"Princess, why do you say that? Isn't Immortal World and I working together? If you have any tasks, just arrange them!"

"The words I just said are just to remind you that from the beginning, you begged to cooperate with me, not me begging you to cooperate with me!"

This kid is really not ordinary arrogant, but he has the capital of arrogance!

The matter of the bait has already been discussed, Princess Baihua took a big sip of wine and laughed!

"That's the deal!" She reached out and patted Chu Feng's shoulder, "Let's not talk about this, let's talk about other things!"

"You should have seen my daughter, what do you think of my daughter, I think you young people should get along more!"

"Your daughter..." Chu Feng thought for a while, and a figure appeared in his mind, "Is your daughter that expressionless, cold-looking, high-ranking woman who is full of jewels?"

"Hahaha, you really paid attention to my daughter, you really watch my daughter carefully!"

"I, the mother, make the decision. Tonight, the two of you go straight to the bridal chamber!"


For Princess Baihua's proposal, Chu Feng agreed, "I'll go back and prepare the wedding room. After nightfall, Auntie, remember to send your daughter to my room. That's the deal!"

After speaking, Chu Feng quickly slipped away and left from the birdcage-like pavilion.

Yujie waited for Chu Feng outside the gazebo, and when she saw Chu Feng come out of the gazebo safe and sound, she heaved a long sigh of relief!

"Is Princess Baihua scary?" Seeing Yujie relieved, Chu Feng was very curious, "You didn't tell me before you came here."

"I didn't know it was she who wanted to see you!" Yujie explained quickly and easily, "Princess Baihua is a madman for marrying a girl, she is always selling her daughter like crazy!"

"And then?" Chu Feng didn't feel that something was wrong, "Isn't it normal for a mother to urge her to marry her as her daughter is getting older?"

"This..." Yujie looked at Chu Feng sympathetically, "You will find out in the evening..."

Chapter 388 A springboard to explore a bigger world

Princess Baihua is a well-known madman who marries a daughter.

Once someone is targeted by her, they will always be treated inhumanely.

However, after nightfall, Yujie's worries did not arise, and nothing happened to Chu Feng.

After all, Chu Feng is an extremely important existence, even if Princess Baihua intends to marry her daughter to Chu Feng, she dare not mess around!

Once Chu Feng is annoyed, the consequences can be described as unimaginable!

The current situation is somewhat delicate.

Heaven intends to attack the fairy world.

And the fairy world has discovered Tianting's small movements.

For the situation in the fairy world, Heavenly Court can be said to be ignorant.

But fortunately, Chu Feng knows the secret of the fairy world, and Heavenly Court and Chu Feng have reached a cooperation!

Today, the plan formulated by the Heavenly Court is very simple. On the one hand, they will get information about the Immortal Realm from Chu Feng, and on the other hand, they will use Chu Feng as a bait to lure the Immortal Realm to take action, so as to judge the strength of the Immortal Realm!

How the bait plan will be carried out, Tianting has not yet told Chu Feng.

Chu Feng didn't care about such a matter.

After a period of hard work, the heavenly court's plan to create immortals for the world has come to an end!

According to the agreement, Chu Feng must tell the secret of the fairy world!

On this day, Princess Baihua, carrying her expressionless daughter, appeared on Chu Feng's empty island.

Chu Feng knew very well that on the surface, only Princess Baihua and her daughter came to Sky Island.

In fact, at such a moment, the entire heavenly court is paying attention to this place.

Seeing their arrival, Chu Feng was not surprised at all.

He was already ready to tell the story of the fairy world!

"If you can, please start!" At this time, Princess Baihua was extremely serious, she did not have the previous sentimental appearance of drinking away her sorrows.

Her expressionless and luxurious daughter had strands of curiosity on her cold face.

Chu Feng looked at them with a smile and nodded, "According to the agreement, I need to tell the secret of the fairy world!"

"As you all know, the fairy world was actually created by the demons."

"It's just that there were some accidents in ancient times, which caused the Great Demon Sealing War to happen!"

"After the Demon Sealing War, the demon clan became synonymous with evil in the world, and the Heavenly Court was also established at that time!"

"Of course, the Heavenly Court was extremely weak after the Demon Sealing War. You carefully hid in the sky, fearing that you would be discovered by the forces of the world!"

"You have spent endless years, as well as endless hard work and sweat, to manage this situation!"

"Ahem..." Princess Baihua interrupted Chu Feng's words with a dry cough, "Shouldn't you be talking about the fairy world? Why are you talking about heaven now?"

Chu Feng nodded, "The reason why I am talking about the situation in the Heavenly Court is because I want to tell you that the Nine Heavens owned by the Heavenly Court is actually a place built by the demons using the leftovers from the construction of the fairyland in ancient times!"

Using the leftovers from the construction of the fairy world, to build the nine heavens of heaven?

What Chu Feng said really made the mother and daughter of Princess Baihua gasp!

At the same time, the upper echelons of the Heavenly Court hidden in the dark were also surprised by this incident.

Whether this matter is true or false, they do not know.

Logically speaking, there should be many unknown ancient historical materials in the Heavenly Court!

But it's a pity, as Chu Feng said, the battle of sealing demons that happened in ancient times almost wiped out the demons!

At the beginning, only a small group of demons escaped in the Nine Heavens of the Heavenly Court. At that time, they only thought about how to survive, and did not record some historical materials from the ancient times at all!

Therefore, this has also led to the fact that the demons who rule the heavens today are ignorant of what happened in ancient times!

"The Nine Heavens of the Heavenly Court are built from the leftovers from the fairy world..." Princess Baihua recovered from her surprise, and she heard a hint of implication!

She was surprised to see Chu Feng, "Could it be that the so-called fairy world is actually similar to our heaven?"

Chu Feng did not affirm this matter, nor did he deny it!

"What the fairy world looks like is actually not the point."

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