Life and death are fate, Yan Chixia didn't talk too much, she just hoped that when she was in this temple, the scholar might be lucky enough to escape, and after glancing at Luo Chen, she dodged back to the main hall.

Ning Caichen and Luo Chen were left in the field. They stood in the open area, blowing the cold wind. Perhaps they recognized Luo Chen who had met once, and he didn't look like a person who didn't show affection. Ning Caichen went up. He said hello before, "Xiaosheng Ning Caichen is destined to be destined to Brother Luo, please take care of him!"

Luo Chen also responded to him, "It's easy to say, it's getting late, why don't you find a room to rest early."

Ning Caichen deeply agreed, "Alright, please."

After talking, the two each found a room and planned to rest after tidying up. Luo Chen didn't care about the environment, so he took out a blanket and put it on the ground, sat cross-legged, and spread his mental power to sense the surroundings!

Sure enough, the attic and the basement were piles of dry bones. They seemed to have sensed Ning Caichen's aura, and they all slowly crawled towards his position. Luo Chen sealed the air around him with mental power, filtered out the aura and let it out. The experiment has been verified by Xiahou and Yan Chixia, and it seems to be really effective!

I thought at this time, Xiahou swordsman should have followed Xiaoqian's way, suddenly a tree shadow flashed outside the window, and the wind was loud, Luo Chen opened the door, saw Yan Chixia chasing away, he also used his lightness kung fu to follow Going up, since you can ensure your own safety, you will start to act proactively.

In the depths of the woods, there was a small waterfall, and a small fire was burning in the open space. The swordsman Xiahou who was alive not long ago had turned into a skeleton with no flesh and blood.

When Luo Chen saw this scene, he shuddered. No matter how beautiful things happened to Xiahou and Xiaoqian, the female ghosts, they were already dead at this time. This millennium tree spirit is so terrifying, it can suck people like this!

Yan Chixia also had the same opinion, feeling both emotional and sad, "Brother Xiahou, you were number one in the world during your lifetime, and now you are only a skin after death. The relationship between me and you for so many years is not a fight." I don’t know each other anymore, I won’t let you die in the wilderness!”

At this time, Xia Hou seemed to have turned into a skeleton monster like in a temple. He grabbed Yan Chixia's neck with both hands, and the speed was not very fast. , took out a long needle from a row of magic tools, pierced the skeleton monster's skull with one blow, the magic weapon emitted a ray of light, and the skeleton monster stopped moving. Luo Chen guessed that it might be mana at work.

Yan Chixia took out the talisman and ignited it with magic power, "Prajna Paramita," the spell was activated, and the skeleton monster was burned to ashes!

After seeing the miraculous scene of spells in front of him, Luo Chen also walked out, "There are all kinds of things in the world, but Huangliang Yimeng ended up like this. It's a pity. It's just that monsters treat us humans as resources for cultivation. It's really hateful!"

Yan Chixia saw that the young man from before had also followed, and hearing his words at this time, she couldn't help but have a good impression of Luo Chen, "I didn't expect that little brother is also a man of temperament, but although you are not weak in martial arts , but if you want to deal with monsters all over the world, I'm afraid it's too weak."

When Luo Chen heard Yan Chixia's reply, isn't this a good time to build a good impression, "Life is alive, you should do what you want, and if you can't save the dead, let me save one more living person." It's gone!" These words were not considered empty words, Luo Chen also said them from the bottom of his heart.

Yan Chixia was shocked when she heard this, she didn't expect this young man's awareness to be so high, he felt a little ashamed for not reminding Xiahou of his behavior before, and suddenly remembered that there was another person in the temple, "Little brother is not good, that scholar in danger!"

Chapter 41

Of course Luo Chen knew what would happen in Lanruo Temple after he and Yan Chixia came out, the key was that if he left, he was afraid that he would affect Ning Caichen and Xiaoqian's good deeds.

When Luo Chen was rushing back with Yan Chixia, Ning Caichen was not idle at this time. He was reading a book in the room, but was attracted by the melodious sound of the piano, and wanted to check it out following the sound, but It just happened to escape the attack of the skeleton monster, but the front foot just got out of the tiger's mouth, and the back foot fell into Xiaoqian's gentle land again!

When Ning Caichen was fascinated by Xiaoqian, the aura on Yan Chixia's body was sensed by her as a female ghost. After Ning Caichen was stunned by a breath of Yin Qi, she ran away quickly!

Yan Chixia seemed to have mastered the magic of tracking, and led Luo Chen to bypass Lanruo Temple, and came directly to another place, 'Water Residence', where Ning Caichen and the female ghost Xiaoqian were not seen, Luo Chen Through the perception of mental power, Chen knew that they should have left one step earlier.

Yan Chixia naturally had her own way, and continued to chase in one direction. Ning Caichen in front of her was walking around with a piano in her arms, as if she was looking for someone, or some ghost. Hei Lu slipped on a big horse by accident. It was such a coincidence. Movies always acted like this. He lay on a delicate body firmly, and put his hands where they shouldn't be. .

After the two got up, Ning Caichen behaved like a pig brother, and didn't notice that something was wrong. On the contrary, the female ghost Xiaoqian didn't seem to care about the relationship between men and women, while using fear to distract Ning Caichen. Pay attention, while saying that there are bad guys arresting her, Ning Caichen, who is sympathetic to the fragrance and jade, is full of courage at this time, and actively asks to distract the bad guys and ask her to run away, which makes Xiaoqian very moved!

Although Ning Caichen was brave and resourceful, he even imitated the sounds of animals, trying to create conditions for Xiaoqian to escape. At this time, he didn't know who was helping him and who was hurting him, Yan Chixia didn't care about the silly boy Ning Caichen. Chen, directly chasing the target female ghost Xiaoqian.

It was the first time for Luo Chen to see Xiaoqian's appearance clearly. Her muscles reflected the flowing clouds, her feet were curled up like bamboo shoots, and she looked beautiful in the daytime. There are very few men who can resist her charm, no wonder she is the most beloved handmaid of the Dryad!

Luo Chen knew that she was a female ghost, so he naturally took his mind back. Yan Chixia, a bearded man, is a real steel straight man. When he saw the female ghost's whereabouts, he shot without mercy. He took out the needle and shot at Xiaoqian directly. head.

Seeing that Xiaoqian, a female ghost, was about to die under Yan Chixia's ruthless hands, a mana-generated tree blocked the magic needle, and then ignited a raging fire. Regarding Yan Chixia's behavior, the tree spirit seemed to be Angry, "Smelly old man, I just killed those damn people, why do you keep getting on with me, isn't it good that everyone has nothing to do with each other," the voice of neither male nor female echoed in the forest!

Seeing Luo Chen following behind, Yan Chixia didn't give the tree spirit any face, "Who is against you? I don't care if you kill a bad person. If you kill a good person by mistake, I will get rid of you!"

After a while, there was no response, and the dryad seemed to have gone away, so Yan Chixia and Luo Chen had no choice but to return to Lanruo Temple.

At this moment, the sky had already brightened up, and Yan Chixia was worried about Ning Caichen, and wanted to have a good chat with him, to see if he could persuade that idiot to leave, Luo Chen turned around and went to the woods to get some game, and then took the opportunity to take out The good wine prepared in the space intends to have a good relationship with Yan Chixia.

Luo Chen didn't think it would be a bit greasy to eat meat and drink in the morning. He caught two rabbits and two pheasants, removed their feathers, slaughtered them, washed them, and returned to Lanruo Temple. Ning Caichen walked out, "When you meet a ghost and get sucked into it, don't blame me for not reminding you, a dog bites Lu Dongbin, and you don't know a good heart!"

Ning Caichen was fascinated by Xiaoqian, and it would be the same for anyone else. He was holding the handkerchief left by the beauty, and it was asking him to meet at night. Thinking about it, there was a kind of excitement of being favored by the goddess of luck. How could he listen? The words of the big villain 'Big Beard' in Xiaoqian's mouth are sometimes joked, sometimes said that there are ghosts, and the old lunatic who talks crazy, "There are no ghosts in this world, and I don't care about my life or death!"

It's no wonder that Ning Caichen still speaks so stubbornly until now. Due to various coincidences, he hid the skeleton monsters. What's more coincident is that when he opened the window, he accidentally killed a few of them. The image of a peerless beauty, let him choose, of course he chooses to believe in Xiaoqian.

After a while, Ning Caichen, a foolish boy, went down the mountain to ask for the account book with his recompiled account book in his arms. Seeing Luo Chen and the bearded man together, he probably thought they were in the same group, but he ignored them. people.

Luo Chen didn't care what Ning Caichen was going to do. Although the film was about his love story with Xiaoqian, the system's task requirements had nothing to do with these. His focus was still on Yan Chixia. After the meat was roasted and the wine was prepared, it was natural to stay with Yan Chixia!

"Senior is not only strong in martial arts, but also has a special ability to deal with demons and goblins. This junior admires me very much. I wonder if senior can give me some advice on how to learn the ability to subdue demons!" Luo Chen asked if he didn't understand, and he didn't know how to learn. Be human.

After eating Luo Chen's roasted meat and drinking his fine wine, Yan Chixia had a pretty good impression of him. Although there are rules that should not be passed down lightly, Yan Chixia is not a person who follows the rules. He is a hot-handed judge who is well-known in the 26 provinces of Guandong and Guangxi. He hates corrupt officials the most. Because treacherous officials are in power, he withdrew from the Jianghu and lived in seclusion in Lanruo Temple. By chance, he learned a set of spells to subdue demons.

In addition, Luo Chen's ambition has won Yan Chixia's heart, and at a young age, his martial arts attainments are not weaker than him. Yan Chixia has no children, and thinking of passing on her skills, she can be regarded as a successor. With a decision in my heart, I asked the most important question, "Since you proposed it on your own initiative, then you are willing to worship me as your teacher!"

"Thank you senior, master, please accept my apprentice's worship," Luo Chen was thinking about Yan Chixia's advice, but he didn't expect to directly arouse his interest in accepting apprentices. It's not shameful to learn from a master!

With the relationship between master and apprentice, it was natural for Luo Chen to ask Yan Chixia for advice.

To learn spells, one must have mana. How does mana come from? Absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and transform it into one's own mana through kung fu.

Mana has attributes, divided into yin and yang, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Demons and evil spirits are generally of yin attribute, so the corresponding yang attribute has the effect of restraint. Of course, it does not mean that other attributes have no effect. If it is big enough, even if it is also of yin attribute, you can win by quantity and break it with greater power.

The magic trick is to use a specific method to launch a mana attack. There are some powerful magic tricks that can directly arouse the aura of heaven and earth to launch an attack.

Spells are tricks to apply mana of various attributes, and sometimes they can be used against enemies, such as the fire spell, you can use it to make fire, but when you consume enough mana, it is a powerful fire attribute attack Judgment!

Luo Chen has realized the difference between being taught by a master and comprehending by oneself, and Yan Chixia has also fulfilled the responsibility of a master, responding to every request and answering every question!

The mana attribute of each person has already been determined at birth, but other attributes can also be mastered through acquired practice, but it is best to try to make the attributes mutually generate and restrain each other, and balance each other.

Chapter 42: The Edge of Death

"Could this be the aura that Master Yan Chixia mentioned?" Luo Chen couldn't help being extremely surprised when he saw the small light spots floating in the air!

Different from the previous perception of spiritual power, Luo Chen seemed to have opened the door to a new world after Yan Chixia taught him a method of clairvoyance.

Mental power can already observe cells and control the magnitude of air molecules, but now Tianyantong can go a step further, see a smaller microcosm, and watch the light spots of aura that are [-]% the size of molecules slowly swimming in front of your eyes , they seem to have their own consciousness!

According to the Qi Yin Jue taught by his master, the true qi in Luo Chen's body began to circulate along a specific route. At this time, with his body as the center, the surrounding aura slowly began to move closer.

The spiritual energy began to enter his body, and right now, Luo Chen began to operate the exercises. As the first small light spot merged into his body, the true energy seemed to have changed. The invisible and colorless true energy seemed to be colored.

As more and more small light spots merged in, the true energy in Luo Chen's body began to turn green, "I turned out to be of the wood attribute!"

The growth of the wood master has the effect of increasing vitality and healing. Luo Chen's previous zhenqi has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. It is not difficult to see this result, and isn't increasing lifespan his favorite!

The wood attribute has obvious disadvantages, but compared to more advantages, that slight disadvantage is not worth mentioning, anyway, Luo Chen is very satisfied.

Yan Chixia, who was guarding the Dharma at the side, was slowly relieved when she saw Luo Chen take the most crucial step. Although she knew that this newly recruited apprentice had amazing martial arts talent, no one knew whether he was suitable for cultivating mana. It's not sure, he himself is just a wild way of becoming a monk halfway, and he doesn't know much about some things!

"It seems that I am worrying unnecessarily!"

Time passed slowly, Luo Chen was still practicing, and the movement became louder and louder.

Yan Chixia began to worry again. She knew that it was too late. The sooner she cultivated, the better. She had explained to him before that he didn't look like a reckless person. Why didn't she stop? I can only forcibly interrupt him!

Reiki is not like the true energy in your own body. As I said before, these small light spots seem to have their own consciousness. When you treat it gently, communicate with it constantly, and establish a deeper connection with it, it is yours. Friends are your relatives and can give you great help!

Luo Chen's body is now in a different scene. The more aura that is integrated into the body, the more mana. He is a person who pays attention to efficiency. Putting aside Yan Chixia's advice, he wants to try it according to his own ideas .

Now he has tasted the consequences of doing so, speeding up the cultivation technique, forming a gravitational vortex, and a large amount of spiritual energy was sucked into the body crazily. At this time, the spiritual energy was not treated gently, as if it was frightened and began to riot.

The converted mana also began to fight against the aura that entered the body. Luo Chen's body was their battlefield, and the body that had been strengthened by true qi obviously couldn't withstand such a powerful energy impact.

"Is it really not possible? But why are you a little bit unwilling!"

The reason why Luo Chen acted like this was not just because of impulsiveness. According to the plot, after three days, the Black Mountain Old Demon would send his men to pick up the female ghost Xiaoqian. If the killing is successful, I'm afraid there will be more accidents in the future.

Letting go of the previous inner thoughts, returning to the present, Luo Chen's skin began to burst into dense small wounds, and traces of blood continued to seep out, but in a short time, it seemed to become a blood man, which looked more terrifying than those skeleton monsters .

Like hundreds of millions of ants constantly gnawing on his body, Luo Chen's consciousness has fallen to the brink of collapse, and gradually became blurred!

Everything happened too fast, and Yan Chixia didn't expect Luo Chen to do this. If he interrupted forcibly at this time, it would only speed up the death of his consciousness, and it would not help him but harm him, "Oh, you boy, How can you take my words as wind on your ears, now you can only rely on yourself to live or die!"

Luo Chen anticipated most of the consequences, but not all of them. All calculations are based on known conditions, and the energy level of the aura far exceeded his expectations. What should he do when he is in this desperate situation? Woolen cloth!

The pain that goes deep into the soul, because of the collapse of consciousness, is no longer the focus of attention, but Luo Chen's subconscious is still there at this time, "I am about to die, dying in a different world, in order to complete the task of the system, it is worth ?"

"It's worth it! Get rid of the busy life, let your own life be more exciting, let your existence change the fate of family members, friends, nations, countries, and races, and let the existence of your will become more meaningful, then No matter what you let yourself go through, it is worth it, even if it is death!"

Consciousness felt the pain of the soul again. Luo Chen's state of mind has experienced the test of death at this time, and there have been new changes. Since he can't resist the impact of spiritual energy and death, let himself accept it wholeheartedly. !

Because of the riot of spiritual energy, a chain reaction occurred, and the concentration of spiritual energy around him became astonishing. As Luo Chen no longer used a small amount of mana to prevent the destruction of spiritual energy, he instead protected the brain that supported his consciousness, the skin on his body surface It began to melt and fall off, followed by the muscles, and the meridians gradually seemed to be able to see the internal organs of the body!

"Is it hopeless? I didn't expect that I just found a disciple who fit my heart, and ended up with nothing left so soon!" Yan Chixia, who was far away, didn't know whether it was disappointment or sadness, I can only watch Luo Chen's miserable situation like this!

Luo Chen's method doesn't seem to work, and the result is developing in a worse direction, but is it really hopeless?Really giving up on himself, is he planning to give up on himself?

Now look at the person sitting on the ground, he can no longer be said to be a person, a skeleton, and the last organ, the brain protected by mana, what will happen to a normal person if he is cut into pieces? How about it!

A small spot of light caught in a riot lost its confrontation and restraint, and gradually calmed down. It wanted to return to the air and continue to swim, but the surrounding aura was still squeezed in, and it was hit on the skeleton. A gentle consciousness enveloped it, welcoming its arrival, it liked it here, stayed, and slowly began to integrate into the skeleton,

first, second, third

Luo Chen's mottled skeleton gradually plumped up, smooth and clean as new, and gradually took on color, the warm and jade-like turquoise, looking like a work of art.

Yan Chixia originally planned to leave this sad place, but at this moment she stopped in a daze, "This is the innate Taoism, how could it be possible that a dead person suddenly has the innate Taoism! What is this? what happened?"

Chapter 43 Innate Dao Body

The sky is slowly getting dark!

In the dark Lanruo Temple, Yan Chixia was sitting cross-legged on the roof, not practicing cultivation, looking at the ground excitedly and nervously, an incredible thing or person happened to him below!

A person exuding a turquoise glow, not the gloomy green of the will-o'-the-wisp, but a warm turquoise that exudes vitality, it is Luo Chen, he is no longer the horrible bone frame before, Over time, the strong vitality brought by the wood attribute made him continue to re-grow, viscera, various organs, meridians, flesh and blood, and finally skin and hair.

The body completely transformed from spiritual power, the "innate body" in Yan Chixia's mouth, at this time the light gradually dimmed and disappeared under the surface of the body, and Luo Chen also opened his eyes.

"It's true that misfortune depends on blessings, blessings lie on misfortunes, life is determined by death, and wealth depends on heaven. It's a pity that I don't want to die, and heaven won't let me die."

"Boy, I really didn't expect that you can break down and then stand up, put it to death and then live again. You are blessed and worthy of being my Yan Chixia's apprentice, haha!" Yan Chixia dropped a long robe casually, because Luo Chen is naked now.

Taking it over and putting it on, Luo Chen was also lamenting his fate,

"Congratulations to the host, you have reached the physical fitness of level 2 energy civilization, and I hope you will continue to work hard."

I got zero unexpected rewards because of my preliminary exposure to the spiritual power of level 2 energy civilization before. This time I directly reached the physical fitness of level 2 energy civilization. I don’t know if there will be any rewards after returning to the main world!

Luo Chen didn't think about it any more, and he couldn't get a zero response after thinking about it, so it's better not to think about it.

Looking at the surrounding environment, I didn't expect that in the gloomy Lanruo Temple, there are lovely green growths at this time. Around Luo Chen got up, some grass and saplings popped out of the stone slabs!

"It's really wrong for the disciple to worry the master," Luo Chen said, apologizing for not saying hello to Yan Chixia before.

"Don't take it to heart, you have this adventure, it is your own good fortune, as a teacher, I can only be happy for you."

Yan Chixia looked at Luo Chen with bright eyes, don't get me wrong, he was just curious about the legendary innate Taoism.

"Master, why don't you ask the disciples to roast some wild game and prepare some jars of good wine, and we'll talk slowly!" Luo Chen wasn't because he was hungry, nor was it because of the curious gaze of a bearded man, but simply wanted to change the situation. atmosphere of the time.

"Alright, haha, let's go!"

The fire was raised again, an old man and a young man were in a ruined temple, eating barbecue and drinking fine wine, discussing something with great interest.

"Apprentice, your mana cultivation base is not weaker than mine, and your future cultivation speed will be blessed by the innate Dao body, and your future achievements will surely surpass the past, but you should also abide by your beliefs, and don't act recklessly. Don't rely on momentary impetuosity and impulsiveness, so as not to make a big mistake, remember it!" Yan Chixia seemed to regard Luo Chen as a personal disciple, and she encouraged and admonished him at the same time.

"Disciple will find out in the future, please rest assured, master. Disciple intends to get rid of the thousand-year-old tree demon, and it can be regarded as a way of comforting the resentment of those who died in vain. I don't know what master wants," Luo Chen planned to advance the plan of getting rid of the tree demon.

Thinking of the miserable situation of the Xiahou swordsman before, Yan Chixia actually had this plan long ago, but he was not completely sure about dealing with the dryad alone, but now that there is an extra Luo Chen whose strength is still above him, he can do it. Give it a try!

"Okay, but we have to prepare well, just in case!"

In order to give full play to Luo Chen's strength, Yan Chixia also took out all the tricks at the bottom of the box, and finally asked Luo Chen if he had a magic weapon at hand, and planned to give him the Xuanyuan Divine Sword.

Because Yan Chixia itself is metallic, most of the time, he used sword tactics. With Xuanyuan Shenjian, the attack power was even stronger by three points. Luo Chen refused, and took out the sword in his hand. long gun.

Although Yan Chixia doesn't know much about wood-attribute spells, he knows some thunder and fire-attribute spells, and he is planning to teach them all to his own disciples!

Naturally, Luo Chen would not refuse anyone who came, and he studied and asked attentively, so as to realize new attack spells from them.

Yan Chixia here is teaching her disciples, and Luo Chen is studying hard!

And Ning Caichen, who went down the mountain, not only spent the night in Lanruo Temple, but also used the compiled account book to scare the boss, and successfully got the money back. At this time, he was happily going to live in the water. Haunted, but now it can't scare him at all!

Doomed to his fate with the female ghost, Ning Caichen murmured loudly that he was going to drink and wanted to find a beautiful woman on a date. It was a simple misunderstanding, but because of various accidents, Xiaoqian moved to Ning Caichen In order to realize the true feelings, Ning Caichen also took advantage of it in a daze!

Until dawn, the female ghost who was afraid of seeing the light chased him away. Seeing that his love was rejected, Ning Caichen ran to the market depressed and wandered around. When he accidentally saw the wanted portrait, he thought Yan Chi Xia is a murderer, and she ran back to remind Xiaoqian in the heavy rain, she is really infatuated and unrepentant, so touching!

And Luo Chen's plan was also to act tonight. After a day, he basically mastered Yan Chixia's few spells, and he was able to retract and release them normally. If a group of monsters collide, it will only increase the trouble.

When I came to Shuhuiju, I found Ning Caichen and the female ghost Nie Xiaoqian in a small pavilion. At this time, Luo Chen had mana in his body, so he could see it very clearly. It's all just fantasy.

At this time, Ning Caichen was following a dark energy, doing indescribable things, Luo Chen saw it, but still couldn't hold back, "This kid is really a ruthless person!"

Ning Caichen, who couldn't see clearly his fantasy, of course he wouldn't think like Luo Chen. He was still intoxicated at this moment, grabbed the bell on Xiaoqian's ankle, and out of curiosity, he shook it vigorously!

Nie Xiaoqian's pink face was so frightened, but now it turned pale, "Oh, no, run!"

After the female ghost fascinated passers-by, she rang the bell, which was a signal to remind the dryad to absorb the yang energy. Ning Caichen's move counted him as unlucky.

There is a lot of yin, the body of the thousand-year-old tree spirit does not know how big it is, anyway, looking at the branches swimming underground, they all look like ancient giant pythons, Luo Chen only feels that it is oozing panic!

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