Xin Biluo led Chu Feng towards a certain direction.

On the way, she curiously asked Chu Feng, "Who are you? Are you a traitor to the human race?"

"My name is Chu Feng!"


Xin Biluo stared at Chu Feng in shock, "The famous demon in Dongzhou is also called Chu Feng!"

Chu Feng smiled and spread his hands, "Do you think I look like a demon?"

Xin Biluo looked Chu Feng up and down.

Chu Feng has sword eyebrows and eagle eyes, is handsome and sunny, he is a very handsome man!

There was a pleasant faint fragrance on his body, Xin Biluo didn't feel the breath of the demon race on him!

Xin Biluo blushed slightly and nodded, she was sure that Chu Feng was not a demon.

"I'm Xin Biluo!" Xin Biluo introduced herself, "Next, I will take you to a city named Lak."

Chu Feng never expected that the city of Lak mentioned by Xin Biluo turned out to be a village!

To be precise, that place is not even a village!

Chu Feng saw mounds of earth that looked like graves appearing on the wasteland!

Under each mound is a family!

The barbarians with better conditions used a lot of stones to decorate their mounds!

Looking at the past, there are hundreds of graves in the barren wasteland, just like mass graves!

Anyone who passed by here at night would definitely be terrified!

Hearing that someone was coming, a barbarian with a yellow complexion and thin bones emerged from the grave.

Seeing those barbarians, Chu Feng couldn't help but have black lines all over his head, "In other words, they can live by digging a hole in the ground, why don't they dig a hole in a place with mountains and water to live? starve!"

Hearing Chu Feng's complaints, Xin Biluo smiled awkwardly, "It seems that you really don't know anything about Beiyuan!"

"Why do you say that?"

"In the northern plains, those places with lush water and grass and dense forests are all occupied by nobles!"

"Only barbarians with certain strength are eligible to live in that kind of place."

"As for the civilians..."

Xin Biluo did not continue to speak, her eyes were full of sadness.

Taking a deep breath of the cold air, Xin Biluo looked at Chu Feng, "Start your experiment, let me see how you can feed the residents of Lark City!"

Chu Feng nodded, "I want to ask, what do they feed on weekdays?"

"They..." Xin Biluo thought for a while and gave the answer, "Grass roots, insects, occasionally they can hunt wild animals in the wasteland, or catch one or two escaped human slaves..."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend!"

Chu Feng didn't care about it, "You call the person in charge of Lark City first!"

Xin Biluo beckoned to the city of Lak, which was like a mass grave.

A burly tauren with a human skull hanging around his neck walked quickly.

"Lord Xin, are you bringing us winter food?" The tauren glanced at Chu Feng, and saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Such a situation made Chu Feng sneer, "It seems that you often deliver food to them!"

Xin Biluo reprimanded the tauren with an embarrassing face, "Don't be rude, this is Master Chu, he will take over Lak City and let you have enough to eat!"

Knowing such a thing, the Tauren immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Chu Feng, begging Chu Feng to forgive what he just said.

"Okay!" Chu Feng doesn't like being kowtowed by others, "I will let you have a full meal, but the premise is that you must obey the order!"

The tauren nodded hastily, "Lord Chu, we are willing to do anything in order to have enough to eat!"

"Very good, next, you find some people who know how to plant."

"Planting?" The tauren was very puzzled, "Master Chu, it's winter now..."

"Tauren, you just need to obey my orders!"


The tauren got up quickly and went to look for someone who knew how to plant.

Xin Biluo was very curious, but she wanted to see how Chu Feng made the barbarians grow crops in winter!

Chu Feng turned on the system light screen, and he planned to exchange some items.

Chongchong asked Chu Feng curiously, "Brother, what are you doing?"

"As you can see, I intend to feed some barbarians!"

"I'm curious, what will they do when they are full!"

Chongchong could clearly see that there was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Chu Feng's mouth!

Chongchong is very clear that his brother definitely has another purpose...


Chapter 280 The barbarians are even behind than expected

Not long after, the tauren found a dozen barbarians who knew how to plant.

Chu Feng has exchanged some cold-resistant crop seeds from the system mall.

Chu Feng was not in a hurry to hand over the seeds to those barbarians, he was the first to ask those barbarians questions.

"Do you know what it takes to germinate a seed?"

"I know!" A barbarian raised his hand, "If the climate is warm, the seeds will germinate!"

"What else?" Chu Feng continued to ask.

"There is also the need to water, the seeds will not germinate without water!"

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