"On the way, we will pass several barbarian cities, we must avoid them!"

"Of course, they will stop us when they hear the news!"

"Fortunately, Your Excellency Chu Feng gave us a lot of supplies..."

Sun Daoyi announced the matter while distributing supplies and reminding everyone how to use those supplies!

At this time, the Mingzhu Ranch was howling with cold wind, which was no different from usual.

The sales market at the entrance of the big ranch is much more sluggish than in the past.

After all, all the Khanates in the Northern Plains are conducting investigations on the families in their respective countries.

The entire Northern Plains was in a mess, and the business of selling human races suddenly became quite deserted.

Biyou was walking inside the ranch, kicking stones boredly.

According to her speculation, Chu Feng will definitely appear in the ranch.

But she had been waiting for many days, and Chu Feng did not show up for a long time.

She naturally heard about the arrest of the head of the Golden Family, and knew that the Golden Horde Khan was trying to eradicate the Golden Family.

The members of the Golden Family had chosen to flee the Golden Horde, but Biyou did not follow them.

If possible, Biyou wanted to follow Chu Feng.

Chu Feng is powerful and handsome!

It can be said that Biyou fell in love with him at first sight!

If she can see him again, Biyou will definitely follow him closely!

Biyou didn't know that at this moment, Chu Feng appeared in the sky above the ranch.

Biyou didn't sense Chu Feng's arrival, so Chu Feng naturally used the ants' hiding skill.

"Amitabha!" Fazhao still followed Chu Feng, and when he saw the purgatory on earth in the ranch, he clasped his hands together and sighed!

"I'm really lonely and ignorant of this world!"

"If I knew before that you barbarians were raising humans in captivity, I would never be with people like you!"

Fazhao cast a disgusted look at Tuoba Qilue, and Tuoba Qilue followed beside Chu Feng.

Of course, this was not Tuoba Qilue's own will, he followed Chu Feng only after Fazhao's persuasion, and Chu Feng also acquiesced to this matter.

Faced with Fazhao's disgust, Tuoba Qilue was very embarrassed, "The northern plains are barren and crops cannot grow, so..."

"This is not the reason for your barbarians to eat people!" Fazhao shook his head with a black face, "I really didn't expect that the barbarians are like uncivilized barbarians!"

Tuoba Qi slightly scratched his head, not knowing how to explain.

Fortunately, at this time, Chu Feng spoke.

"Fazhao, have you forgotten what your master said?"

"The barbarian cannibalism is completely persecuted by various forces in other regions!"

"Everything in the world has a certain amount. If the barbarians can fill their stomachs, then the things in other regions will inevitably decrease!"

"So, no matter whether it's the human race in Dongzhou or Zhongzhou, or the human race in the Western Regions, they know that the barbarians are eating people, but they never do anything about it!"

Fazhao sighed again, but this time, he looked forward to looking at Chu Feng, "Next, you will help the human race in captivity in the pasture, right?"

Chu Feng nodded, but shook his head again, "I can't help much, the only ones who can help them and save them are themselves!"

Is Chu Feng going to attack Mingzhu Ranch?

Tuoba Qilue was startled, he wanted to report the news on a conditioned reflex!

However, Fazhao was already staring at him!

Fazhao stared at Tuoba Qilue, sending chills down his spine!

Fazhao's bald head has completely become Chu Feng's dog leg!

Tuoba Qilue was not afraid of Fazhao, but he was afraid of Chu Feng, so he didn't dare to act rashly!

Time passed bit by bit.

I don't know how long it took, but it finally came to midnight.

The dark night sky shrouded the vast white Pearl Ranch!

A heavy snowfall had just finished, and the entire ranch was terribly silent!

The huge ranch is surrounded by hundreds of warships.

The ranch is guarded by formations, and those warships are to prevent the invasion of external forces.

Of course, the Pearl Ranch is not owned by a certain family. Behind the Pearl Ranch are several Khanates and dozens of ancient families!

No one would be smart enough to come and invade a ranch like this!

Ever since Pearl Ranch was established, countless years have passed!

So far, nothing major has happened at Pearl Ranch!

On each battleship, the guards on duty at night spend every night dozing off or drinking and playing cards!

Being on the night shift is a kind of benefit for the guards!

No one thought that the formation surrounding the Pearl Ranch would quietly fail at midnight tonight...

Chapter 308 I Win, You Belong To Me

Pearl Ranch is huge.

The formation around the Pearl Ranch is comparable to a large formation to protect the country!

However, Chu Feng only consumed 5000 million hatred points to invalidate the formation!

Of course, the formation is only temporarily ineffective, and Chu Feng has no command system to destroy the formation!

After all, once the formation is destroyed, many big shots will be shocked in an instant!

The khanates and families in the Northern Plains attacked together, and Sun Daoyi and his party would definitely not be able to escape from the ranch!

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