The Master said: Gentlemen don't compare each other, villains don't compare each other!

After writing such a sentence, every word turned into a sword, attacking Chu Feng!

Facing such an attack, Wu Xie brandished a long whip, and shattered the incoming swords one by one!

Wu Xie had just resolved such a sentence, and Liu Hongfei had already written an article in just one breath!

The densely packed text was suspended in the air, like a swarm of bees poking a hornet's nest, attacking Chu Feng and Wu Xie!

Wu Xie kept waving the long whip, shattering the attacking text, and she tried to kill Liu Hongfei!

But Liu Hongfei's movements were weird and erratic, Wu Xie couldn't hurt him at all!

According to this situation, Wu Xie will be exhausted to death by Liu Hongfei!

Of course, there is another choice for Wuxie, which is to escape from this place!

Wu Xie looked at Chu Feng. Chu Feng closed his eyes and didn't know what he was doing!

Chu Feng naturally buys things in the system mall!

Chu Feng really wanted to buy an artifact, and then directly kill Liu Hongfei!

However, although he has nearly 300 million hatred points in his hand, he must save the hatred points to detoxify Shi Wushuang!

In the end, Chu Feng spent [-] hatred points in exchange for a basic exercise called Wenqu Xinggong!

The system mall's introduction to Wenqu Xinggong is like this. Wenquxinggong is a Confucian and Taoist method. Practicing the Wenquxing function makes spoken words and written words have lethal power!

The more powerful the words and words, the greater the lethality!

In Chu Feng's eyes, the so-called Wenqu Xinggong can be called the mouth cannon skill!

After exchanging the exercises, Chu Feng opened his eyes, and he saw Liu Hongfei was reciting the article while writing words in the air!

At this moment, Wu Xie protects Chu Feng and falls into a storm formed by words!

Wu Xie's cultivation level is higher than Liu Hongfei's, but facing such a weird attack!

And in order to protect Chu Feng, Wu Xie is very passive!

Chu Feng smiled and patted her head, "Thank you for your hard work, leave it to me!"

Wu Xie didn't like being touched by Chu Feng on the head. She was about to say something when she was surprised to find that Chu Feng's whole body changed drastically!

Taking a deep breath, Chu Feng performed Wenqu Xinggong, and he planned to read a very powerful poem, "Heaven and earth have righteousness..."

Chu Feng planned to read Wen Tianxiang's song of righteousness, but he never expected that this famous poem through the ages is so powerful!

Just after reading the first sentence, all the spiritual power in his body was drained!

Not only that, but as soon as these five words came out, the entire hall, and even Tianluo Mountain where Yaochi was located, experienced terrifying vibrations!

An invisible and frightening force directly disintegrated the text storm created by Liu Hongfei!

Because Chu Feng didn't continue reading, the frightening power that shook the entire Tianluo Mountain disappeared slowly after a short period of time!

Tianluoshan vibrated for a while, and then regained its calm. The big figures in the hall looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to understand what happened just now!

Chu Feng took out a white porcelain gourd, which contained the spiritual liquid produced every day by the broken bowl!

After drinking the elixir, the hollowed out strength in Chu Feng's body was restored!

He smiled and looked at Liu Hongfei, "You want to kill me with words, I'm really sorry, I can kill people with words!"

At this time, Chu Feng changed a poem, "A man should kill, kill without mercy, immortality for thousands of years, all in killing..."

The poems that Chu Feng uttered suddenly changed into a terrifying murderous weapon!

Chu Feng, who is an evil devil, practiced Confucianism and Taoism!

Liu Hongfei was surprised, he hurriedly wrote words in the air, trying to block Chu Feng's attack!

Liu Hongfei instantly wrote a famous poem in the void, and that poem turned into a solid defensive wall!

However, the sharp weapon transformed from Chu Feng's poems broke through Liu Hongfei's defense with such a forceful posture, and entered Liu Hongfei's body...

Chapter 74 He Discovered Too Many Things You Shouldn't Know


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

Liu Hongfei's body was penetrated by the invisible power of poetry!

Chu Feng is clearly at the sixth level of the Profound Soul Realm, but his attainments in Confucianism and Taoism are obviously higher than Liu Hongfei's!

Such a discovery stunned the big shots present!

When they came back to their senses, they immediately stepped forward to protect Liu Hongfei!

They were extremely worried that Liu Hongfei would be killed by Chu Feng!

In fact, Chu Feng, who had just read two lines of poems, was drained of the strength in his body again!

His spirit was so tired that he had to drink the elixir again!

Wenqu Xinggong's mouth cannon skills are really powerful!

But it's just too exhausting!

If it wasn't for Chu Feng's psychic fluid to continue his life, he would have been finished long ago!

Seeing Liu Hongfei lying in a pool of blood, Chu Feng laughed loudly, "Liu Hongfei, you can speak well, don't you want to destroy me on behalf of Heaven?"

"In the current situation, why have you been beaten to the ground by the power of justice? I'm right, you are not righteous, and your stomach is full of dirty thoughts..."

"Chu Feng!" A big man yelled at Chu Feng, "You are really not ordinary vicious, you actually want to use such words to destroy Liu Hongfei's Dao Heart!"

"Murderous, especially vicious!"

"This son is really a crooked devil!"

Facing the accusations from those big figures, Chu Feng laughed again, "Interesting, really interesting!"

"You people are a group of famous people who have been famous for a long time!"

"When Liu Hongfei killed me, they stood aside and praised Liu Hongfei for his high spirits. This son has a bright future!"

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