Now, Chu Feng has shouldered a responsibility that no one has ever dared to shoulder!

His greatness is beyond compare!

Chapter 421 Supporting the entire world with one's own strength

After incorporating the whole world into the body.

Chu Feng turned his eyes to the vast cosmic starry sky.

Now, he is supporting the whole world with his own flesh and blood!

I want to make everyone in the world grow up!

If he wants to let the mortals in the world gain the power comparable to the gods, he must keep fighting and gain hatred!

After killing a god, everyone in the entire fairy world was nervously confronting Chu Feng!

They were extremely worried that Chu Feng would destroy the entire fairy world with one blow!

People living in the fairy world are also a bunch of poor people!

They were deceived by the fairy gods!

But compared to those in the world, they are lucky.

Glancing towards the fairy world, Chu Feng turned and walked towards the vast universe!

Someone will tell the truth of history to the people of the fairy world!

One day in the future, the people in the fairy world will definitely become an important force against the fairy gods!

At this time, Yi Nantian and the young devil returned to the world.

They felt an unparalleled rich aura!

They naturally know where the whole world is now!

Chu Feng, he intends to support the whole world with his own strength!

What kind of courage is this, they dare not even think about such a thing!

But Chu Feng did such a thing without hesitation!

By doing this, he is naturally protecting the whole world!

The young demon lord told Yi Nantian solemnly, "There are certain things that we must let everyone in the world know!"

Yi Nantian nodded without hesitation, "We have all done too many shameful things to the world. Now, it's time for us to atone for our sins!"

The young Demon Lord returned to the Heavenly Court, while Yi Nantian went to the Catacombs!

a day later.

The huge Nine Heavens appeared from a high altitude over the Western Regions!

The catacombs located deep in the center of the earth have also opened their doors!

Many big figures of the legendary level came out of the cave!

In the human world, the revival of spiritual energy caused the five regions of the world to fall into carnival!

The present world of Heavenly Court and Catacombs surprised and delighted countless people!

However, no one expected that both Heavenly Court and Catacombs would send such messages to the outside world!

The reason for the revival of spiritual energy in the world lies in Chu Feng!

Chu Feng is expending unparalleled power to send spiritual energy to the whole world!

Knowing such a thing, many people can't believe it!

After all, Chu Feng has been notorious for a long time!

Wherever it passed, blood flowed like a river!

He has done a lot of heinous things!

However, this incident came from the mouth of Yi Nantian, the great emperor of the human race ten thousand years ago!

Even if everyone doesn't believe it, they have to admit that because of Chu Feng, earth-shaking changes are taking place in the world!

There is another thing that makes everyone in the world unbelievable!

Yi Nantian told everyone that the fairy gods in the fairy world are actually the real demons!

Endless years ago, the demon clan captured the fairyland and sealed the entire human world, not allowing mortals in the human world to become immortals!

And all the people living in the human world are actually descendants of the fairy world!

Such a thing shocked the eyes of countless people!

Some people believe it, and some don't!

But believe it or not, there is one more thing that everyone in the world must face!

One day in the future, the demons who rule the fairy world will definitely show up, and they will slaughter the descendants of the fairy world in the human world!

Such a thing cast a cloud over the whole world!

Whether it is a practitioner or an ordinary person, they all feel a great sense of crisis!

Among the Western Regions.

Learn about such things.

Luo Xi couldn't believe it, she immediately went to Elder Shenhuang, "Elder, where did that guy go?"

Besides Luo Xi, Shi Wushuang and Wu Xie also want to know about this!

Facing the expectant eyes of those girls, Elder Shenhuang showed a bright smile on his stunning face, "He has gone to a very far away place, but he has always been with us!"

What Elder Shenhuang said was clearly contradictory!

Since Chu Feng went to a distant place.

How can he be with us again?

Elder Shenhuang looked at the blue sky, "That guy swallowed the whole world into his body!"

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