"Leaking important information about the sect, do you think it will be fine after a few boards? You are so naive, even I don't know how to deal with you. I have to report this matter to the suzerain!"

After locking Feng Ning, the vulgar man left in a hurry.

At this moment, Feng Ning realized that he had been tricked, and he secretly scolded himself for being a pig!

Being frightened by that bullshit brother, why did I come to the punishment hall in a daze and tell the truth!

This is a dead end, no matter which sect, as long as it is a disciple who betrays the master, there will never be a good end!

Not long after, the vulgar man led a group of people into the punishment hall in a hurry. The leader of the people walked like a tiger, without anger and prestige. He was none other than Zhao Qihan, the suzerain of Tianyuanzong!

When the suzerain appeared, Feng Ning was scared to death. All he could do now was to confess everything and fight for leniency!

Without waiting for the suzerain to ask, Feng Ning just told the whole story about what he did!

Zhao Qihan frowned and asked Feng Ning some detailed questions.

Feng Ning answered every question, and dared not hide anything!

Before Zhao Qihan could announce how to deal with Feng Ning, a person came hurriedly outside the punishment hall!

"Sovereign, Xuanwu hall master Du Taiqing is back, and he said he has something urgent to report!"

"Huh?" Du Taiqing's sudden return surprised Suzerain Zhao Qihan.

Du Taiqing went to escort the supplies, and he will be back at midnight tonight at the earliest!

How could he come back suddenly?

Looking at Feng Ning who was bound by the chains, Zhao Qihan felt an ominous premonition!

He strode away from the punishment hall, wanting to see why Du Taiqing came back suddenly...

Chapter 29 The Praying Mantis Catch the Cicada and the Oriole Behind

After apprentice Lin Jun was taken away by Prince Jing and his party.

Du Taiqing really wanted to follow, lest Lin Jun be executed!

But he had something extremely important to report, so he had to return to Tianyuanzong!

Du Taiqing waited in the meeting hall for a while, the suzerain Zhao Qihan led the other hall masters to file in!

Seeing Du Taiqing's flustered expression and the fine beads of sweat on his forehead, Zhao Qihan's heart skipped a beat, he realized something had happened!


"What happened, tell me quickly!"

"The supplies of Niutou Village were taken away by others!"

"Oh?" Zhao Qihan sat down on the grand teacher's chair, "Did it be snatched away by the Qingxiao faction?"

"No!" Du Taiqing couldn't figure out why the suzerain thought the supplies were taken away by the Qingxiao Sect, "The supplies from Niutou Village were taken away by a man named Chu Feng in Heifeng Village!"

Black Wind Village?

Hearing such a name, Zhao Qihan and the other hall masters looked at each other in dismay!

Looking at the entire Qin Kingdom, I am afraid that there is no one who does not know Heifengzhai!

After all, the bandits in Heifengzhai killed the princess!

If I'm not mistaken, Black Wind Village has already been destroyed by Prince Jing!

Why did Du Taiqing say that Heifengzhai plundered the supplies of Niutouzhai!

Facing the doubtful crowd, Du Taiqing told everyone what he knew!

Knowing that Chu Feng killed the princess, blamed Sun Chengyun, and took away the supplies from Niutou Village, everyone was terrified!

However, this is not the only thing, Du Taiqing continued, Lin Jun found Chu Feng but was taken away by Chu Feng!

Now that King Jing has taken Lin Jun away, it is probably also Chu Feng's conspiracy!

Hearing that Chu Feng was so powerful and weird, the conference hall fell into a weird silence!

After a while, Guan Fengming, the head of Suzaku Hall, was the first to break the silence, "Sect Master, I have heard a little about the Heifeng Village. As far as I know, the Heifeng Village was formed by a group of mountain people. You can't do anything to destroy Niutou Village!"

Such words made Du Taiqing explode in an instant, "What do you mean? Are you saying that the information obtained by my apprentice is inaccurate? He used the Soul Locking Talisman to confirm from Sun Chengyun, who had just died, that it was Heifengzhai who destroyed Niutou Fortress!"

"You misunderstood me!" Guan Fengming quickly explained!

"What I mean is that it is very likely that other forces are using the name of Heifengzhai to attack Niutouzhai!"

"The other party's doing this is very likely aimed at our Tianyuanzong!"

Guan Fengming's conjecture made Gong Long, the hall master of Qinglong Hall, frown, "If this incident is really a faction that intends to target us, then it is absolutely difficult to get back the supplies in Niutou Village in a short time. There are not enough If there are too many supplies, I'm afraid it will miss our Tianyuanzong's important event!"

The chamber fell silent again.

After Zhao Qihan thought about it, he had a choice!

"Everyone, do you think what that disciple Feng Ning said just now is true or false?"

"Sect Master, I have met that Feng Ning before. He has a lot of crooked thoughts, but he is timid by nature. He must have betrayed the sect, but because he was scolded by his fellow disciples, he had to go to the punishment hall to confess!"

"That's right, I think so too, Feng Ning is definitely not lying!"

All the hall masters believed that Feng Ning must have leaked important information to the Qingxiao faction!

Zhao Qihan showed a sinister smile on his expressionless face at this moment, "Since everyone thinks that Feng Ning is not lying, then the Qingxiao faction will definitely plunder our supplies when we deliver them!"

"The supplies lost in Niutou Village, we will definitely not be able to find them back!"

"In order not to delay the important event, we must cut a piece of meat from the Qingxiao faction to fill the gap in our supplies!"

"Taiqing, tonight you pretend to deliver supplies to attract Qingxiao to send someone to show up!"

"We follow behind, playing a good show of praying mantis catching cicada, and the oriole behind!"

The hall masters looked at each other, and they all agreed with this plan!

A major event is about to happen in Qin State, and Tian Yuanzong must prepare enough materials to participate in it!

What happened at Niutou Village is really weird. In a short period of time, Tian Yuanzong will definitely not be able to retrieve the lost supplies of Niutou Village!

Since the Qingxiao faction reached out to Tianyuanzong at this time, then Tianyuanzong absolutely must let the Qingxiao faction steal a piece of chicken, and must bite off a bite of meat from them!

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