"Really?" Chu Feng sneered, "Are all the women in the God's Forsaken team all goods, can they be traded?"

"If God's Abandoned is such a team, then let's forget about our cooperation."

Hearing what Chu Feng said, the old man was not nervous.

Instead, he laughed loudly, "Lin'er, did you hear that I said that the person holding the Lord's Ring must have excellent character!"

The old man said such words, which means that what he said to Chu Feng just now was a test for Chu Feng!

At this time, a girl came out from the corner.

She looked at Chu Feng curiously and shyly with black and white eyes.

The bald old man got up from the sofa at this moment, and he actually knelt down in front of Chu Feng!

Chu Feng got up quickly, "Senior, what are you doing?"

"Devil Lord, you should be able to see that Lin'er has an outstanding talent. If she can receive a good education, she can definitely surpass most people in the fairy world."

"However, she is not a child born to an ordinary family in the fairy world, she is a child born to a member of our God Forsaken."

"She has a very high talent, and none of us can teach her."

"Staying inside the Forsaken will only bury her."

"So, I beg the devil, you can keep her by your side and teach her yourself!"

It turned out to be such a thing, Chu Feng pulled up the bald old man who was kneeling on the ground, "Isn't it just such a thing, is there a need for such a big gift?"

Hearing what Chu Feng said, the bald old man burst into joy, and he quickly waved to the girl, "Lin'er, why don't you hurry up and call Master!"

"Don't worry!" Chu Feng interrupted the old man, "What I'm going to give you next can improve the strength of all of you, and that girl is the same, she doesn't have to follow me, she can also pass her Try to grow up!"

The bald old man wanted to say something, but at this moment, Chu Feng sent a subsystem to the old man in his heart.

The old man who suddenly harvested the subsystem was a little dazed.

But he is not an ordinary person, he quickly figured out the use of subsystems.

He looked at Chu Feng in surprise, wanting to ask what it was.

Chu Feng didn't explain, but asked with a smile, "Do you think this thing can make you stronger?"

The old man nodded without hesitation. At this time, Chu Feng also dispatched a subsystem to the girl.

The old man manipulated subsystems that only he could see.

He easily knew how powerful this subsystem was!

He didn't understand what it was, but he felt the incredible power of Chu Feng!

Chu Feng must have something more powerful than this, and Chu Feng can obtain all kinds of information in the fairy world with absolute ease.

However, he still said that he wanted the God Abandoned to take out the information of the fairy world and make a deal with him.

In doing so, he was naturally taking care of the heart of the God-forsaken.

At such a moment, the cloudy eyes of the bald old man became blurred.

He hadn't been so moved for a long time, and he knelt down in front of Chu Feng again.

This time, no matter how Chu Feng helped him, he didn't get up from the ground.

"Devil Lord, no, I think I should respectfully call you the God Lord. You are more like a fairy god than those high-ranking fairy gods, and those high-ranking fairy gods are human-eating demons!"

"Anyway, please accept my worship, the little old man really has nothing to thank you, all I can offer is gratitude!"

"I assure you, I, the God-Forsaken, will definitely follow you in the future!"

Chu Feng shook his head at this moment, "I don't need your followers."

"I came to Immortal Realm to resolve the war."

"There will be a terrorist war in the future. If possible, I hope that as few people as possible will be involved!"

"I have given you powerful means. I hope you can find a place to live a good life, not because I want you to help me kill immortals and gods!"

Before the bald old man could react to the others, Chu Feng turned his head and looked outside the aircraft, "Okay, you should leave, the law enforcers in the fairy world have found you, I will buy you some time, you should leave quickly!"

After speaking, Chu Feng disappeared from the cabin, and he appeared in the sky outside the aircraft.

At this time, around the rusty God's Abandoned aircraft, several brand new and powerful aircraft appeared out of thin air!

The Forsaken God was surrounded in all directions, and under normal circumstances, they could not escape.

However, they have the support of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng appeared high in the sky, and was immediately spotted by the law enforcement aircraft surrounding him.

Those law enforcement officers who control the aircraft, their mission is to capture the God Abandoned.

However, they have also seen the image of the demon Chu Feng!

They were shocked to find that the demon Chu Feng was with the abandoned god!

"Don't fire, don't fire, don't fire!"

On the Law Enforcer aircraft, a high-level person immediately shouted an order!

In fact, without his order, the law enforcement officers on other aircraft were all dumbfounded when they saw Chu Feng's appearance.

They have seen it with their own eyes on the Internet, and Chu Feng snapped his fingers, causing several powerful hidden law enforcers to explode and die!

They are no stronger than those secret law enforcers, they dare not start a war with Chu Feng!

They drove the aircraft away for the first time.

Of course, they reported the news of Chu Feng's sacrifice quickly!

The law enforcement headquarters received the news and spread it rapidly!

Almost instantly, law enforcement officers in every city knew Chu Feng's location!

At this moment, a golden light shot from a distance!

The golden light can only be emitted by immortals!

In other words, there are immortal gods attacking!

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