The change of a person will change slowly over time, but the great changes in status and life can make people change faster!

The last time Luo Chen came to the factory, the real world was only a few days ago, but now, as the factory is on the right track, Zheng Ming, who had little experience before and was hesitant to deal with things, has disappeared.

In other words, he has changed, matured, and started to handle things in a decent way, and he is more like the person in charge of a factory with more than 200 people!

Luo Chen himself has no actual experience in starting a company, but in Tianlong World, relying on his strength and ideas, he has tested a set of effective methods.

Starting a company, whether it is products or technology, is inseparable from people, especially for a production-oriented company like Xingchen Technology!

The product has been well received in the market, and profit is not a problem. What Luo Chen handed over to the factory is only the lowest-grade No. 1 synthetic glue, not all the models that have been transformed before. Corresponding to different usage scenarios, synthetic glue also has corresponding types. There are subsequent improved models.

In addition to No. 1, there is also the optimized No. 2 and the highest-end No. 3.

It is equivalent to No. 50, which currently accounts for 1% of net profit, and it is just a low-end product to test the water, just to test the market reaction!

Star Technology's sales so far are 200 million, which seems to be very little?

But this is only the output of the official production for one week, and a large number of undelivered orders and prepayments are not included.

The productivity of the current factory is not fully utilized.

There is currently only one production line in the production workshop, and the standard 8-hour working system is still implemented, with weekends, no middle shift, and no night shift!

This has already spent 5000 million of the company's account.

If Star Technology hadn't started to make a profit, Luo Chen and Zheng Ming would have gone bankrupt by now.

As for why there is still Zheng Ming's matter.

It was because he invested all the 200 million that Luo Chen gave him, and what he gave to Zheng Ming was his private property.

Luo Chen didn't expect Zheng Ming to take money privately and invest it in the company. It's not easy to say that he is selfish, or it is a means to tie himself to Xingchen Technology. For his actions, Luo Chen just expressed his approval!

Luo Chen decided to give Zheng Ming 1 shares, as another kind of affirmation to him besides salary!

Before traveling through the world of Iron Man, Luo Chen's pocket was not rich, and he didn't intend to get more funds to expand production capacity, but adhered to Buddhist production, and looked calm.

Now he has decided to increase manpower input. A production line can produce 8 million products in five days with 200 people in 200 hours and two days off a week.

Luo Chen decided to expand a production line to 800 people, divided into four shifts, ABCD, and produce in shifts every day, every other month in the middle of the day and at night. People can rest, the production line can't stop, and the production is at full capacity.

It is basically guaranteed that about 3600 million products can be produced in one month. After deducting all costs, 1800 million is the net profit. Of course, this is calculated based on the current employee proficiency and the best situation where the production line does not have any problems. The data!

Then the real production target that can be set in the first month should be around 3000 million.

The entire rented factory area is enough to accommodate 10 production lines to start production at the same time, and now there are still 9 production lines that are empty!

There is no need to worry about market demand, because the sales department of Star Technology is now almost becoming a customer service department. All customers come to the door and take the initiative to pay in advance to place an order, so that they can make an appointment in advance and be in the front row!

With a follow-up investment of 5000 million yuan, one production line can be expanded, so Luo Chen needs to prepare another 1 million yuan.

Simply think about it, it only takes three months to fully pay back, is such a business worth doing?

However, the size of this factory building is not suitable. Luo Chen did not plan to do this at the beginning. The number of employees for 10 production lines is 8000, and the number of employees for administration and management is estimated to be 9000, close to 1.

The production area is enough, and the supporting dormitory buildings, canteens, staff living areas and supporting facilities are relatively stretched.

Front-line employees work three days off and one day off, standard eight hours a day, take a 1-minute break every hour, eat for one hour, include board and lodging, five social insurances and one gold after-tax salary of 10, and an extra 1 months' salary at the end of the year as Bonus, 6 salaries a year, the production workshop is warm in winter and cool in summer, the automation level of the production line is extremely high, and it is humanized management, and all kinds of benefits are also available!

The first batch of more than 200 employees who came in through an intermediary now can’t wait to call in all their family and friends, because the company’s requirements are not high, with good facial features, good health, no bad habits, no criminal records, and low education requirements of junior high school and above. Where can I find such a company, it's a pity they haven't heard that the company has a recruitment plan!

Luo Chen was not worried about not being able to recruit people. The current situation of the same industry in Jiangcheng, ordinary production workers basically work 12 hours a day, rest four days a month, and their salary can reach 7 or 8, which is already a good company.

Luo Chen and Zheng Ming had an in-depth exchange on the current situation.

Zheng Ming also seems to have noticed that this good friend who has changed suddenly has a new plan, otherwise he wouldn't have talked so much!

"Old Zheng, I plan to expand the production scale and add another production line, just to reach the upper limit of personnel in this factory area?"

"According to your plan, I naturally have no objection. I also agree with improving employee benefits!"

Luo Chen and Zheng Ming are both witnesses of beating workers, so it is impossible to open that kind of sweatshop.

"I don't plan to go to the bank for a loan. After all, I'm afraid of trouble. First, I will put the customer's advance payment directly into the construction of the second production line. The sales profit of this month's products will also be used on the new production line, until the 1st of next month. , and almost two production lines can be produced at the same time!"

"Actually, bank loans, for companies like our Star Technology, they are very willing to take the initiative to come to the door, but if you don't have this plan, then forget it."

Zheng Ming has obviously made a lot of progress, and when talking about these things, he is also logical.

"Recruiting people and purchasing equipment, we can do it ourselves, right?"

"I have been in contact with these before, and it's not a big problem. Anyway, as long as the contract is signed and the money is in place, all suppliers are of course more willing to directly connect with our Star Technology. The intermediary step is redundant!"

These words made Luo Chen very satisfied with Zheng Ming's growth. As long as you put your heart into everything, whether or not this professional talent is already secondary, because the product is the hard power. Anyway, the factory director Zheng Ming has done a good job. pretty good.

All high-end talents are still accumulated step by step. Maybe their starting point is higher, so the greater the achievement.

Luo Chen doesn't need talents in society, elites who are comfortable under the rules, because he will make his own rules!

As for technical and scientific talents, when Luo Chen already has actual products, the demand is not high, and may be needed in the future, but the demand at that time can only keep up with that level if he cultivated it himself!

"Okay, I'm going home first, maybe you will prepare red envelopes soon and come to my house for a wedding!"

Luo Chen's words are always easy to misunderstand, and he probably didn't realize it.

"Are you going to get married? When did you get your girlfriend? Congratulations, congratulations!" Zheng Ming wanted to be wrong!

Chapter 67

Barefoot in the hot summer, I went to catch the 'Cicada' on the big tree, and went to the back mountain to pick wild grapes with my friends, wearing shorts and short sleeves, walking on the country road in the early morning with cows

This may be Luo Chen's childhood memory, there are many happy scenes, but also hard scenes, washing clothes, helping with farm work, cooking

Grandpa and grandma, even with Luo Chen's strengthened brain, have no impression, because he has never seen the two old people before, and they passed away unexpectedly, without leaving a single photo!

Luo Chen's parents lacked the help of the old man, so they had to work harder and harder, and the two brothers had suffered the hardships of life since they were young.

Luo Chen remembered the most profound sentence his mother said, "When I married your father, there was only 100 yuan in cash at home. I washed clothes at the door the next day, and I was charged for electricity bills for several months. What is owed but not paid!"

I feel uncomfortable just thinking about it!

In Luo Chen's memory, it seems that not only his own family is poor, but in the entire small village, there are no wealthy families in a dozen or so households.

When I was young, my father went out to work and rarely came back. My mother planted the fields at home, and brought the two young brothers!

Throughout the year, my father was always owed wages because of his honesty, and my mother at home could barely grow enough food for the family.

Luo Chen still remembered being led by his mother to ask for debts at the contractor's house.

A tall, lanky middle-aged man with a handsome appearance, with a big back comb and polished leather shoes, a brand new Qianjiang motorcycle was parked at the door, and the mother and son struggled for a long time to get 800 yuan.

Luo Chen and his mother didn't return to their home until late at night!

It wasn't until Luo Chen started to go to school that the family began to change.

The city began to develop, and the nearby mountains began to explode and quarry rocks. My father ended his wandering life and went up to the mountains to help people move rocks. One year later, he took all his belongings and bought a second-hand tractor!

Tow a car of stones for 30, move it into the car and drive it by yourself!

Gradually, the family bought a black and white TV, built a two-story building, and the food at home became better.

A few years later, the quarry was closed down due to frequent safety accidents.

Parents are no longer engaged in that high-risk job.

In addition to growing grain, the family also began to grow some high value-added cash crops, lotus seeds. The family borrowed money to buy a small rice hulling machine. The local name is "Jiami Factory". Earn more than in the quarry!

The younger brother Luo Xing was in high school, and Luo Chen's mother began to accompany him to study. After the younger brother was admitted to university, the mother had a plan to settle down in the county.

Later, at the request of his mother, Luo Chen's father came out of his hometown in the countryside and embarked on the road of being a worker again!

The development of society has been improving. Luo Chen's parents can save [-] yuan a month. The factory also pays social security, and the income is guaranteed in drought and flood. At this time, the two also hope that the next generation will be urbanites.

Luo Chen drove home from the factory, recalling bits and pieces of the family!

If it wasn't for his parents, maybe Luo Chen wouldn't have a house in the county.

Uncle, the cousins ​​of the second uncle's family are still working outside, and they live in their hometown in the countryside when they go home!

This time, I just took the opportunity of my brother to talk about friends. They all came back during the Chinese New Year. Let them go to work for me next year.

It's not that Luo Chen doesn't pay attention to his relatives. The situation in the factory has stabilized. Whether it is to let them take a simple position or arrange them to be grassroots managers, it's easy to arrange now, isn't it?

If they take the initiative to learn and are willing to go further, Luo Chen will naturally be happier!

There is nothing wrong with nepotism, but those who are capable live, this is also Luo Chen's bottom line.

"Mother Luo Chen, you are blessed. Luo Chen has made a fortune, and now I want you to retire and go home to take care of yourselves. Now that little Luo Xing has made friends again, you want to pick us up for a drink!" The aunt in the village is taking Luo Chen's Mom joked.

"Yes, you are so lucky, the two sons in the family are now promising!"

This is Luo Chen's third grandmother.

"Accept, definitely accept, aunt, sister-in-law, you will help check it when the time comes!"

This one couldn't help but laugh when he spoke, of course it was Luo Chen's mother.

There were a few people sitting in front of the house, chatting with Luo Chen's mother.

They don't mean to be jealous or flattering either!

The village is very small, and most of them are from the family surnamed Luo. The atmosphere is also very simple, and they usually help each other and live in harmony!

From a long distance, Luo Chen's super hearing can feel the envy and blessings between the lines.

Luo Chen's car just came out of the concrete road next to the yard, revealing the side of the car!

"Ah, Luo Chen's mother, this car belongs to Luo Chen, right? Luo Chen is back!"

My aunt was sitting facing the road, and she could see the passing vehicles very clearly.

Following everyone's gaze, Luo Chen parked the car, stepped forward and began to say hello.

"Hello third grandma, hello auntie!"

"Chen Zi came back so early, did he come back to see your mother, or did he check on your brother?"

"Chenzi, come here specially, you are not busy with things outside, you drive such a good car, isn't the business doing well?"

Fortunately, there are only two people sitting now, if three aunts and six wives go up together, Luo Chen might not be able to stand up to himself.

"Not busy, not busy, I will come back often when I have time in the future, mom, where is my dad?"

36 meter, go first!

Luo Chen changed the subject, ready to escape.

"He brought a pig back from your second uncle's house today, and he is bleeding the back, saying it is for Chinese New Year to make bacon!"

Naturally, it is impossible for the parents to take it for nothing from the second uncle's family, and the family does not lack this money now!

And Luo Chen felt that his mother's words seemed to mean something, it doesn't seem so early to make bacon at home, right?

And there is no need for a whole pig, so exaggerated!

"Chenzi, your parents must have prepared it for their future daughter-in-law. Hurry up and talk to a friend. Your mother will probably kill two pigs, haha."

The aunt was half joking and told the reason!

"Oh, Mom, I'll go and see if I need help!"

Luo Chen's spiritual sense had seen the specific situation at home long ago, but it was just to match his mother's performance. His mother has a personality that is stronger than others when things happen, and she doesn't have any bad intentions, just to save face.

Now that Luo Chen is back home, for his relatives, he decides that it is better not to look around with his spiritual sense as much as possible, because there is always a sense of voyeuristic uneasiness!

Luo Chen's house has two floors, and the front is an open field with a concrete floor, which is even with the road in front of the door.

Thanks for the country's village-to-village construction!

A kitchen was built on the left side of the house, and the back yard was larger than the front. There were five rooms in a row, all of which were former pig houses, and now they are empty to store sundries. The entire area of ​​his house is about 350 square meters. Not too small!

When Luo Chen came to the yard, the open space where the weeds had regenerated before had been tidied up and quiet, just like the inside of the house.

"My parents are indeed much more diligent than me. If it weren't for the wrong season, I'm afraid there would be no chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, or any of the vegetable fields in a panic now!"

When I looked up, there was still a little gray puppy tied to the yard with an iron chain as thick as a finger, the kind of little dirt dog that had just been weaned.

It saw Luo Chen wagging its tail, looking like it still wanted to jump up and down, but unfortunately it couldn't, the iron chain let it bear the weight it shouldn't have to bear with its physique!

Luo Chen released it from the iron chain, "Don't think about it, my dad must have done it!"

Chapter 68

Luo Chen first rescued the troubled 'Little Hui' in the yard, it's not like a cheap name is easy to support.

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