loudly. They crossed the space and appeared at the four poles of the Canglong Cave. They blew themselves up at the same time. in a closed space.

In fact, it is true.

"Old Ancestor, this cavernous space has been completely locked, completely isolating the outside world, we can't get out!"

An old clapper from the Shenlei sect scouted all directions with his divine sense, and was startled immediately, his expression turned pale and panicked.

I just want to practice

1 Ten thousand swords return to the sect

"What are you panicking about!"

The old woman holding the purple divine thunder crutch turned her head and scolded, looking at Baidi who seemed to have been reborn and whose aura had become profound and unpredictable, she squinted her eyes and said: "No matter what the strange skeleton is, at this moment his cultivation is definitely only in the early stage of Dharma. , We have so many ancestors of true emperors and top experts, are we still afraid?!"

"Warrior Bone?!"

Zhu Shanhai on the side seemed to know the origin of the purple skeleton, after thinking for a while, his expression was horrified, and he looked at Baidi in disbelief: "The top physique in the Martial Dao Era is no less than the longevity body!

No wonder, no wonder 500 years ago you were able to break through Yang Yan, and even reach True Ascension in a short period of time, before you fell into a desperate situation. "

"In this era, it can be said that even the great medicine resources needed to break through the real gangue basically don't exist in the world. The real gangster is the limit that ancient martial arts can achieve, no matter what kind of physique it is."

A middle-aged and domineering ancestor next to Zhushanhai also had a look of surprise on his face at this moment, and continued:

"Back then you realized this, so you cut off [-]% of the bones of the god of war, merged into the bones of the blue dragon, retreated into the human body, and created the path of the ultimate way.

I have cultivated to the true emperor of the star palace with the extreme way, and I want to wait until I reach the sky, break free from the constraints of the rules of the world, and then replace the path of the extreme way with the bone of the god of war, and continue to practice ancient martial arts with the supreme physique! "

"Another point."

With a gloomy face, Zhu Shanhai said: "The reason why he and the Four Heavenly Kings won't be backlashed by the extreme body soldiers, and they have cultivated to this terrifying state, is probably because of the existence of the Martial God Bone, which suppressed those who could riot at any time in their bodies. Fierce and resentful.

The Four Heavenly Kings just now did not have the Martial God Bone to suppress the evil spirits. Once they broke out, even their strength in the realm of Dharma could not bear it at all, so they chose to self-destroy and turned into martial arts chains, blocking the Canglong Cave.

The real bone liquid formula needed by Ji Dao martial arts has always been top secret. We have not found any useful information for 500 years. It is estimated that the core of the formula is the blood produced by the bone of the god of war.

Otherwise, how could mortals endure the backlash from the evil spirit of the monster's precious bones and survive for a lifetime! "

After sorting out this series of changes and the doubts in their hearts all the time, the fear of the unknown among the immortals has dissipated a lot.

The panic on the faces of Zhu Shanhai and the rest of the ancestors gradually disappeared, and their hearts gradually calmed down, and they sneered: "Although the Martial God Bone has continued the ancient martial arts path for you, don't worry about the hindrance of Dao injuries.

But don't forget, this is the era of Immortal Dao, and there are very few martial arts resources in the real realm in the world, let alone your current strength of Dharma, wanting to make a breakthrough again is no less than wishful thinking!

Hehe, the Martial God bone is no different from being scrapped! "

"You're right, but..."

Baidi stood with his hands behind his back, his face full of immortals, with a faint smile on his face, he asked, "Why must it be me?"

"What do you mean?!"

"With the Martial God's bones, the Jidao curse will not become an obstacle. In another 500 years, without the White Emperor, there will be another Jidao Great Emperor to rise up and inherit."

Baidi waved his hands indifferently, stretched his muscles and bones, and the extremely noble purple divine light came out, and his breath gradually became dangerous: "Okay, it is not easy to gather you old foxes together, for the birth of a new era of extreme , you guys, it’s time to hit the road too.”


Zhu Shanhai snorted coldly with disdain: "So what about the Martial God bone, if you want to continue the extreme way, today the old man will personally crush your fantasy!"

"Whether it's okay, just try it!"


The moment the Martial God's bones recovered, towering and domineering figures lingering in the infinite martial art profound meaning rose up behind Baidi.

As if one by one from the ancient Yangyan stars revived, the monstrous storm of blood essence and martial arts swept across the entire Canglong Cave, filling every inch of space.

Qi and blood as hot as the scorching sun flooded the heaven and earth, the sea of ​​blood was surging, and the temperature rose rapidly. The entire cave sky was completely transformed into a purple furnace purgatory as far as the eye could see. The terrifying high-temperature heat wave spread its teeth and claws, sweeping all directions.


Some low-cultivation masters of the Myriad Realm of Immortal Sect were even howling miserably, unable to bear the pressure of the Martial God Bone.

They only felt that there was a martial arts god in the sea of ​​consciousness performing martial arts and fighting, shattering their souls, and the high temperature outside instantly melted their magic weapons and even their bodies that were comparable to immortal gold.

In the blink of an eye, no less than ten immortal masters at the peak of Vientiane were killed or injured, they were wiped out, and the world evaporated, as if they had never existed.

"Jie Daluo golden light array!"

Seeing this situation, the ancestors of all the immortal sects felt blood dripping from their hearts, roared ferociously with distorted faces, and hurriedly used their magical powers to protect them.They knew that Baidi was clearing the field, and he didn't pay attention to the monks under the real king at all.

"Wong buzzing—"

The masters under the real king quickly reacted, and under the protection of the ancestors, they quickly changed their formations, breathed together, crossed their knees and closed their eyes, as if they were all untouched by the mortal world, and the sound of chanting sutras came and went, Blooming an immortal golden light against the coercion of the Martial God Bone.

"It's useless." When Baidi saw the big Luo golden light array rising, protecting a group of immortal masters, he couldn't help but smiled lightly, and didn't take it to heart at all.

hoo hoo hoo!

The Martial God's bones are full of brilliance, evolving into fists, palms, legs, swords and guns... Infinite martial arts profound meaning, it seems that the returning martial arts gods are following him to conquer, roaring and cracking the sky, fighting thirteen true kings alone without losing the wind.

His gaze has been fixed on the group of masters of the Vientiane realm, and he made up his mind to clean up all the miscellaneous fish below the real king first.


With the sound of the sword, a blood-colored killing sword form among the five great dharma figures revived and leaped out of the body.

It's almost like the opening of a world of divine swords, with one mouthful of killing swords swirling around, evolving infinite kendo secrets, as if this blood sword is the originator of kendo, the ultimate kendo secret.

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"


With a light breath, the heavens and the earth moved, and every humble official, every tangible and intangible existence seemed to be transformed into a mouthful of divine swords, worshiping the bloody sword-killing figure.

"This dharma...is not good!!"

All the ancestors in Zhushanhai only felt that their consciousness, soul, and soul began to feel the pain of cutting with the appearance of this dharma, as if a mouthful of ferocious killing swords were revived in their consciousness, and they wanted to come out through their bodies.

They instantly understood the supernatural nature of this sword-killing technique, and hurriedly turned around and shouted at the masters of the Myriad Phrases Realm who were struggling to resist in the Da Luo golden light formation: "Guard the soul, isolate the outside world, and quickly cut it out of consciousness and memory!" Everything about swords!"


In the Da Luo Golden Light Formation, a master of swordsmanship at the peak of the Vientiane Realm obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, his face was incredulous, and his eyes were full of incomprehensible inquiries.

How is it possible to have such supernatural powers?

However, the moment he opened his mouth, the killing sword technique burst into bright blood, sweeping across the Da Luo golden light formation, flooding the entire cave.

chi chi chi-


The endless, blood-colored killing sword as thin as a cow's hair erupted in that sword cultivator's body, cutting the soul and body, using his knowledge of the way of the sword as the source of nourishment, and gushing out from the hundreds of millions of pores all over his body.

In the blink of an eye, the soul of an immortal master at the peak of the Vientiane Realm exploded, his body turned into a cloud of blood mist, and was annihilated by the storm of killing swords, leaving no ashes.

But this is only the beginning.

"Ah! No, let me out, let me out!!"

After that sword cultivator, in the future, more Vientiane masters will be able to cut off their awareness of the way of the sword in their consciousness and turn it into nourishment. No matter how miserable they howl and use their heaven-shaking supernatural powers, their bodies will still be torn apart by the bloody killing sword storm. God dies and Tao disappears.

And the storms of blood swords transformed by their kendo cognition were absorbed by the killing swordsmanship like Wanchuan Huihai, and their power exploded, making all the ancestors of the true kings a little bit irresistible.


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