What Ming Yuan said made Leilins a little frightened, he knew Ming Yuan's methods!

He knew very well that no matter where he fled, Ming Yuan could find him!

Even if he died, Mingyuan could pull him out of hell and continue to torture him!

Leylins originally thought that his strength was infinitely close to Mingyuan, and that he and Miaoyu would be able to kill Mingyuan together!

But he didn't expect that he couldn't even break through the formation defense set up by Ming Yuan!

"Hurry up and think of a way!" Leylins yelled at Miaoyu.

"My spirit body clone attacked him, he is very weak now, as long as he can break through the formation, he can be killed!"

Knowing this, Leylins took out all kinds of spiritual weapons, and he used all means to try to blast away the formation set up by Ming Yuan!

However, Leilins is Mingyuan's apprentice, everything about him was taught by Mingyuan, how could Mingyuan not know what kind of means Leilins has!

The formation set up by Ming Yuan can be said to have easily prevented Leylins!

After a bombardment, the formation showed no sign of disintegration!

Raylins was desperate, he wanted to run away!

He couldn't stop Ming Yuan from seizing Chu Feng!

At this time, Mingyuan rises into the sky again!

Although he was very weak, he was able to seize Chu Feng for the second time!

Witnessing Ming Yuan's seizure of Chu Feng, both Lei Linsi and Miao Yu were shocked and despaired!

In the distance, Wu Xie also witnessed Ming Yuan performing the ceremony, and she was very anxious, "Chu Feng seems to be restrained, he can't do anything, mother-in-law, we must help him!"

The old woman nodded, but also shook her head, "Just now you also saw that Leylins tried to destroy the formation set up by Mingyuan, but all his attacks were of no avail!"

"My attack may also be ineffective, so don't get your hopes up!"

"Try it anyway!"

"Grandma, please do your best, I will protect the law for you!"

This girl really cares about Chu Feng very much!

The old woman smiled in her heart, took a deep breath, and used her strongest move!

She locked on a star in the night sky with her cloudy eyes, she shook that star, and pulled that star down...

Chapter 64 It's the Second Day Now

In the night sky, there is a whistling sound!

Everyone looked up at the sky, and they saw a fireball!

That fireball looks extremely small, but it keeps getting bigger!

Just by looking at it, Leylins and Miaoyu knew that it was a meteor!

It is definitely not an exaggeration for a strong man in the powerful realm to destroy a country with one blow!

The fall of such a meteorite is enough to turn a small country into scorched earth in an instant!

It is estimated that a powerful person from a famous and decent sect made the move!

Leylins and Miaoyu looked at each other, and they left without hesitation!

In the Nether Valley at the foot of the mountain, although it is still shrouded in mist!

However, the dazzling light of the meteorite has pierced through the fog and is witnessed by everyone!

At this moment, the disciples in Nether Valley became extremely flustered!

When everyone wanted to escape from Nether Valley, someone grabbed Xiang Chengsi and Hu Xi'er!

"Both of you have participated in the restoration of the Great Mountain Protector Array. Hurry up and find other brothers. There is still some time before the meteor falls. We must use all our strength to strengthen the Great Mountain Protector Array!"

"I tell you, it's no use running away!"

"After all, the meteorite's exploding area is enough to cover a small country!"

"Can you escape thousands of miles away in an instant?"

"Hurry up and strengthen the mountain guard array!"

Everyone in Nether Valley was mobilized!

Everyone has devoted themselves to the work of strengthening the mountain protection array!

Up to now, everyone dared not hide their secrets, and took out all kinds of rare ores and materials one after another!

After all, at this time, the mountain guard formation was strengthened to protect his own life!

On the top of the mountain, Ming Yuan, who was about to take Chu Feng away, naturally also discovered the meteor attack!

He has self-knowledge, he knows very well that this mountain may not be able to withstand the attack of meteorites!

How to deal with the meteor attack? Naturally, treat the person in the same way as the person!

Ming Yuan stood up, he took off his shirt, revealing his withered upper body!

However, as he mobilized the power in his body, his withered upper body seemed to be inflated, and his body became extremely strong and powerful in an instant!

He raised his hands, took a deep breath, and let out a violent roar!

He seems to have plucked something from the sky!

Chu Feng tried his best to look up at the night sky!

He saw a star trembling away from the night sky, falling at a rapid speed!

Even though Chu Feng had witnessed this scene with his own eyes, a strong man in the Almighty Realm could shake the stars, but he still couldn't believe it!

After all, such a thing is really too dreamy!

Ming Yuan, who is extremely strong, exudes a powerful and terrifying aura all over his body!

He manipulated the falling star, and quickly attacked the falling meteor!

His cultivation level is much higher than that of the old lady, even though the old lady took the lead in manipulating the falling stars!

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