Jiang Ying came downstairs after receiving Zhao Yi's news. She obviously dressed up specially with light makeup on, and her baby fat face looked even cuter.

Jiang Ying looked at the car in surprise: "Your car?"

Zhao Yi smiled and said, "Yes."

Jiang Ying praised: "It really is a local tyrant, this car costs 200 million, right?"

"more or less."

Zhao Yi didn't correct him, and opened the car door: "Let's go."

Jiang Ying didn't get in the car: "Why don't you eat in our school, there is a student restaurant, the taste is also very good, and it's not far away..."

After a short pause, Jiang Ying added, "I am a landlord after all, so I invite you."

Zhao Yike followed suit and closed the door: "You decide where to eat, but I have to pay the bill. I came here specially to thank you...".

Chapter 53

In the student restaurant, Zhao Yi and Jiang Ying sat down, and Zhao Yi called the waiter to start ordering.

Jiang Ying looked at Zhao Yi who was opposite, and always felt that Zhao Yi seemed to be more beautiful than the first time she saw him.

It's not the kind of handsome that makes people unable to take their eyes off, but it's comfortable to look at, and it looks good when you look at it!

After Zhao Yi finished ordering, he closed the menu and handed it back to the waiter, and said with a smile, "Does it look good?"

Jiang Ying propped her chin with both hands, and looked at Zhao Yi's face openly: "You look good, you have a reassuring and comfortable aura about you."

Zhao Yi naturally knew that this was the bonus of Mr. Pianpian's temperament, and said with a smile: "If you look good, just take a look more, there is no charge!"

Jiang Ying burst out laughing, her eyebrows and eyes curved: "You are so funny."

Zhao Yi laughed and said, "You were the one who made fun of it first!"

Jiang Ying asked with a smile, "Have you gone to see Professor Gao?"

Zhao Yi nodded: "Professor Gao promised to give advice to my friends twice a week, for two hours each time."

Jiang Ying opened her eyes wide, and asked in surprise, "Are you taking money?"

Zhao Yi said with a smile: "Of course there is no charge. I asked how much it would be charged, but Professor Gao gave me a double stare and said that if there is a charge, she will not teach."

Jiang Ying said enviously: "Your friend is going to be lucky. Professor Gao is very important in the music circle. Her disciples have many heavyweights in the music industry. I don't know how many people want to get her advice. You That friend must be very talented in music, and Professor Gao cherishes his talent and trains him as a student."

Zhao Yi nodded: "I think so too, but it's all thanks to you, if you hadn't helped me inquire about the news and introduced it to me, there wouldn't be such a result."

Jiang Ying waved her hand, not taking credit for it: "I did it with little effort. Professor Gao's enthusiasm is well-known in the entire music department, and many people know it."

The two were chatting when a fat man with a small mustache hurried down from the second floor of the restaurant. Jiang Ying saw the fat man and greeted him, "Senior Brother Ding."

The fat man looked sideways, stopped, and glanced at Zhao Yi: "Junior Sister Jiang, are you having dinner with your friends?"

Jiang Ying smiled and said, "Yes, what have you been up to lately?"

The fat man scratched his head, with a bitter expression on his face: "Isn't this still soliciting investment everywhere? It's been running for a month, and there is no clue..."

The fat man stopped, and stretched out his hand towards Zhao Yi: "Ding Xiaofan."

Zhao Yi smiled and stretched out his hand: "Zhao Yi."

The two shook hands, Ding Xiaofan withdrew his hand and waved his hand: "I have an appointment to talk with someone, you guys eat slowly, let's go first...Junior Sister Jiang, if I get an investment, I will try to save you a role. "

Jiang Ying smiled and said, "Okay, thank you brother!"

Ding Xiaofan left in a hurry, Jiang Ying looked at his back and said, "Brother Ding is from the director department. He just graduated this year and he is the best director in this year. Before he graduated, he had already made two low-cost online movies , The response from the online casting was very good, there was a role before, and Senior Brother Ding introduced me to audition."

Zhao Yi smiled and said, "According to him, is this planning for a new movie?"

Jiang Ying nodded and said: "Yes, he recruited a few classmates and set up a studio. I heard that he has been working on it for a long time, and he has a good script. It is going to be the first film of their studio. Investment, but although he has filmed two online movies, they were both made at a very small cost, and he can only be regarded as a newcomer in the world of directors, so the investment is not easy."

Zhao Yi asked casually, "How much investment?"

"I heard it's 300 million..."

Zhao Yi asked in surprise: "300 million can make a movie?"

Jiang Ying said with a smile: "Of course it can be filmed. The key depends on the content of the script. Many interesting scripts will not cost much if all the cast members are cast by newcomers. Most of the investment in current movies is spent on the salary of the stars. Really There is less money spent on movies, which is why many so-called big-budget movies are rubbish."

Zhao Yi nodded: "Stars are asked to bring their own traffic, but after all, the quality of the movie must be above the standard. If the quality of the movie is too rubbish, even if the movie king is invited to save it, by the way, what kind of movie is he going to make? ?”

"Horror film."

Jiang Ying explained: "Horror movies don't need famous movie stars. The most important thing is that the script is good and the level of horror, and horror movies are often shot in a fixed location. Abandoned houses, old houses, apartments or buildings basically don't need much. Rental cost, so the cost of filming will not be too high, and the cinema is a rigid demand for horror films, easy to release, no matter the performance is good or bad, there will always be people watching, it is not easy to lose money, but once it becomes popular, it may be a big profit , and because of this, horror films are the initial choice of many small companies..."


Are there any flowers? .

Chapter 54

Although Zhao Yi is not from the film and television industry, he still knows the situation of movies in the market. Jiang Ying's explanation made it clear immediately.

"Can I read the script?"

Jiang Ying was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Zhao Yi in surprise: "Are you interested in this?"

Zhao Yi smiled: "If the script is good, I can consider investing."

Jiang Ying opened her eyes wide in surprise: "Are you serious?"

Zhao Yi nodded: "I have to read the script first, and then read the two films he made before. If I think they are good, then we can talk about them."

Jiang Ying didn't suspect that Zhao Yi was lying, she would give her a bag of 5 yuan when she saw her the first time she saw her, and Zhao Yi, who was driving a Porsche luxury car, was obviously a real rich second generation. That said it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

"Then shall I call Senior Brother Ding?"

Zhao Yi smiled and said, "No rush, let's have dinner first, and I'll review the two films he made earlier later."

Jiang Ying was right when she thought about it. If Zhao Yi wants to invest, he must at least get to know Ding Xiaofan's previous works to see the standard. Even if he is not a professional, as an audience, he can generally feel the good and the bad.

"Okay then, let's eat first."

The two had a great time drinking and chatting in the bar a few days ago, and now they are together, and they don't feel restrained.

After the meal, the two changed to a water bar and ordered two drinks, then Zhao Yi briefly checked the two works of Ding Xiaofan, and then checked the ratings on the Internet.

For these two online universities, the first one scored, and the second one scored 6.8, which is considered a good score.

Zhao Yi looked at the movie reviews again, they were all good, and even from the audience's point of view, Zhao Yi felt that Ding Xiaofan's second movie was much better than the first one, obviously with the experience of the first movie, he The second part is a big improvement.

A student in the directing department who is still studying can produce two online universities with decent ratings and reviews, and they are also profitable. No wonder Jiang Ying said that he is the best student in this year.

Zhao Yi put down his phone and said with a smile, "Call him and ask him if he has time to come over for a chat and bring the script."

"it is good!"

Jiang Ying happily called Ding Xiaofan, and 10 minutes later, Ding Xiaofan hurriedly appeared at the door.

Ding Xiaofan sat down, his eyes fell on Zhao Yi, his eyes were slightly puzzled.

"Mr. Zhao, Junior Sister Jiang just said that you intend to invest?"

Zhao Yi said with a smile: "If the script is good and the negotiation goes well, I'll vote for 300 million."

Zhao Yi now has a guaranteed minimum income of 300 a day, not including other income, 300 million is only a guaranteed minimum income of forty days, Zhao Yi has no pressure, not to mention, he now has more than [-] million in cash.

There is no value in keeping money in your hands. If you can invest and make money while helping your friends, why not do it?

He is just a student, and the guarantee of 7 yuan a day is not enough for him to spend?

Ding Xiaofan opened his eyes in surprise, this young man looks to be in his twenties, with an investment of 300 million?

Ding Xiaofan took a breath and put the script on the table directly: "Script."

Zhao Yi picked up the script: "Mr. Ding, please order something to drink, I will pay the bill, and I will read the script first."

"it is good!"

They come, the security.

Although Ding Xiaofan is skeptical in his heart, isn't investment such a thing all negotiated, even if he fails, he has no loss, right?

The script is more detailed than Zhao Yi imagined, and there are even a lot of scene sketches and more detailed explanations, which are obviously prepared by Ding Xiaofan to persuade investors.

Zhao Yi spent a little time reading it, thought about it carefully, and then put down the script.

"If I invest 300 million, how much can I get?"

Ding Xiaofan said without hesitation: "75% of all proceeds, 25% from Bufan Studio, this 25% includes director's remuneration, script and post-editing and other work remuneration."

Zhao Yi smiled and said, "Is this what you mean by technology investment at a price of 100 million?"

Ding Xiaofan nodded, but he was a little flustered, because the people who talked with him before did not agree with this ratio. After all, a script created by a student, a new director, plus a few fresh graduates, 100 million?

Zhao Yi tapped the script lightly with his finger: "Jiang Ying will play the heroine, adjust the script according to her personal appearance and temperament, so that she fits the role better, is there any problem?"

Jiang Ying suddenly opened her eyes wide, shocked.

Me, heroine?

Ding Xiaofan's heart beat violently: "No problem."

Zhao Yi pushed the script back to Ding Xiaofan, said with a smile: "Then I will be fine, I hope we can cooperate happily."

Excitement instantly occupied Ding Xiaofan's brain, he suppressed his excitement: "Mr. Zhao, you mean you have decided to invest?"

Zhao Yi smiled and said: "Yes, this is a good story, it can be seen that it is very hardworking, 300 million, I voted, and I can sign the contract today."


Add more flowers~.

Chapter 55

"Old Dai, I'm going to invest in a movie, and I need to sign a contract. You come here with the company's relevant information... Yes, Jiangzhou University A Campus."

Zhao Yi hung up the phone, and said to the excited Ding Xiaofan, "Mr. Ding, the person in charge of our company will come over immediately, and you should also prepare the relevant documents to sign the contract."

"Okay, I'll send someone to send the relevant information of the company right away."

An hour later, in the water bar of this school, Zhao Yi signed his first investment contract.

As the boss, Zhao Yi naturally only needs to take care of the contract, and Dai Liang will take care of the rest.

Zhao Yi withdrew all the funds in the system, and then transferred 300 million to the company account of Feiyi Investment Company. The 300 million funds were regarded as Zhao Yi's own investment. Zhao Yi's own, unlike the large sum of money in the company's account, can only be viewed, not used.

It's a pity that the money invested is not considered consumption, so there is no experience value.

"The host invests in movies, completes the first investment in life, and rewards A-level movie script x1."

"Remark 1: The system reward items (items with different quality) are divided into five levels: S/A/B/C/D. The rewarded movie script is a new script that has never existed in the world. The copyright registration has been completed. Copyright belongs to the host."

Zhao Yi's eyes lit up, rewarding the movie script?

Then if you have money, can you invest in the auction?

Go back and study the movie script carefully to see how much investment is required.

"How long will it take for the film to be finished?"

Ding Xiaofan has already calculated all the processes for countless times, and replied without hesitation: "The preliminary preparations required for shooting a horror film are not much. If it is filmed, it will take about a month. With the post-editing declaration, it is estimated It can be released on Christmas or New Year's Day."

Zhao Yi calculated the time, and it is now the first ten days of August, and it is only four and a half months before New Year's Day, which is not too slow.

"Well, if it comes out for Christmas, I'll definitely go to the cinema to see it."

Zhao Yi smiled and added: "When the time comes, ask a beautiful woman, if it's scary enough, hehe..."

Everyone laughed, and Jiang Ying couldn't help laughing.

Zhao Yi declined Ding Xiaofan's invitation to have dinner together: "Forget about today, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

Ding Xiaofan was also polite, and left directly with the people from the studio.

Lao Dai also took the opportunity to leave, and Zhao Yi confessed: "Old Dai, there should be business investing in movies in the future. You should set up a film and television investment department to be responsible for this in the future."

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