Auntie, Auntie and Mama Luo are busy in the kitchen under the direction of grandma.

There is one more person, where did Luo Chen go?

He was in the kitchen right now, receiving the experience and teaching from his aunt and aunt who came over, about the dos and don'ts when getting along with a blind date.

"Chenzi, you believe what I said, auntie, Yang Shasha is really good, you and her really got it right, it will definitely be a good thing for you in the future, her parents are both civil servants, and there are only two girls in the family, you are just lucky Well, you won the lottery, you are buying a house and a car, and the money will be spent soon, and then you still have to rely on your real skills and family environment!"

On the other hand, Luo's mother heard her elder sister's implication, she hesitated to speak, and felt very uncomfortable.

Chapter 96 The First Meeting

Luo Chen's mother, after all, did not interrupt his aunt's deliberate confession. Although it sounds uncomfortable, it is for Luo Chen, right?

Luo Chen justified his own attitude, and didn't want to let go of his former self and the connection with his relatives because of the system and the extraordinary power he possessed, beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding.

"Auntie, okay, I'll listen to you, and I will take it seriously this time!"

"Well, yes, you have this attitude, so it shouldn't be a big problem!"

Luo Chen's aunt is a typical knife-mouthed bean curd heart, never willing to take advantage of her mouth, but with the performance of a good-looking man like Luo Chen, she also seems to be able to stop talking about it.

The lunch at noon was rich, needless to say, there were two tables set up, and everyone still couldn't sit down. At this time, it was the routine operation of Luo Chen Luoxing and their cousin, standing and eating with bowls in hand!

After lunch, the children who can walk on the ground run wildly everywhere, either setting off firecrackers, or catching cats and walking dogs, which is very lively.

Accompanied by Luo Chen's father and the others, grandpa went to the mahjong table again. Someone put water on them and rushed to send money to grandpa, which made him even more happy!

A group of women were eating melon seeds, watching TV, chatting, and fighting landlords.

The cousins ​​are taking care of the children, and they have to watch the game by the way, which is a bit uncomfortable!

Luo Xing was given a few glasses of wine at noon, and he found a seat smartly and went to sleep.

"Mom, I'm in the past now, wait for me to pick you up at night?"

Luo Chen reckoned that the meeting with Yang Shasha shouldn't last all night, and he should be able to come and pick up his parents and them home!

"You don't need to come, your cousin will take us back later, you don't have to rush home, it doesn't matter if you play late, let's go!"

Luo's mother showed that she didn't care. In front of her eldest sister, she naturally had to act like a sensible parent. As for what was on her mind, she would definitely not say it.

"Quickly, say goodbye to uncle, let him find you an aunt to come back,"

Hearing the good-natured jokes of his cousins, Luo Chen had no choice but to get into the car and drive to the location that his aunt said!

The distance is not very far, less than ten kilometers. Because of the snow, Luo Chen deliberately slowed down the speed of the car. Although it is not necessary, the probability of his car accident is a little greater than that of a comet hitting the earth.

However, in order to experience life in the real world, Luo Chen obeyed his parents' instructions and drove slowly.

He is very clear about what to worry about and what not to worry about!

10 minutes later,

Luo Chen arrived in town,

The heavy snow has stopped, and the passing vehicles on the road have crushed the white snow into a puddle of black snow water, flowing around,

Pedestrians are afraid to avoid it, wet their shoes or accidentally slip on them, and they will get bad luck on the second day of the New Year, avoiding and walking,

Be extra careful when crossing the road!


Luo Chen dialed the phone number given by his aunt,

"Hi, hello, I'm Yang Shasha, you are Luo Chen that Aunt Ren said!"

A beautiful, energetic young female voice came to Luo Chen's ears. It seemed that it was really a pretty good-looking girl as the aunt said.

"Well, yes, I'm Luo Chen, I'm at the station sign right now, you can come over anytime!"

"Okay, I'll come over now, please wait for me, ah, Yang Xuanxuan, how dare you scare me with firecrackers?"


The girl on the opposite side put down her phone, as if she was avoiding a prank in a panic,

Then the sound of firecrackers came from the phone,

"Say, are you wrong? Do you dare to scare me when I'm on the phone?"

It wasn't a very clear voice, but after Luo Chen's analysis, the original words were this,

Luo Chen could imagine the frightened girl on the other side angrily teaching others a lesson,

But her voice is still vibrant, clean and nice.

"Sister, I was wrong, I was wrong, let go, quick, my ears are going to be ripped off by you"

It sounds like it should be Yang Shasha's sister, who launched a sneak attack on her sister first, and then was countered!

"Hmph, pack up, we're going home, let dad play mahjong, and take the bus back at night!"

The girl seemed to have forgotten the phone in her hand and hadn't hung up yet.

Luo Chen didn't take the initiative to hang up, so as not to interrupt her momentum!

Within a few minutes, Luo Chen had already heard the background sound on the phone, which corresponded to the sound on his side.

Luo Chen turned his gaze to the entrance of an alley, but he didn't see any figure appearing, did he make a mistake?

He obtained the specific position through analysis, so he was absolutely sure, how could he be wrong!

Luo Chen started the car, walked forward for a certain distance, found a convenient place for them to get on the car, then got off the bus and stood aside and began to wait quietly.

Not long after, two girls with almost the same height came out of the alley. Luo Chen's visual inspection data was 167.

The two were looking around, as if they were looking for Luo Chen's figure,

Luo Chen just moved his position, they had never seen each other before, a little bit of impression, it was the voice from the phone call just now.

So even if the distance is less than 20 meters,

The two girls didn't understand for a while, why the person they agreed to disappeared disappeared!

But not far away, the man wearing a woolen coat and standing next to the BMW is quite handsome.

They just took a glance, and then looked away, without any other meaning, after all, they still have an appointment with someone!

The same shawl and long hair,

the same ankle boots,

slim fit jeans,

The styles of the down jackets are all the same, but one is white and the other is pink!

The looks of the two are also [-]% acquainted, but one is relatively mature, and the other is a little green!

Big eyes, willow-leaf eyebrows, an oval face, and the skin on the face without makeup is extraordinarily fair.

According to Luo Chen's point of view, at least 85 points can be given to them,

Luo Chen waved to them, and raised his mobile phone to show them that he was the one they were looking for!

"Sister, that handsome guy seems to be beckoning to us. He can't be Aunt Ren's nephew Luo Chen, right? Wow, he came over, it should be him, sister, you made money this time!"

The girl in pink was talking to the girl in white a little excitedly. Luo Chen had already adjusted his hearing range and couldn't hear what they were saying clearly, otherwise he might be happy.

Walking in front of the two, Luo Chen smiled and stretched out his hand,

"Hello, I'm Luo Chen. The muddy water at the stop sign was a bit deep just now. I moved to a new position. I didn't tell you in time. I'm sorry!"

Yang Shasha controlled her beating heart, showing a natural smile, took her little hand out of the glove and stretched it out.

"It's okay, hello, we just called, I'm Yang Shasha, this is my sister Yang Xuanxuan, I'm sorry to trouble you today, let you take us home!"

The little hands are white and tender, as soft as jade, with a hint of warmth. Is it because of wearing gloves?

Luo Chen looked at the two sisters, a little white rabbit glove and a pink little rabbit glove, as if he had an illusion, like looking at twins.

Chapter 97 Coincidence

"Let's get in the car first, it seems a bit cold outside,"

At this time in the afternoon, the sun is out, and the snow is melting at an accelerated rate.

Luo Chen looked at the gloves the sisters put on before. They should be afraid of getting their hands cold, even if they put on hand cream, but it's only natural for a girl to cherish her appearance all the time!

Yang Shasha looked at the slender Luo Chen, thinking that he looked a little thinly dressed, but why were his palms so warm?

After she withdrew her reluctant hand,

I took my sister and sat in the back row, because the heater was always on in the car,

This is a function that Luo Chen opened in advance, and he rarely uses it under normal circumstances!

"Sister, it's so warm, hee hee!"

Yang Xuanxuan looked like she was about the same age as Huang Linlin and the others. Luo Chen reckoned that she should still be a student, and she didn't have the sense of restraint she would have after leaving society. She would say whatever came to her mind, even if it was the first time she met a stranger. in the car!

"Are you going straight home, or is there another place to go?"

Luo Chen's mentality is like a familiar driver, asking the destination of the passengers in the car, he is not nervous, and looks calm and natural.

Yang Shasha is usually a carefree girl. She only wanted to meet a boy introduced by an acquaintance today. She didn't refuse at the beginning because of her willingness to make friends with others, but she never fell in love.

There are many opposite sexes around her, but Yang Shasha has never felt it. She is either too introverted, Ma Baonan, or too extroverted and fun, or her peers in the middle-aged state of dozens of years old!

After graduating from university, under the strong request of her parents, she developed into the system. Unfortunately, she entered the Civil Affairs Bureau for a year and was still a temporary worker. These are the results of her parents' efforts. It's just a pity. Their abilities are also limited!

The people introduced to her by her family are all potential stocks in the system, which really don't fit her lively and yearning for freedom. The mother's plan is to use the ability of the husband's family to make Yang Shasha's work come true. overwhelmed her resentment!

After a big quarrel a year ago, she resolutely quit her job as a temporary worker and found a new unit. She thought it was just a temporary transition, and when she calmed down, she looked for a job that suited her again.

In the end, I didn't know that this little-known small company seemed to be very powerful.

Yang Shasha started her job on January 1th, and she was assigned to the HR department. The work is not difficult, and there are people to guide and help, and the working atmosphere is very good.

Eight hours a day, two days off, which is no different from her previous work and rest time, except that she has to spend an extra hour to commute to and from get off work every day, because it takes half an hour to drive one way from her home to her remote workplace.

This is actually not bad, she can accept it anyway, the difference is that in addition to providing free dormitories, the company also provides 1000 monthly housing subsidies to those employees who do not want to live in dormitories, and also reimburses commuting expenses, no matter what Whether driving or taking the bus, 100 yuan per person!

Yang Shasha lives in her own house without renting a house, and the fuel cost for driving to and from get off work is less than 20. In the first month, she works 14 days and rests for four days. The subsidy alone is 2400.

The salary was paid on February 2st, and her salary card was credited to 1 at one time. When she saw the notification on her mobile phone, Yang Shasha was dumbfounded at the time, but it did not attract the attention of other colleagues, because they all had the same expression!

They were all young people who had just joined the company, and the scene almost got out of control for a while. It was not until the manager came out to explain the reason to them that everyone realized that it was not a mistake. These are the normal wages paid by the company!

Yang Shasha's previous job as a temporary worker, except for a little leisure, she worked for a whole year, and it seemed that she only got that much, maybe a little less.

With so much salary after deducting the five insurances and one housing fund, Yang Shasha realized that the unit she entered inadvertently was the good company that everyone said in the legend!

Finished the day's work in full swing, because it was the administrative department, the next day was Saturday, and they had their annual leave one day earlier than the production workshop, and it was still an 18-day long holiday!

Yang Shasha, who returned home, couldn't wait to tell her father the good news. The mother who was angry with her because of the quarrel before also let go of all the previous unhappiness and was happy for her daughter!

Their family also remembered the name of this company in their hearts, Xingchen Technology!

What Luo Chen didn't know was that the blind date arranged by this aunt Yang Shasha was actually an employee of his company!

Yang Shasha didn't know that the 27-year-old handsome guy in the cab was still her boss.

The reason is very simple, Luo Chen does not participate in the actual management of the company, everything is done through the factory director Zheng Ming, and the longest working employee in the factory is only 2 months,

Except for the doorman and security guard at the door, who knew that a man who looked younger than the factory manager was their boss, no one else in the company had time to gossip about who their boss was?

Even Luo Chen's name rarely appears in the eyes of ordinary employees. Even the supervisors and managers of several departments only know the boss's name, but have no real impression of his appearance. Zheng Ming is their highest person in charge. .

"By the way, Luo Chen, do you mind telling me, what kind of work are you doing now? Aunt Ren didn't tell me much information?"

Although Yang Shasha had a feeling of being moved by the man in front of her, she didn't think of herself as a little fan girl without thinking. Instead of answering Luo Chen's question directly, she asked her own question, and this answer would also determine her decision. How to respond to him!

Some situations are not clear, so it is better to ask directly, this is also Yang Shasha's usual style!

The nephew Luo Chen mentioned by the aunt next door is obviously very different from the person in front of him. Luo Chen himself was not exaggerated by Aunt Ren, but the description was completely wrong!

In addition to not smoking, not drinking, good personality, not very high education, I can't verify the authenticity at the moment,

What Aunt Ren said about average looks, average height, winning a lottery and having money, these obviously don't match!

According to Yang Shasha's own imagination, Aunt Ren's nephew should be an older single young man like a nouveau riche!

He has a slender figure, about 180 no matter how you look at it, with distinct facial features, short hair that complements each other, gentle eyes with bright eyes, and confident and calm gestures.

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